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Everything posted by proflytyer

  1. just got some new ideas for a new pattern, will post it later on.
  2. dog treats, toilet paper
  3. last pic also you can add weight woth a gold bead head or lead wire
  4. Marabou Golden Stone Hook: Dai-Riki 710 #6 Thread: Tan 6/0 Abdomen: Rusty Brown Sparkle Dub Ribbing: Copper or Gold Wire Back&Wingcase: Turkey Quill Thorax: Barred Tan Marabou Tail, Legs, and Antennea: Dark Brown Rubber Legs
  5. awsome ties max. thanks for sharing.
  6. hey max, whose fly is whose?
  7. falls onto floor vacume
  8. heres mine
  9. what a hog. great vid.
  10. hey taco, what is the weight and leangth of that browning rod. i have one too that i got from my grandpa, was my first rod, 5 wt 7 feet. Kyle
  11. lol
  12. really awsome shots!
  13. i am really interested, one problem, i just have to get a ride down to the shop, i live in the NW.
  14. awsome pics and fish. thanks for sharing Kyle
  15. i tie many of my patterns with gold tunstens because they seem to work well. it also depends on what the fish want to take. it also will vary which patterns will use black or gold beads. i tie many of my major nymphs with gold beads but a couple of them will have black beads.
  16. awsome pics and fish! thanks for sharing Kyle
  17. great vid, awsome fish, awsome shots, would love to do that some day! Thanks, Kyle
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