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Everything posted by jack

  1. Brian is over his "voiceless cold" and is good to go tonight. j
  2. The absolute worst line EVER: Cortland 555 Clear Floating. GAAAAWD it was like trying to cast a slinky toy. One of the best ever: Cortland 444 WF5F Peach. I have a mix of SA skagits and shortheads for spey lines and have recently become very impressed with Airflo Compact skagits and scandi. I have used Rio lines in several applications but just did not get the service out of them that one expects from a "higher priced" line. Sharkskin, I really like(I know lots of guys hate it) but contrary to others findings(including my personal fly fishing god), I continue to get good service out of them.(OK I am getting hard of hearing, so the zip-zip doesn't bother me ). j
  3. I'll plug the Wind Warrior 4-968F at $249, but, whatever you choose, get it lined properly and get out and practice shooting line in the wind before you go. You will need 80' with one back cast. http://www.midcurrent.com/articles/techniq...se_to_bone.aspx http://www.midcurrent.com/articles/techniq...h_retrieve.aspx j
  4. Not a Gatti G-4, just brought mine out, different printing. j
  5. Shop around. There are others that may be less expensive with more durable lines/loops. j
  6. That isn't a Gatti G-4 blank, is it? j
  7. The FF Expo at Spruce Meadows is going to provide you with hands on experience as well as the ability to chat up people who beach fish on the coast. j
  8. Black Stone Hook-Mustad R73 #10 Thread- Black 6/0 Tail- Raven biots Legs- Raven biots Wing- Clipped Raven tail feather Thorax- Self-made mix of black nylon yarn/ black wool dubbing Thorax- Sparse black hackle(one wrap) Abdomen- 6 mm black glass seed beads I cannot claim this fly as "mine", it was shown to me several years ago and I've gladly copied it ever since. j
  9. FORGET IT !! That is a "one of a kind" prototype that Brian had substantial input in the design. By the time it was finished they figured they'd have to sell them for $1000 each to make money! None were ever produced, except that one. j
  10. With Rick, I adjust during the fight. On salmon streams, I tighten it until the flow doesn't pull line out. j
  11. That's the new "windproof strike indicator". j
  12. Brunsie didn't mention he'd be bringing "company" ! j(making arrangements for more groceries)
  13. You mean this one, Tim? I remember you asking, and thought "I'll ask him", but then maybe I forgot to. j
  14. Are you sending me ANOTHER LIST ?? j
  15. "This show has been postponed and will not be broadcast tonight. Tune next week to our LIVE Show...January 13 - 7:00 PM (MT)" Brian's voice has succumbed to the stubborn cold he has been fighting over the past week. j
  16. "This show has been postponed and will not be broadcast tonight. Tune next week to our LIVE Show...January 13 - 7:00 PM (MT)" Brian has been fighting a stubborn cold for about a week and has lost his voice again! j
  17. http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=11146 j
  18. My first one, Rick, what breakfast thing ??? j
  19. Yup. For the whole thing. Booth 46/47 j
  20. Tied! For the longest time in the 3rd I thought not only was I going to host Rick this fall, but supply him with Coors Original, too !!! Still might have to, if the "Reds" can't get around the U.S.'s superior positional play. j
  21. Bass probably are more resilient than rainbow trout, as far as living environment is concerned. They certainly are comfortable in a much wider range of water temperatures, in much lower oxygen content(might explain the extended out of water thing) and in water with a much higher organic suspension content. And yes, I agree that the handling of bass on TV shows is a disservice to fish handling of other species. j
  22. If this old brain remembers, Jeff! I sure hope he ties some flies for this program. j
  23. Some virtually unknown guy from Kamloops, BC is scheduled to be on web radio, Wednesday evening, thought I would pass the info on for those of you who might be interested in aquatic bugs and stuff. " Our next show - Fly Fishing Trout Lakes: A Biologist Point Of View Brian Chan, a professional fisheries biologist, has spent most of his life studying the insect life of trout lakes. Brian will share the secrets of what happens in that underwater world and how it will help you to catch more fish. Go to his 'ASK' page using the link below and ask him a question... http://www.askaboutflyfishing.com/speakers/brian-chan Tune in, Wednesday January 13th to hear his answers... 6:00 PM Pacific 7:00 PM Mountain 8:00 PM Central 9:00 PM Eastern To access the show using the Internet just visit our home page at the time of the show and you'll see the red link 'Listen to the LIVE Show',just click on this link to launch our media player and listen to the broadcast. http://www.askaboutflyfishing.com One click and you're listening in LIVE. Thanks, we hope you enjoy the show! " Before anyone takes my preamble seriously, Brian and I are pretty good friends and we tend to razz each other a little.....( OK, unmercifully) ! j
  24. Yup. Them are "My Ducks" j
  25. To hell with hockey... today. Go Ducks! j
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