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Everything posted by proflytyer

  1. great pics
  2. sounded like a great day out on the water! thanks for sharing. Kyle
  3. Great fish and pics! Kyle
  4. Nice fish and pics. Thanks for sharing! Kyle
  5. great pics and fish! Kyle
  6. awsome pics Max and thanks for sharing all those big bullies! Kyle
  7. Cuttthroat Rainbow Cutbow Brown Brook Bull Mounatin whitfish Smallmouth bass Pike Perch
  8. thanks for posting those biggins!
  9. thanks for posting the wonderful pics gary!
  10. i tottally agree with all this. we need to protect not only the fish but it must also affect other wildlife in the area. i think we gottta get this action put into place right now or else it will be to late. Kyle
  11. Those are some really nice brown. Thanks for sharing. Kyle
  12. 3
  13. had a slow day on the bow that day, the fish just wernt goin for anything. tried streamers, nymphs, dries, and many combos of hopper droppers. was very suprised near one of the bridges, when we were making our way across the river to fish the other bank when, in the middle of the river as i was simply trolling my hopper along the surface, a bow about 20 came shooting up towards and became airborn and missed my hopper by about a foot but it did not scare me as much as it did the 70 year couple was on the bank fishing spinners! later on had a brown go for my nymph but got off soon into the fight. as iwas fishing a good looking bank with my hopper a bow came up and slurped it off the surface. after getting out of the boat it took me about 8 minutes to land the damn fish but it was worth it. was happy with the fight it gave and the many jumps and runs it did. it also took me a little into my backing. we took some pics, measured him to 21.5 inches, and released him. later near the end of the float i also cought some smaller bows between 9-14 inches. we did not take photos of those because they wernt photogenic!
  14. ya i got all the browns (5 so far) above the falls near coleman also i talked to one of the guys in the fly shop about where browns come from and he said that he has seen fish get up the falls. also he said that a hatchery on one of the creeks going into the crow had brown trout. he said alot of fry were lost for some reason and that is also maybe why there are browns in crow.
  15. i am heading out on wensday for a float and was wondering what should i be using, also if it is time to do a hopper dropper deal. thanks. Kyle Snarr
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  21. went to the pass for 3 days again to fish. i had tons of fun and was suprised 5 times by catching brown trout. they were on the small side but still non the less better than catching the usal bow. cought many small bows and had fun doing it but the weather ended my fun on saterday night and most of sunday. i was able to fish sunday late afternoon and was rewarded with a 16 inch beaut from the upper crow. hope you all enjoy the pics as much as i do.
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