This fish is also in the downtown area, and while there are other fish in the run doing the more splashy takes, this one very casually sips. It has been consistently rising within a 10' radius at around the same time of the evening, generally when the daytime highs are in the 20s (like last night). I've definitely been enjoying watching the fish, as it has risen for caddis, spinners, ants, and noseeums. I've been doing a lot more watching/searching this year than before, and also have found more rising browns than ever before, which is probably tied to the watching bit. It's amazing how many large fish are above the weir. I'll need to come up with a name for this fish...
Maybe my 4x is too heavy and I need to go lighter and longer. I know last night I was well hidden - wearing black (at sunset) and right behind a bush (coming at it from the other side). If I had binoculars, surely someone would have thought I was a peeping tom.
I should have thrown a Klinkhammer at it, eh?