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Everything posted by CanuckCamper

  1. Beautiful work. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Hmm, trying to see what the difference or I suspect preference is between a hook with a down eye or straight eye is. For example Tiemco's TMC 100 vs TMC 101. Are there particular applications where one makes more sense than the other? or is it a preference / look thing? Thanks in advance. CC
  3. Awesome report. Half the the fun is being there.
  4. Any recommended liquor stores for specialty rums in the Evergreen / south of Fish Creek area? Thanks in advance.
  5. Ok one more that includes the Neal Osborne article but has some good adds. http://www.itinerantangler.com/cgi-bin/boa...?num=1258861465
  6. I also thought this one was pretty good. http://www.fieldandstream.com/photos/galle...shing-photograp AJ - nice shots by the way!
  7. I found this article to be really good for tips on low light photography with a point and shoot camera... with fish as the subject! http://flyartstudio.com/wordpress/?p=542 CC
  8. Dude your positive spirit is an inspiration to me. Get well soon, and I hope these donkey's get what they deserve. CC
  9. Check out www.rv.net forum and ask your question there. Great site. CC
  10. The photographs are fantastic and the instructions are first rate. I'm a bit of a book geek, but in my opinion Stackpole books and Jay Nichols (editor) are making some of the best fly fishing books going. For comparison, Stackpole (Jay Nichols) books that are similar level of quality are: Charlie Craven's Basic Fly Tying - great into to tying with tonnes of step by steps Barr Flies by John Barr - his patterns are gold, imo Fly Fishing Tailwaters by Pat Dorsey - the tailwater guru. I own them all, and they are all good. I think Landon's book shows the next evolution in quality from this publisher. I got my copy at the Denver Fly Fishing Show. CC
  11. I bought this book earlier this year and in my opinion it is fantastic. http://www.amazon.com/Sight-Fishing-Trout-...r/dp/081170551X I heard him speak today and he's a great teacher. CC
  12. I have #7 with a ghost net and love it. http://www.wachternets.com/master_guidemodels.html
  13. Great link. This is money: http://flyartstudio.com/wordpress/?p=542#more-542 Thanks for posting.
  14. rickr you are truely one of the best posters on this site. I enjoy reading all of your posts. Recently I've grown tired of reading certain posters negativity (I've got no one to blame but myself as I can stop reading at any time). That said, you have brought and continue to bring a sense of fellowship to this site and for that I am truely grateful. Thank you.
  15. I do, and I agree that well written stories are a pleasure to read.
  16. A picture is worth a thousand words, what a great story you've told. Thanks for sharing. Nice work.
  17. See Mike at Canmore Jewellers. Very happy with his work.
  18. Dang, another stunning film from the Ram. Nice work.
  19. At long last winter is upon us, hallelujah! Stunning vids. Love it.
  20. CanuckCamper

    Close Up

    Nice work. As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like macro, short depth of field, and I like your black background that imo highlights the whites and reds. Nicely done. I will have to look at the Pentax W80 for the "next" camera.
  21. Great link. Lots of good info. Thanks.
  22. This is money, I've been looking for these. Thanks for sharing.
  23. Agreed. Read this for more on the why: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/l...2009/press.html
  24. Totally sweet. Thanks for sharing dude.
  25. After extensive research I get Fly Fusion and the Drake!
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