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Everything posted by birchy

  1. Does anyone know how to switch the Redington GD retrieve from left to right? The construction of this reel looks very similar to my Pflueger Trion, but I don't THINK it's the same process. Does anyone know for sure? I'm scared I might break something..
  2. I think you unknowingly got my point..
  3. Maybe someone should grab one of the guns and shoot the manager in the knee.. and then say "that's what some humans do in nature!"
  4. Interesting move. I really didn't think Pat Quinn had it in him anymore.. I had read that he stated a few times something along the lines of "i'm too old for all the travel that comes with coaching an NHL team". As for Renney.. well, how much do you guys wanna bet that Jaromir Jagr is an Oiler next season? I just hope they don't pay him too much..
  5. Thanks all! I've applied for a few already.. including the one you're mentioning (i'm pretty sure) doctork.
  6. Hey all, As of today i'm unemployed. Pretty stressed right now. If you know of any IT jobs - senior desktop support -> junior/intermediate network & server administration type stuff.. I'd love to hear about it. Thanks!
  7. Seen a homeless guy in a wheelchair doing this a month ago when I was walking downtown after work.. perfect arch right into one of those grates at the base of the "sidewalk trees".. I had mixed feelings about the whole situation.. on the one hand, he most likely is paralyzed from the waist down.. that must suck when you gotta go! On the other hand.. could you not wheel around the side of a building or something instead of going right in the middle of the sidewalk!?
  8. And here I just clicked on it trying to find out what "epicure" means.. lol
  9. In the National Parks maybe? Most other places in Alberta - no.
  10. Our trip wasn't worth making a new report about.. so I'll just add on to Hawg's (hopefully that's okay Brian).. Drove down to Newell on Sunday afternoon with the travel trailer. Found a spot that had signs that said "Private Property - USE RESPECT" - so we did. Set up next to a small bay and by the time I got the trailer set up and propane fridge going and what not, CDock had already hooked 3 smallish pike.. landed one. Got rigged up myself and took a little while to figure out that they weren't very aggressive and we needed to strip, long pause, strip, long pause.. I was using the thumb/forefinger > pinky finger strip. Finally after a few times I saw a dark shape a little behind my fly that didn't look natural.. as it got closer I realized it was a pike following.. did a quick "panic" strip and that induced the strike. Managed to land my first pike on the fly.. probably in the ~5 pound range. Pretty small considering what else is in there. CDock hooked a few more but they kept getting off on him.. he figures they were probably biting the tail on the fly.. After about 2 hours of fishing the wind picked up really hard and we couldn't cast anymore. CDock brought along his spin gear just in case, and tried throwing a five of diamonds out a few times with no success. Retreated to the trailer and made supper.. beans, bacon, hotdogs, potatoe salad and beer.. good times. The wind kept up all night.. we were "rocked" to sleep in the trailer by the wind actually! Next morning.. still blowing hard, AND cold now too. We decided to pack it in and head home. So... ~5 hours of driving for 1 pike between us!! Very disappointing.. but at least we didn't get skunked. CDock has the pics.. I'll post them when I get the chance.
  11. Picked up a couple at Fish Tales for the pike trip this past weekend, and never thought of asking how you're supposed to tie them. 30 lb. mono tapered down and then about 16"? of steel "tippet". Comes with a metal release clip to put at the end to attach the big pike flies to, and 3 little "sleeves". While typing this message I looked on Springbrook's website and found this picture: So I guess that changes my question to.. how do I make that loop at the end with the sleeve? It almost looks like it's "shrink wrapped" somehow.. but the sleeves were metal too. Do I just crimp it with a big pair of pliers maybe? Any advice? (the crappy knot I made did hold and I did catch one ~5lb pike with it).
  12. I've heard the same thing a few times. I believe McLennan mentions that in one or more of his books as well.
  13. Completely inappropriate.. special permit or not.
  14. The way I see it.. move Phoenix back to Winnipeg, Carolina back to Hartford (not Canadian I know.. I just miss the Whalers), Colorado back to Quebec, bring back all their retro jerseys.. and while we're at it, let's move Atlanta to Hamilton! Ahhh memories!: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winnipeg_Jets http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hartford_Whalers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_Nordiques (Notice the new logo they would have had if they didn't re-locate to Colorado. Did you guys know that? I did not.)
  15. I guess it's more of a "who knows how big the pike is that takes your fly?" kinda thing. Sure a 6 could handle a >15 pounder.. but what if a 30 pounder takes it? I mean.. you may still be able to land it.. but I'd rather not take a chance on a busted rod.
  16. Bettman's an @ss. But yes.. last time I checked, 50 - 60% of all NHL players are still Canadian born. Pretty impressive for a country of what, 33 million people?
  17. Yeah man.. that's what I'm talking about!! Lorne.. that's not the link. I could've sworn there were pictures attached and what not. But.. I very well could be losing my mind.
  18. I can't speak from firsthand knowledge.. but from what I've read. If you hook a big pike it will almost certainly bust your 6 weight. I've read that an 8 weight and a reel with a good drag system is MINIMUM. Here's Clive's page again: http://members.shaw.ca/clives/pike_gear.html
  19. I could've swore one of the board members here just recently posted a report from a Pike on the Fly trip.. but I cannot find it for the life of me!! Any help?
  20. My thoughts exactly. I'm kind of comparing it in my head to pulling off the side of the road to sleep when you're on a long road trip and getting too tired.. One night shouldn't be an issue. If we were setting up the trailer on the side of the road for a week.. probably different. That being said.. first trip for pike on the fly and we can't wait!! woohoo!
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