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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Another addition to the bucket list..
  2. Got my wife to go out and take a picture of our hitch and send it to me.. I'm pretty sure I solved the mystery. I was focusing on the wrong part of the hitch. The damage was definitely from our hitch, and yes, this part of the hitch has rust on it so the transfer makes sense. The rust spots have been there since I bought it, and drive me insane! I periodically rub the stains away with an SOS pad. Works like a charm. I often have to remind myself that it's a 9 year old vehicle because i'm so picky! Arrow is pointing at the 'edge' that is the culprit. Rounded edges.. matches the pictures almost perfectly. Parking lot + no witnesses = 50/50 pretty much every time. Neither of them really admitted fault, although this lady did say to my wife that "I was distracted and not watching.." However, unless that was recorded on tape or something I don't think it would stand if it came down to it.
  3. Sun.. Good advice, thank you. This is why I want to go see the vehicle myself and take some more pictures.. it's just not adding up for me at this point. In regards to asking neighbors.. I had not thought of that. Thanks! Hawgstoppah - same situation as yours. It's a good thing I love my wife so much! Another thing I have to double check when I get home is how far exactly the hitch sticks out. I didn't think of it until today, but depending on what the angle was that my wife was backing up.. there's a good possibility that the bumper hit, not the hitch (rear passenger side of our bumper hit the front passengers side of their bumper). I didn't think of looking on our bumper itself for any marks because I was so focused on the hitch. She told me she was on a bit of an angle, I'll have to ask her again.
  4. Went to look at it myself today but the person wasn't there. Will try again tomorrow.
  5. Yeah I see what you're saying. But there's no rust on the hitch.. and again no scuffs/scratches/paint transfer at all.
  6. Yeah.. looks longer than 2 inches to me as well. I'm going to stop by with measuring tape in hand tomorrow and figure it out.
  7. Andrew Cogliano just now .. "we know what we did wrong last night.. we just have to fix it." HA! yeah me too.. EVERYTHING!
  8. Definitely agree that a hitch could do it. But the rest just doesn't add up to me. Looks like more than 5 days of rust to me as well. And what's your take on this big scratched section on the OPPOSITE side of the crack? Tomorrow i'm going to go do some measurements I think..
  9. I've heard a few different people say that it's the cream for sure.. noone seems to know what exactly is in it though. Heroin perhaps?
  10. Okay.. so here's a crude drawing since i'm so artistic: Green vehicle was going to park in one of the stalls to the right, but realized they didn't have enough room to make the turn. Started backing up.. meanwhile, beige vehicle has driven into the parking lot and is not paying attention. Bump. Green vehicle was backing up at a little bit of an angle in relation to the beige vehicle, but nearly straight. This is the supposed damage caused by a 2" trailer hitch (without the ball installed) just this past Friday morning, Dec. 12. A couple things have me suspicious.. 1. You can clearly see quite a bit of rust around the crack.. can that much rust form in 5 days? 2. There is NO paint transferred on the hitch of the green vehicle at all. So scuff marks, no scratches, nothing. 3. Not 100% sure about this one, but I'm not convinced that a completely flat square hitch could make that cut at the angle of impact..? My gut tells me this person is trying to have the green vehicle pay for old damages. Thoughts? I think the next step would be to take a measuring tape and measure from the ground to the hitch on the green vehicle, and from the ground to the crack on the bumper..
  11. Okay.. before I tell you anything about what this picture is, I'd like you to give me an educated guess as to how old you think this damage is, and what angle you think the impact was that caused it? Oh.. and as far as I know the dumpster had nothing to do with it..
  12. If Chicago scored seven less goals.. we would've tied them! Sooooo close!
  13. Pretty soon he'll be fishing one dry only...
  14. "30 kilometers below zero" hahahahhaHHAAHAHA! I don't care where yer from.. that's funny right there.
  15. Good ones guys! Keep em coming! You brought up a few of mine that I couldn't think of at the time.. Tiger Trout and New Zealand brownie are on my list too. As are Atlantic Salmon (especially seeing as I grew up there but wasn't really into fishing then). Haven't had a chance to make it out to Bear Pond or Wedge Pond yet.. so Grayling are still on my list too!
  16. Fortress Lake Brook Trout, Alaska Salmon, BC Steelhead, Tarpon.. these are a few of the things I'd like to try in the future. I'm just curious of some of the accomplishments, or destinations, that you guys/gals have on your 'bucket list'?
  17. Was checked twice in my first year.. haven't been checked in 2 years since.
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