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Everything posted by jack

  1. Most freshwater fish have a very well developed sense of smell/taste. Basically, smell and taste are caused by chemical molecules in the water. The olfactory rosette is the organ in fish that detects the chemicals. Saltwater rays and sharks have the most developed rosette and can small/taste as low as 1 part per billion. Most species of trout have a sense that will sense around 5-6 parts per million. That's my info from an experienced freshwater fisheries biologist, with 32 years experience. j
  2. Just easier to simply cast, Peter. No finesse, no presentation, just get line out. j
  3. "Why have "faster" shorter rods?!" Also for the "instant gratification factor". For the newbie, no real skill or learning required, fast rod, compact WF line, tapered leader, 50-60 ft with their eyes closed. And that is where the market is. j
  4. Yeah, Max, I don't even talk about the number of flies I lose on the bottom, although, I've gone to buggers tied with bead eyes(clouser style) and am not snagging bottom near as much. j
  5. Peter: Dan Hunt sent me a perceptive description for one of our new rods that capture the essence of a small, moderate action stream rod. I have edited his text to avoid blatant product promotion: “Wary wild trout and technical fishing situations provide some of our richest and longest lasting memories, but demand a level of precision and finesse that can be difficult to achieve with the high line speeds generated by today’s most popular rods. With ...............a relaxed moderate action reminiscent of the finest traditions of classic cane, ... . Get back to measuring the length of the catch rather than the length of the cast.” I just cannot find words that "say it", any better. Thanks again, Dan. j
  6. Floating. Use weighted flies and long leaders to "get down". There are other lines in similar WF configurations that are more durable and longer lasting. Among them, SA Steelhead Taper and (depending on line weight required) SA Bonefish Taper. There is also Airflo 40+ in several configurations: http://www.rajeffsports.com/40plus.php Lines are pretty "personal preference" oriented, but for use in rivers, with their inherent dirt, sand, mineral fines, I have had very good durability with SA or Airflo. I do "test" several new lines every year, including Rio, but I just think equal performance with an added substantially better durability and usable life make SA and Airflo the better choice. j
  7. Come out to Bella Coola next fall. Non classified and is crazy with fish. Just a helluva long drive, that's all. j
  8. "I got my fill of BC classified waters last year so its just a regular license for me." Well, if the purpose of those Classified Waters regs and charges was to encourage non-residents to spread the fishing pressure around, then it's working, isn't it? j
  9. If you get an email entitled: "Nude Picture of Rita McNeil.....DO NOT OPEN IT !!! It contains a nude picture of Rita McNeil. j
  10. All BC Licensing will be online as of April 1st 2010. That's not saying that a shop can't do it for you and charge a proxy fee. j
  11. Ohhhhh nooooooooo !! :$*%&: j
  12. I tend to agree, rehsifylf. Voting to leave and being independent and voting to join are entirely different. Don't know whether throwing in the "Western Canada" concept is valid, but even just as an independent BC, I would choose to stay independent and join no one. j
  13. 1. A J.S. Sharpes that my grandfather had ordered from Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1924. 2. A Wright-McGill fibreglass that my father had 3. After a brief hiatus(of 17 years) from any fishing, bought a custom bamboo from Harkley & Haywood, Vancouver. 4. First graphite rod was Fenwick HM 5. Next came an 8' 6wt Orvis 6. Daiwa 9' 5wt 7. Dragonfly 10' 5wt 8. St. Croix Ultra 10'5wt 9. Sage RP 10. Sage RPL 11. Maxwell Single-hand by Fisher 12. Then came a half-dozen self-built of various configurations on now defunct Forecast blanks 13. Lamiglas Mike Maxwell Spey 14. Gatti 905 (possibly still my favourite rod designed by someone else) 15. Various Amundson rods of personal design over the past 2+ years, from 10' "Stillwater", 2-905, 10'4wt prototype, 11'3/4 Trout Spey, 4-8 3/4wt Midge, etc, etc. j
  14. If you want to try something with an Oriental touch, my wife has a recipe for a mild Teriyaki steak. Rib eye steaks 1" thick 1/2 cup Kikkoman Soy Sauce 1 tablespoon of molasses(or two tablespoons of dark brown sugar) 1 tablespoon of garlic power 1 tsp. lemon juice Mix together, rub into both sides of the steaks, allow to sit, covered at room temperature overnight. Rub more of the mixture into the steaks in the morning. Sprinkle with Montreal Steak spice. BBQ or grill at med-high heat for 6 minutes on each side for medium rare. j
  15. Make a note for you guys to bring a 5wt, Bruce. Should make a nice fit on the Trout Spey. The 380 Compact sure does. j
  16. My advise is do it yourself. Take an upright cardboard box, cut "V"s in opposing ends place the rod in the "V"s so the rod and cork grip will rotate. Start with 80 grit sand paper, rotate the cork while sanding vigorously(but without too much pressure). When the cork is reduced to where it will fit your hand, then just finish it with 180-220 grit and seal it with a water-based acrylic sealer. The handle has to "fit" your hand, so your hand has to be there! j
  17. jack


    For salmon in the rivers that are murky from glacial till, I prefer black, for clear water applications I prefer bronzed. Most hooks I tie for spey are straight eye, long heavy wire. Eagle Claw 1197s are generally my "go to" for coho, pinks, chum and steel. Coastal rivers are always full of debris so I use quite a few clouser-type flies to the "eyes" tied on top, invert the hook on the way down, to reduce snagging. j
  18. I have virtually the same issue with my Outcast Discovery 10, a self-inflicted wear point on the outside of the 'toon, two very thin layers of Goop "Marine", 2 years and counting. j
  19. From an editorial in today's Nat. Post: "This naturally led readers to scramble for their dictionaries, or at least, Google, where "transgression" and "transgression definition" became Google's major trend of the morning."" Little sad isn't it? People don't know what a "transgression" is? j
  20. Having been there, lived there for short durations is far from a "blind eye". I think I understand the people of Taiji's position on their fishery. I also understand that, even though the fishery is repulsive to me personally, I am in no position to demand that they stop, without having constructive alternatives for 1/3 of their economy. They are doing something that is a large part of their tradition. Sort of like native status Indian's "traditional rights"(that is recognized in law, in Canada) to hunt and fish whenever or where ever they feel the need, even if contrary to conservation practices. The obvious question is: "If a portion of the Canadian population is "allowed" traditional harvesting rights, unencumbered by laws and regulation, why isn't it "OK" for a group of people on the other side of the Pacific? j
  22. "Comparing someone starving in an African village to someone in Japan is a pretty long stretch." Absolutely! No comparison at all. However, (also known as the big BUT !) : "Just because a culture allows certain practices doesn't make them right and free from challenges." In Canada we do allow a substantial amount of "cultural traditions" that are outside our mainstream laws, regulations and even our conservation measures, right? So, are we not being a tad hypocritical in trying to tell other people in another nation, in another culture, in another economy, what they can or can't do or what they should and shouldn't do ??? These North Pacific Dolphins are not endangered, nor threatened(there are only two species that are, Chilean and River Indus). I spent a couple of years in a country where dog was harvested as food. Did I eat any? Not that I was aware of, the thought was repulsive! But, it was "just the way it was." Maybe that was the beginning of me learning not to be so judgmental about other people's/nation's/society's ways of life. j
  23. Rick: Left Burnaby on UPS today. j
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