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Everything posted by SanJuanWorm

  1. Bahahahahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahhah ahahahaha All the Oiler Base are Belong to US>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  2. Its no different than going for a drive as far as privacy is concerned. I think it's cool. Hell my lawn was cut and my truck was washed. Twas a rare day to snap a photo.
  3. If my neighbor raised chickens then i'd start baiting hawks.
  4. Shoulda cuz max backed out. I rowed all day too.
  5. Who saved us. We over shot Jansens and ended up at Carseland. Super nice guy and very helpful. Thank you oh so much. We had to be back in town by 5:00 and barely made it. Oh and the fishing sucked.
  6. LOL at whoever changed the thread title. My guess is bbt.
  7. Which one? I have 4. I'll have to sell my girl's SUV to make room for the boat. Bus and a baby can't be all that bad can it?
  8. Well it's all starting again. It's that time of year. Shack NASTIES.......... Time to buy that winter coat. I still hate all of you. Especially BigBowTrout because he never took me fishing.
  9. Toolman.......................you're alive.
  10. I've always had nothing but excellent service in the Wholesale Sports here in Calgary. The guys are knowledgeable and friendly. Escpecially the gun counter. Those guys know their stuff.
  11. Read Peter Schiffs new book. It explains everything. CRASH PROOF China is going to own the US.
  12. Royal Coachman's work well.
  13. Yes the wording is quite funny.
  14. To follow your formula...this post was not needed either. By the way the fish is nice n fat.
  15. I've become lost.
  16. Shaken, not stirred?
  17. I'll do a dozen. Lemme know where to send them.
  18. Chris is only a nice guy when he takes me Rapala fishing.
  19. Brad I don't think they'll work at all. PM me for my address so you can ship them to me and I can dispose of them.
  20. Yes.....................SJMFW
  21. Brad Pitt has a house in bragg.
  22. Once again FFC has proven to be helpful and cheery. Hurray.
  23. My biggest pet peeve about Calgary/AB/BC is that EVERYONE is in a hurry. I makes me very upset at times. Kelowna is the worst. I see so many people taking chances to save them .5 seconds in their day. For what? To make it to the starbucks line ahead of one other person? Yesterday as I was driving my motorcycle to work, I was cut off by a turning vehicle forcing me to split the cars and ride the centerline. The guy gave me the finger. I keep a pocket full of pennies just for people like this. However I've never had the guts to reach and and toss them over my shoulder as we're cruising down the highway. So in closing, look both ways. Remember what you were taught as a youth. Be kind to old people.
  24. Ahhh the liberal life.
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