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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. I wonder if Rich (Dutchie) has seen this thread yet. He'd most likely be able to identify everything you have there, and share a bottle of scotch looking over it with you. Drop him a PM I'm sure he'd love to have a peek at it
  2. Truer words could not be spoken. I love how you described that. I've had a TON of new water experiences since moving south of hwy 3 six years ago. Some great, some left me wondering if I'd ever see a fish, some blew me away and few ended in dissappointment or barbed wire, but all were a journey and learning to enjoy the journey instead of reaching for the end goal, is the key to happiness.
  3. I agree. I will admit that I do spend some time down there (though not in the last 6-7 years). But I do think a closure would be good for that area, but not just restricted to the confluence. Rainbows are stacked in deeper wintering water for at least 2 miles upstream - cottonwood golf course and down for example, and they are stacked also dow to mac. I am not in favour of a closure that will allow people to feel even better about fishing right up to the confluence, lifting out their lines for 5 minutes, floating past confluence fishers and snubbing their noses at them, and then letting their lines back in at the end of the hole there. Those people are the pot calling the kettle black in all honesty, they are fishing over the same pre spawn fish 300 yards downriver as those who are at the confluence. The entire closure should encompass Police to Mac.. Apr 1 to June 16, if implemented. It would significantly help the fishery, IMHO.
  4. Crap. Best store there was around here, and it's gone. I wish the best to them in their future endeavours.
  5. Good for you. I don't let clients unhook fish on their own on walk and wades, I simply trust myself to treat the fish quickest and fastest even with or without a barb, so I don't have that issue. They are in my net, after all, and unless the fish is a beast I usually unhook, give a quick glance to the client showing the colors or characteristics, and zip off she goes... I usually don't even lift them out of the water but for a brief 2 second glance. 99% of the drifts net the fish and haul those big rubber nets right up into the boat to unhook the fish, whats worse? On that topic... I guess if you are in a boat and on the oars I can see your point, and sure I'd be barbless in a boat too, more for my own safety.. but yes if clients are the ones unhooking the fish, for sure, barbless all the way as it's better for the fish. I dont know where the forum clowns have it in their heads that I have anything but the fishes best interests in mind. Anyone who has gone on a trip with me can vouch for my handling and care and passion about the fishes well being. I don't guide for tips, I guide to see enjoyment on peoples faces. Period. Matter of fact there are so many idiots out there guiding now that I have basically left the scene... tired of the way most of the fellows treat the river, their fellow fisherman and guides, and fish themselves. The point I am making is that the same people struggling to unhook fish and dragging them up on banks and mistreating them now, probably didn't bother to crimp their barbs anyways. What is going to change? In fact, I would have to dig around but wasn't there a few studies that suggested barbless hooks actually caused MORE mortality due to multiple punctures during a battle instead of one? Just some food for thought.
  6. At least we can agree on something. I've also been advocating this for years, and have personally restricted my fishing to 22X and down from Oct1 and on thru to january...
  7. I've been saying that for years, at the expense of my guiding and personal enjoyment I'd love to see a lot of these overpressured systems shut down or alternate years.
  8. And while we piss and moan about hooks the ATV's keep on rumbling.
  9. Just.... one.... word..... WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. From a guiding perspective I am glad, albeit for selfish reasons. I'll see my clientelle (mostly unskilled or lower than average skilled fisherman) land a lot more fish they hook. But if there is a problem the guide (me) is right there to unhook the fish properly. I do NOT look forward to all the arseholes on our rivers who already treat fish badly enough but in perspective, do we really think those people we see draging fish up the bank, or mistreating them in any way, are pinching barbs now?
  11. awesome pics, so sorry to hear about Magnum. Best friends are irreplaceable, treasure the memories.
  12. Eckhardst Tecumseh mountain guest ranch, rustic (very) affordable (in my opinion) and sounds like it might be close to what you are looking for. Close to the crowsnest if the weather is nice for some river fishing, and there are good ice fishing lakes nearby (Lees, Crowsnest Lake, etc)
  13. Nice fish and vid, amazing how much that spot had changed since last year but still quite productive.
  14. I've used both, depending on what's on sale and what they have in the line I need at the time and I have had no problems with either. I'd return the line if it is something that will bother your casting.
  15. there was a cutty in that picture? I didn't see it.
  16. great pics, and yeah those jammies are probably sold out in Calgary now.
  17. that was just fantastic to watch. thanks for sharing it
  18. Good info guys. I agree it looks to be a lake whitefish. Was this in the Bow?
  19. Doesn't look like you'll need anything to see this seasons stats.
  20. Thanks, made my day with these pics.
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