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Everything posted by proflytyer

  1. wish i could bid on the one i wanted... maybe once i get a better paying job
  2. You are so wrong for most, i myself am a die hard flyfisherman ,but there are numarous people that i know that do spin cast, and enjoy the sport of fishing. they too practice catch and release, and all the regs. My dad still throws small spnners once in a while when fishing the mountain streams. i know you most likly did not mean that comment fully, but please be careful of what you say. And i would gladly give some of my old spinners to my father if he asked for them... Kyle
  3. just to get it started... 10.00 on #20
  4. like he said, i just bought a gallatin ghost net from cp. LOVE IT. hint they got tons of them in. Kyle
  6. Dido here wondering about the poll
  7. awsome video as always jay!
  8. That is what gave me the idea putting two passions into one shot. Pure geno if you ask me.
  9. heres my entry. While touring around Nova Scotia last summer, i could not help but stop at a fly shop in Halifax. I picked up these pretty flies. expensive but pretty. Never got to try them out on the river, but they seem quiet photogenic. Art Combined
  10. i learned this fly at a cp sem and it has really done well for me down south. Extended Body Stonefly Hook: #6 Salmon Hook Thread: 6/0 Tan Tail: Brown Rubbe Legs Extended Body: Lt. Brown Foam Underwing: Web Wing Molted Brown and Black Wing: Deer Hair Legs: Brown Rubber Legs BulletHead: Tan Foam
  11. I'm no expert but it maybe that the smaller fish are more aggresive because they want to put as much weight as possible to help them survive. As the bigger fish have already put on the weight and are not as ready to eat anything in sight. Don't agree with this idea because many big fish of mine fight alot.
  12. http://calgary.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTV...hub=CalgaryHome
  13. ya just saw that on the news too. hope jay is all right. hope they catch those guys. wonder if jay new the offenders?
  14. ya the blue flash really added more to my buggers. also a little bit of gold flash on it to.
  15. will have tie some of the white ones up, dont have any purple bucktail. Kyle
  16. last couple
  17. have been tying up some leechs and clousers.
  18. if you are looking for custom rods at great price check out pieroway rod comp. jeff makes stunning custom rods for low prices. check out his website www.pierowayrods.com. also email ( pierowayrods@gmail.com ) to get some pics of his work. may have seen him at the expo. also he is located in calgary. Kyle
  19. Does anybodyknow the winning flies for the the fishtales fly contest? Kyle
  20. thanks guys, this next pic i really like
  21. That is neat to see!
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