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Everything posted by proflytyer

  1. Nice feesh! cant wait to get off school and get up to the k lakes! Tightlines
  2. All round small stream rod...RL Winston BIIIX 8'6" 4wt and also the 8' BIIT is rockin too!!
  3. Just as everyone has said, longer rods are awesome for casting longer leaders and great line control. They are awesome sticks for nymphing, streamers and dries on rivers. As well many european techniques are better accomplished with longer rods. Like Tungsten said, a lighter rod is ideal for those long days on the lakes and rivers.
  4. awesome pics and feesh!! what camera were you shooting with? Kyle
  5. It was awesome to take a little time a sit down and tie with some fellow members. Looking foreward to next years!
  6. I took a look at those too. I do agree the fish graphic ones are pricy, but the solid colors are 50 bucks. The cool thing about these is that you can replace just the jaws instead of the whole nipper. so after a few seasons you can just replace the jaws. Think a 100$ pair of nippers are pricy check out there flashlights LOL Kyle
  7. Sport, hobby, pastime, for me it's my lifestyle.
  8. Sign me Up! Time to show the old farts how tie ! Kyle
  9. Gary F, the way i see it is that larger dries with the catskill method may have more of a chance of rolling over into its side. as well the parachute style probs has more of a chance of it sitting properly in the water, as well it would sit lower in the water. Hope this helps... Kyle
  10. Yes the boxes are made of solid walnut....these boxes are a fundraiser project for The Canadian Youth National Fly Fishing Team, these boxes were sold for 200 at the TU Dinner. Send me a pm if you are interested, we can figure something out. Kyle
  11. Hey, So i have been quite busy out in the shop for a couple of days getting these completed for the Trout Unlimited Dinner and actuion tomorrow night! These boxes will be in the silent auction at the dinner to help raise some money for travel to send Both myself and eatsleepfish to Italy next summer to compete in the youth world flyfishing championships!!! If you are attending the dinner come check em out! hope to see alot of you there! Kyle Snarr & Zachery Southgate
  12. 9' 6wt Winston BIIMX 9' 6wt Winston GVX 9' 6wt Winston VSL 9' 6wt Winston Passport great rods, take a look n consider Kyle Snarr
  13. Sweet Ties! They look really clenan and realistic!
  14. couple more
  15. Spent 2 1/2 weeks at my new cottage on Pelican Pouch Lake near Lake of the Woods. Lots of bass and pike on both topwater and below. Enjoy
  16. sounds like you had a great weekend! thanks for sharing! Kyle
  17. proflytyer


    Great lookin brown! Kyle
  18. Great pics! Kyle
  19. Great video! Also have seen Geoff work his magic, pretty amazing, the cork handles are sooo cool. Thanks for sharing! Kyle Snarr
  20. Smitty, great to know bear bells are useless. If you dont want to go to the mountains alone, i'll come tag along if possible.
  21. I have encountered few bears,I do carry bear spray, but i totally agree that i am much more afraid of cougars. Bears you can try to avoid, mountain lions, not so much. Kyle Snarr
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