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Jon: Here's "your guy" http://projecthealingwaters.ca/2009/12/07/...orell-director/ http://projecthealingwaters.ca/phwffc-staff/ j
Well, you got the ironic part right, anyway. I just find it mystifying AND "ironic" that some people should somehow feel "entitled" to a "deal" in a province where they don't reside, don't you? Don't you think that a senior, who gets a $5.00 license in his home province and is looking for the same consideration in another province, is pretty damned similar to someone from another province feeling entitled to "a break" from some other province's regulations? j
Sooo, the damn BCer can stay at home and fish for $5 a year !! Yeah, that's it! It's like Albertans coming to guide and fish the Elk and feeling "entitled" to a "break" cuz they are from a neighbouring province, right? The reality being, nobody is "entitled" to anything. Or shouldn't be. j
Grace & I stayed here a couple of years ago, Don: http://www.anglersridge.com/location.htm j
Disclaimer: I spent a couple of years on Outcast Pro-staff. Outcast Discovery 10 Standup. Incredibly stable on rivers, manueverable, one person can load and unload from a pickup box. Lots of rear deck for a spike camp and grub. j
Alberta Fly Fishing Forum! May Harm Computer!
jack replied to jacobin's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
Just did an analysis of the website and forum, before getting too paranoid about the background of Q & A #1 and #2, read Q&As 3 and 4: http://safebrowsing.clients.google.com/saf...albertaflyfish/ j -
Neutered cats will mark their places, too. It ain't no guarantee. The only cats that will not "mark" are spayed females. j
New "4th Generation" Sharkskin Fly Line
jack replied to jack's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
The very first lines that came out a couple of years ago were pretty raspy, alright. Although, even in ice cold still water, when the lake surface was freezing over, I never experienced the alleged "finger-cutting". This new line has much less pronounced dimples on it, but then so does my "old line" that I still use for stillwaters. I'll be stripping streamers on the Columbia at Easter so that should produce some similar conditions. I was never convinced about the rationale behind "premium-priced" fly lines, but, after having the opportunity to use many types and brands of lines over the past five years, I am sort of "semi-convinced" that these ungodly-priced lines do last and do provide much better ongoing performance than some of the other lines that are "out there". Every spring, a friend and I swap "test lines" that we have received from manufacturers at the fishing shows over the winter, so we compare notes on different stuff. As much as he dislikes the Sharkskin "zip,zip" noise, (he's into the quiet, stillwater meditation thing), he does admit they last a helluva lot longer than anything else and during open water season he is out most days, as well as hitting a local open river on most warm winter days. j(dedicating himself to "research". ) -
New "4th Generation" Sharkskin Fly Line
jack replied to jack's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
First thing I looked at was the pricing on the website. Same. I am thinking that at some point the price should ease a bit, with the Canuckbuck and Yanquidollar being close to par. j -
Got a new WF7F Steelhead Taper SA Sharkskin line to try as a general purpose line for my WW 1134 Trout Spey. Just got it spooled and took it out to lawn cast and feel it out. I want to use it on bigger water(Like the Columbia River at Castlegar) for long leader (20-25') weighted nymphs and buggers, as well as dries in July, using two-hand and single-hand spey casting methods. Now, I have always like the concept of Sharkskin, but at first, had to ignore the "ziiiiip, ziiip" of my single-hand 5wt floater line, sort of lived with the low profile on the water, loved the "flexed like a string" even in almost freezing water. BUT this new one is a pure rocket, quiet, flexing like a string in freezing air temps and two-hand speys with 25' of leader and a weighted fly like it just isn't there. Water test on the Columbia at Easter. Will advise. j
Ever Have Your Line Depart From Backing?
jack replied to Mudflap's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
"It would be funny to see" Uhh, no. Learned how to tie a proper nailknot after a 14" rainbow turned into a 24" loon on the end of my line. Brand spanking new 444 peach WF5F line. j -
"so I have lined up to try the following rods, all in 9 ft, 4 -piece, 5 wt. - Sage Z-axis, Sage VT2, St. Croix Legend ultra, and TFO TiCr. I am looking forward to the shoot-off." Curious as to why you'd limit your choices/options for a truly comprehensive comparison and why you wouldn't at the very least look at one of this website's advertiser's/supporters ? http://www.amundson.ca/flyfishing/windwarr...ndwarrior1.html j
http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Public+in...8103/story.html "EDMONTON — A public funeral will be held Saturday in Edmonton for the latest soldier to die from wounds suffered in Afghanistan. Cpl. Darren James Fitzpatrick died during the weekend at the University of Alberta Hospital from injuries he received in an explosion in Afghanistan on March 6. The 21-year-old, who had been on tour since October, was on a foot patrol with Afghan National Army soldiers when an improvised explosive device detonated. Although Fitzpatrick and his family are from Prince George B.C., his funeral will be held at St. Joseph's Basilica, one of Edmonton's largest churches. Through the military, his family invited members of the public to attend. " Thank You for your service and your commitment to this nation and it's people, Darren. j
Are those the Tiger Eye blanks from Servier? j
I Plain Don't Get It
jack replied to DonAndersen's topic in General Chat - Not Fishing Related (NFR)
I don't think Canadians have anything to get on their high-horse about. First, our "system" is not the most efficient, or cost effective, by any stretch, but then "profit" does not create efficiency either, not when the public purse is paying. I don't know if a public/private health care system like some European countries have, is the answer, either. I've been treated very well by government operated hospitals in both Canada and the U.S. so my own personal experience is myopic. In Saskatchewan, when medicare was brought it by Tommy Douglas, there was a exodus of doctors out of that province. The sky was going to fall, there wouldn't be a doc left in the Prairies. They all moved to BC and by the time they had all settled in BC, by gawd, medicare was nation wide!! THEN they were all going to move to the States! It was ALL about $$s. Pretty soon, under medicare, the docs were making 250-300 grand a year and the specialists were making 600 grand and everyone joined a clinic to share expenses and everyone was happy and half the doctors moved back to Saskatchewan for the "quality of life". And so it goes. When Grace and I were first married and living in an apartment in Vancouver, there were two couples who moved in to the building and the two wives shared an apartment while the husbands worked in Seattle and only came up on weekends. Both women were in their early pregnancy, they moved to BC, established the 6 months residency so that they could have their babies and not be crushed with the medical bills they would have had back in Seattle, because they did not have any medical plan. There are American retirees in the Seattle area that come up on a charter bus every 3 months to do the tourist thing in Vancouver and fill their prescriptions at some pharmacies !! But, I guess it works both ways, when I needed to be "fixed up" after a particularly bad landing (in some trees), the company flew me to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore for a year of surgeries to put "Humpty Dumpty back together again". A cost shared by Workers Compensation and the company medical plan. j -
I Plain Don't Get It
jack replied to DonAndersen's topic in General Chat - Not Fishing Related (NFR)
The health insurance industry in the U.S. is huge, add pharmaceutical manufacturers, doctors, medical technology manufacturers to the lobbyist mix and you have huge $$$s to be spent on negative campaigns and flowing into the pockets of Congressman's election campaigns. And don't forget that many Americans are not informed about how the rest of the world works. So, many sheeple are led by loud and long diatribes that contain scare words like that boogey-man "SOCIALISM". As the so-called leader of the free world, they all know that "SOCIALISM" is EVIL, right? And the Tea Party is born. j -
From my perspective, "tip heavy" is something to be avoided at all costs. It certainly is not "designed" in any rod that I deal with. In fact, I am always looking for ways to not make one tip heavy. Essentially "tip heavy" is derived from the attempt to design/build a moderate action graphite rod with a certain indestructible quality. The composition involves the lower(less brittle, but heavier) IM graphites and a higher resin content. This usually happens in the higher line weight rods where the weight is expected and counter-balance with larger reels and lines. There is a way to create a moderate, progressive loading/releasing rod with lower IM graphite and less weight, but that process is proprietary. j
Make your own nailknot tool from a hacksaw grooved, sander shaped 3/8" hardwood dowel and a fake wine cork: This is shown with backing and fly line: Some guys give each line(leader and fly line) a quick tug to set the knot but I find that with a bit of spit and a slow drawing of the knot together (with the sometimes required moving of the wraps together) makes a nice neat, slim knot. j
On loon infested stillwaters, I switch to a "silent" reel, although there is a substantial adrenalin rush when a 14" 'bow on the line changes into a PO'd 14 lb loon ! j
From the GLoomis Website: "G.Loomis rods, custom rod blanks and Syncrotech fly reels are covered by a limited warranty against defects in workmanship and materials for the lifetime of the original owner. " I think that's pretty clear. The "Expediter Service" is very similar to most other manufacturer's replacement warranties, they just vary in price. When it comes to warranties, I think it is important to really understand the conditions that are in writing, not what anyone "says" or what anyone else assumes. I spent 3 months comparing manufacturer's warranties in order to develop a "lifetime warranty" for a rod manufacturer and let me tell you this: Read what the warranty actually says in black and white, NOT what you hope it says or what someone else tells you. Not trying to pimp or bash any stuff. Just trying to put facts in place of myth. j
I've lined my Amundson 1134 with a 300 airflow scandi and an SA Sharkskin 8wt Steelhead taper both work well for spey, I also have a 6wt SA Sharkskin for single hand dry flies. j
Yeah, but then, so have the Yankees ! j
Phil: Go down to Wholesale Sports in the South Edmonton Common, go in and talk to Nick and Norm in "Fly Fishing". You might also cultivate "Doc" Monteith: http://www.albertastillwaters.com/ j
OK, do it your way. I'm just trying to help you bypass the "standard procedures", that's all. j
WOW !! I now have eight Islanders of which five are IR series. They are definitely not decorations, I use them a lot and thankfully under stress at times. I have yet to change out a pawl! I'd almost be inclined to send the reel back to Islander and have them take a look at it, to see if there are some alignment issues or something. If you want to do this on your own(no dealer involved with a "version" of your problem) them PM me and I will give you a specific address and contact name who can make sure it is dealt with. j