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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. You need to line up next year to about 400lb test and get yourself some WHALE lolol... Awesome pics!!
  2. LOL taco. Amogst buddies? depends who your with. Most of the guys I fish with would rather see the other guy catch one than themselves. We end up arguing over who gets to cast to risers half the time. Instead of who should cast we're all like "you go ahead man... I want to see you get him". and then there's greg who paoches my dry fly fish the other night!!! LOLLLOL (I was done fishing for it though it was down and when I was wading out he casting over it and got it... LOL... but I'm not gonna let him live it down)
  3. I'd rather do my wife's honey-do list!!!
  4. WTB: Black Bear. Must come with a big stake in the ground and a 45ft leash. He'll have all the friggin dandelions he can handle. Also for sale, later in the year, Bear Meat. Warning: may taste like salad.
  5. Trolling with a fly rod? Man you may as well start bait fishing eh??? LOLOL I'm just kiddin man... nice pics... that looks like a lot of fun. Fresh brookies in the pan... can you beat that? I can't think of anything better..
  6. Holy hellz. Nice looking browns man! Right on!
  7. Try PM'ing ReelLife from the board here. He and his family have a condo down here that they rent out. It's right on the highway near blairmore about 1 minute from the tim horton's. Perfect place to start / end the day.
  8. witnessed a client pick a squirrel clean out of a big bushy pine tree on his backcast... you ever heard a frightened scared squirrel and the sound it makes as it flies though the air against it's own will? I still break up laffin every time I think of this
  9. Just read back a bit again... Lynn... look for landscaping companies... instead of rock haulers... just tell them you want a pile of gravel that will be dumped in the alley flung over a fence w/ a bobcat. Maybe your lookin in the wrong places. We do that in lethbridge!
  10. hahaha... Lynn... I'm doing landscaping in lethbridge and those bloody rocks are HEAVY. getting someone to dump them over a 6ft fence isn't going to happen... dump trucks are just that.... dump trucks. 300 sq ft probably what... 3 inches deep or so? that's for sure 8-10yrds of gravel... which is a FULL dump truck load. Your best bet is seriously.... take out the fence... it will save you hours and hours... but if taking out the fence isn't an option you probably could hire some local kids for a day and pay em... would save the hassle of movin the fence. Is your fence chain link, wooden, or plastic? good luck with it! Heck with all this dang rain I havent been working for a bit... but I dont miss moving rocks yet!!!
  11. Step 18: Tell her she made you go shopping all those times, it's only fair if we go do something I like to do a few times Step 19: If all else fails, tell her your mother is coming into town on the day you want to go fishing with her... she'll come... trust me.
  12. sadly, your probably right. Our idiotic gov't would probably find a way to let a crowd of morons quad it to death, ruin the entire area, camp for months on end and poach fish, and basically ruin everything we hold dear. kinda like the entire oldman / castle drainages which are a skeleton of their former granduer.
  13. aahhh crap I cant afford a BC license this yr. Wasn't it years ago that you could fish it with either a BC or Alberta license? I remember seeing that in Barry Mitchell's Alberta Fishing Guide or something.
  14. I thought that you could fish summit with an alberta or bc license... is that place electric motor only or can ya bring a gas motor.. I cant remember? was thinking of headin up there with a buddy... neat place.
  15. cant seem to figure out how to comment or vote on facebook, so I'll vote here. the one on the left for sure. I want to CATCH the ultimate trout, and hold it and witness it's beauty for that fleeting moment before it's release back home with a "thank you". The one on the left certainly conveys that feeling, whereas the one on the right looks like something you'd see in an aqaurium fish add. Just my 2 cents
  16. Exactly. He is only fired upon (and then only with the taser) when he reaches for something. Up till that point he had not displayed aggression. As soon as the crook escalates this into a potentially dangerous situation by quickly reaching for a weapon (or even if there was NOT a weapon there) gives the officer reasonable grounds to suspect that his or someone else's life may be in danger and is (at that point) authorized to use DEADLY force. The fact that the taser was used and not the gun (which he had drawn in his other hand) saved this crooks life. The crook should be thanking this officer for using the taser...
  17. To give away to a good home: The Vancouver Canucks no longer want this puck. They are hoping to give it away to a good home. Call the Vancouver hockey team if you can take care of the puck. I guess Chicago can...
  18. That was me after I got the only dry fly fish a few weekends ago... birchy was something irate... sending the dogs after me even
  19. awesome fish... I think I know the place you speak of and I did get the chance to fish it twice a few years ago... you NEED a boat there.!!! Shorelines are so soggy you sink right in... cannot wade the place... I still did OK with a few biguuns to hand but would have been so awesome from a tube. Great fish
  20. Most of the best fishing I have EVER had has been while others have said "don't waste your time" and while fly shops are cancelling their trips. Fish slack water near the banks. You may have to work hard and do some walking to find SLACK water... but you can find it... it's there. and when you do find it fish a big black stone / black leech in it... you'll be suprised what goes on
  21. this honestly sounds like you guys are having a blast. wish I was still living in calgary.
  22. Looks good tex... let's go get some pics of some pretty crowsnest fish soon!
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