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Everything posted by Brownstone

  1. LOL..cheaper than a net .. I was always taught a fair fight right to the shore .. Ive "lost" many fish right at my feet that could have easily been scooped..it bothers me not.. (i don't wanna start the net/tailing arguement again..please)
  2. Roll casts with large loops will keep your rig from changing direction (which causes tangles) .. strip line and raise your rod tip until your rig is near the surface, wait half a second for the line to relax and continue with a regular cast, practice this and incorporate a little haul on the forward cast and you will eliminate 90% of your tangles.. I fish an indie, swivel, worm, and two nymphs pretty much exclusively and tangle very little .. one thing to watch for is that your rig does not land across your fly line, if this does happen recast or mend quickly or as your rig sinks it will tangle across your upper hardware .. weather it be your indie, worm or whatever ..
  3. I fish #4's and # 8's .. wrapped in 20 ga. wire and use them to accordingly to control my drift ..
  4. Awesome..looks like a good day, I love meeting strangers on the water and fishing the day together..that gull looks quite content settled in on that post..nice pic
  5. Thanks all..got out today with dad for a birthday fish..hooked a few and landed a single birthday fish, a chromey 16"er, finally got dad into a couple gooders 18 and 20 both beauty Bows, thick and full o spunk..can't compare to the fish he put me onto over the years but made my day anyways .. he's headin back on sunday .. two weeks goes so fast ..
  6. Thanks guys .. off to get me a birthday fish ..
  7. Happy birthday Glen, I had no Idea your birthday was the same as mine, next year we'll plan a birthday fish ..
  8. funny you should mention that..was down there last week and thought this is the most water Ive ever seen being diverted..
  9. I know where yo can get some stocking Trips pretty close by too .. pm if interested ..
  10. BAIT BAN .. no giant cans of worms allowed
  11. the river is still holding, the vis and levels are still good..I'd say with the rain expected this week and the warmer temps by next weekend she'll have started to rise..my 0.02
  12. Ive always done well with dark green/brown Sculpin patterns as well..
  13. hmm..ya know there are all kinds of deterrent devices in case you don;t wanna sit out there with yer Daisy BB gun Max ..
  14. Besides Bearspaw there are two monitoring stations in the city, one above the weir and one right below the weir where the irrigation canal begins..
  15. you've been off the rock to long i think Steve .. and it's caplin b'y .. CAPLIN
  16. pretty much ya .. every year gets harder and harder to watch hockey just for the sport..
  17. no-way .. this happened in St Johns? thats friggin' brutal ..
  18. holy jebus..wow..
  19. Right on boys, nice fish .. good to hear the CO's are out .. and good on ya for pickin' trash .. guys like you keep places like they should be .. fantastic ..
  20. nice healthy lookin fish .. that second one needs Jenny Craig... :D
  21. I'll do either or depending on the size of the fly, hard to go eye to eye with a #18 or smaller .. most times its on the hook bend with the knot chidders described .. Ive used the long tag like russ said too..
  22. great to see a good news post .. save some escargot for the fish ..
  23. thou are indeed the king of capture...
  24. I'd suggest a small rig similar to a hopper dropper rig.. small indie or maybe even a big hopper or stone, might even get lucky if there are some sqwalas around and get one on the floater.. as for patterns small swj, caddis larve, and beadhead olives should get ya into some fish. try tight to the banks in the deeper runs and don;t overlook fish that maybe in the shallower water sunin ..
  25. Im sure a duncan loop will work just fine if it was your last fly in a multi fly rig, dunno if it would help if it was a middle fly tho.. I place my split shot above my control (weighted) fly as not to interfere with the drift although i have tried smaller shot between my flies all along my leader at times as well (known as shirt button) and it still managed to produce fish ..
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