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Everything posted by proflytyer

  1. Hi Everyone, I have just brainstormed the venues we will be using for the competitions this 2013 year. The dates have yet to be set as i do have to work them around work, but most likely will be held either on a sunday or saturday. Bow River-Glenmore or Southland Bow River-Policemans Flats Bow River-Makinnons Flats Bearspaw Reservoir Elbow River City Stretch Fish Creek Park - may need a permit Fish Creek- may need a permit Community Lake (permission yet to be gotten) Kananaskisis Lakes (upper and lower) Crowsnest River Chain Lakes Sheep River Let me know if you have any others in mind that you think would be suitable for a competition. Please email me ksnarr@telus.net with name, email, telephone #, as well as numbers of years fly fishing and competitivly fly fishing. I will be making a spreadsheet and sending out emails for events.
  2. Hi all, IF4 will be hitting Edmonton and Red Deer. This is a awesome show so if you havent seen this years you are missing out! Here is some more information! Where: Carnival Cinema When: Thursday, March 21, 2013 Time: Doors open at 6:30, Show Starts at 7:00pm Rush Seating Cost: $15 in Advance, $20 at the door and seating is limited Tickets can be purchased in Advance online here: https://www.ticketriver.com/event/62...--red-deer--ab This year's films can be previewed at: http://www.flyfilmfest.com/ Where: Metro Cinema at the Garneau When: Sunday March 24, 2013 Time: Doors open at 2:30, Show Starts at 3:00pm Cost: $15 in Advance, $20 at the door and seating is limited Tickets can be purchased in Advance online here: https://www.ticketriver.com/event/62...--edmonton--ab To check out this years film lineup go to: http://www.flyfilmfest.com/
  3. Hi my name is Kyle Snarr (of the Canadian Youth Team) I'm trying to start up a Fly Fishing League in Calgary, Alberta area and was curious as to how many of you would be interested - or know of someone that might be interested - in joining the new League and participating at a few of the competitions that we'll be holding this spring, summer and fall? You do not need any previous competition experience, i want to promote competitive fly fishing because you get to meet alot of new people, learn some great new techniques and tricks, and is alot of fun! Please respond on this thread to be registered and added to the mailing list (there are no fees or charges to be a part of this League). Cheers, Kyle Snarr
  4. So please we ask you to please support us and help us go and represent Canada and have an experience of a lifetime! Please email myself at ksnarr@telus.net for ticket purchases and arrangements! All draws will be made when all the tickets are sold out! Be sure to like us on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Canad...eam/76809287188 Tight lines and loops, ><((((°>~------- Kyle Snarr, 2012 Team Member ksnarr@telus.net C: 403-966-2121 H: 403-286-1915
  5. 2. A Full Day Guided Bow River Float Trip Have a chance to Float the famous Blue Ribbon Stretch of the Bow with some of the most knowledgeable guides on the Bow River, Not only will the day be full of fish but great company and laughter! This trip accommodates two anglers and one guide! For more details….. http://www.bowrivercanada.com/tripDetails....bow&trip=14 Tickets will be sold for $10 each and already 2/3 sold! This trip was donated by Out Fly Fishing Outfitters
  6. 1. A Custom Made Walnut Fly Tying Bench With Vise, Tools, and Various Fly Tying Materials Value is around $500-$600 at least Tickets are being sold for $20 each. Limited to only 200 tickets and are already half sold so don’t hesitate if you are interested! Everything seen is included. I appreciate the contributions from my sponsors: Superfly Montana Fly Co. The Canadian Llama Co.
  7. I am reposting this as we only need to sell 26 more tickets for the float trip and 77 more tickets for the custom tying bench! Hoping the FCC community can finish them off! I hope the 2012 season has treated you well so far this year! I would like to first start off with giving a little bit of background information. This team is comprised of 6 skilled youth fly fishing anglers from across Canada under the age of 18. Our team competes in national and international competitions. The youth team is affiliated with Fly Fishing Canada, a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting fly fishing and, in particular, using national and international fly fishing championships to promote issues concerning fly fishing and conservation. Although some anglers still balk at the concept of competitive fly fishing, these strictly catch-and-release events provide a focal point that brings fly fishers together from throughout Canada and the world, not only to exchange technical information about their sport, but also to address problems concerning conservation, water quality, habitat loss, and other environmental problems. The Canadian Youth Team needs the fellow fly fishermen and women to help us get to these events where we can represent Canada. The competitions our team is planning to attend for 2012 are: • The World Youth Fly Fishing Championships and Symposium in Lozère France from July 8th-15th http://ffpml2012.com/ • Canadian National Championships and Symposium in Calgary, Alberta from August 29th-31st • The America Cup International Fly Fishing Tournament in Vail, Colorado from September 20th-23rd http://www.theamericacup.com/ If you are interested in in volunteering for being a controller for the Canadian Nationals here in Calgary please contact Todd Oishi at 604-462-0194 or toishis@uniserve.com and please refer to the topic " competition costs such as travel, entry fees Here is where all the community of FFC comes in. In order to raise funds for travel, entry fees, accommodations, ect… we are running a series of raffles to raise money.
  8. BOOM well said! It is true, it is what the guides make their livings off of, why would they not want to protect the fisheries and resources? In a year i will hopefully start guiding and make my living off of this resource and i will do everything in my power to not only see our resource not get an worse, but i want to see it improve!
  9. I have been seeing this thread become just one thing. OPIONATED! and that is whta fly fisherman are, we are the most opinonated people you will ever meet! With everyone having different viewpoints no matter what happens someone is always going to be pissed off at the end of the day. My question to all of you is why are you fighting a "fight you can't win" (due to different perspectives, a agreement will be hard to make) why are we not concentrating our efforts as fly fisher man and anlgers on maybe even more important issues that need to be addressed like a zero kill on the bow and river and streams around southern alberta, putting more bait bans in place, banning treble hooks becuase we know how much damage those hooks can do to trout! These issues at least a solid group (fly fisherman) can agree on and be able to acheive with a goal of really having a big impact on the out fisheries, because at the end of the day no one will want to float/jet or w&w the bow when our fishery has been destroyed not by jet boats but everything from the tubers littering, poaching, and the amount of fish that are kept out of the river each year. The reality is that i personally think there are much more important issues to be addressed. As for the jet boat issue, i believe everyone has the right to fish this river. It is not the jet boats themselves it is only a handful a operators that do not use them properly and very honestly piss me off. I do not think that they should be banned and ruin it for all of the other jet boat owners that respectfully use their boats ubt rather punish those idiot repeat offenders. I do agree that i feel that the river is my get away place where i want to go when i need a little more quiet, but honestly FELLOW FLY FISHERMAN that low hole you piss me off alot more than a jet. And the reality is yes, when i am looking for snouts and jet goes by yes it turns them off, but for only 5 minutes then they are back into their rythem.....so really i think some people are jealous but hey thats just my thought. i have encountered jet skiers on the river i think that those ****ing things should be banned, they are rude with the use of them and they could just as easily taken those things on a lake where i wasnt hunting snouts. just my 2 cents Kyle Snarr
  10. Thanks guys for the positive feedback!
  11. Hope the spring has been treating you all well, thought i might share this video here. Just a few days ago, some awesome action going on right now on the bow... It is early season here on the Bow River in Calgary, AB and with each day the fish become more and more active. Today we bombarded the banks with big streamers and hunted snouts. We found working fish feeding on midges and BWO's. Hope you enjoy our little short on a great days fishing and hopefully leads us into another awesome season! Kyle Snarr, Josh Nugent, and Nick Laferriere! We will be posting more videos as they get edited! Enjoy! Kyle Snarr Truth in the Names Vimeo
  12. I have had a few inquiries, i can mail tickets to anywhere they live but extra arrangements will be made for getting your prize to you! Tickets still available! Please help us kids out! Kyle
  13. We still have tickets for sale please help support us to represent Canada at the World Youth Fly Fishing Championships in Lozere France, and The America Cup down in Colorado!
  14. Agreed, I would look at the Galvan's and Abels! Kyle
  15. So please we ask you to please support us and help us go and represent Canada and have an experience of a lifetime! Please email myself at ksnarr@telus.net for ticket purchases and arrangements! All draws will be made when all the tickets are sold out! Be sure to like us on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Canad...eam/76809287188 Tight lines and loops, ><((((°>~------- Kyle Snarr, 2012 Team Member ksnarr@telus.net C: 403-966-2121 H: 403-286-1915
  16. 2. A Full Day Guided Bow River Float Trip Donated from Out Fly Fishing Outfitters Have a chance to Float the famous Blue Ribbon Stretch of the Bow with some of the most knowledgeable guides on the Bow River, Not only will the day be full of fish but great company and laughter! This trip accommodates two anglers and one guide! For more details….. http://www.bowrivercanada.com/tripDetails....bow&trip=14 Tickets will be sold for $10 each and already 1/3 sold! This trip was donated by Out Fly Fishing Outfitters
  17. 1. A Custom Made Walnut Fly Tying Bench With Vise, Tools, and Various Fly Tying Materials Value is around $500-$600 at least Tickets are being sold for $20 each. Limited to only 200 tickets and are already half sold so don’t hesitate if you are interested! Everything seen is included. I appreciate the contributions from my sponsors: Superfly Montana Fly Co. The Canadian Llama Co.
  18. Hi all, I hope the 2012 season has treated you well so far this year! I would like to first start off with giving a little bit of background information. This team is comprised of 6 skilled youth fly fishing anglers from across Canada under the age of 18. Our team competes in national and international competitions. The youth team is affiliated with Fly Fishing Canada, a not-for-profit organization aimed at promoting fly fishing and, in particular, using national and international fly fishing championships to promote issues concerning fly fishing and conservation. Although some anglers still balk at the concept of competitive fly fishing, these strictly catch-and-release events provide a focal point that brings fly fishers together from throughout Canada and the world, not only to exchange technical information about their sport, but also to address problems concerning conservation, water quality, habitat loss, and other environmental problems. The Canadian Youth Team needs the fellow fly fishermen and women to help us get to these events where we can represent Canada. The competitions our team is planning to attend for 2012 are: • The World Youth Fly Fishing Championships and Symposium in Lozère France from July 8th-15th http://ffpml2012.com/ • Canadian National Championships and Symposium in Calgary, Alberta from August 29th-31st • The America Cup International Fly Fishing Tournament in Vail, Colorado from September 20th-23rd http://www.theamericacup.com/ If you are interested in in volunteering for being a controller for the Canadian Nationals here in Calgary please contact Todd Oishi at 604-462-0194 or toishis@uniserve.com and please refer to the topic " competition costs such as travel, entry fees Here is where all the community of FFC comes in. In order to raise funds for travel, entry fees, accommodations, ect… we are running a series of raffles to raise money.
  19. Hi guys, Trailing hooks are great for when you are tying your streamers or intruders, I personally use 65 pound braid for trout, this may seem a little over kill but the material needs to be stiff enough to hold up that hook. It is as simple as just tying a loop off the back end of the shank just long enough to switch out the hook. Kyle
  20. Done, They are going to be investigating but the more calls they ge the soner things get done Kyle
  21. ^^^^Haha lol Zach! If you dont keep on heading out to BC then maybe we can get out winter shoot finsihed up . Thanks everyone and Zach have a gooder this weekend down south! Kyle
  22. Great pics as always Max!! See you on the river in the New Year! Kyle
  23. As well, The Canadian Youth National Fly Fishing Team will have a table at the show so please be sure to show your support! Kyle
  24. Ill Take the pontoon! Msg me!
  25. proflytyer


    Galvan Rush 6, Galvan Torque 6, Abel Super 6N. Own all those guys and are fantastic! Kyle
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