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Everything posted by Brownstone

  1. yeah..false advertising lol, hiked all around there...there is water but don;t think they hold any fish anymore..if they ever did..
  2. http://www.ickyflyworks.ca/catalog/index.php
  3. Wardells are a good wader for a good price, know lots of guys that own a pair and they love 'em..in town service/warrenty too..I heard westwinds just had a crazy sale on higher end waders..dunno if its still on..
  4. PM Dutchie, He's a Bamboo enthusiast he'll be able to set you in the right direction i'm sure ..
  5. Ive spent time around the Smoky, Berland, wild hay area..the wolves are huge and lots of 'em ... I hope thats not Birchy's hand print
  6. Right on Badger, that looks pretty slick..
  7. Lookin good Tako ..
  8. well considering you can pay 5.00 for a pack of ten "off the shelf" I think 50 for 10 bucks is a deal .. now maybe you get some super wink wink nudge nudge stockboy deal .. but to me being a "normie" thats a pretty good deal . . thanks again for the post John
  9. Right on looks like a helluva deal..thanks for the heads up
  10. For sure, make guides get certified .. what keeps Joe Sixpack from saying he's a guide? make them get all the training etc.. keep Alberta water for Alberta guides .. with the regs now (none) Alberta must look awful attactive to out of province guides when a bad season hits BC, Montana, Idaho etc..each summer when i travel back east to fish salmon I pay 100 bucks for a non-resident license, I'm required to hire a guide to fish* , he/she is allowed to guide max. two anglers per trip .. its great revenue for the province and licensed guides *LOOP HOLE - In lieu of a licensed guide you may fish with a direct family member ie. parent sibling or in law ..
  11. Like rickr said, Sikome gates will remained locked, because of the construction going on in Fish Creek last season, they open the Sikome access because they had closed the access from Bow Bottom (closed between Hullswood & boat launch). Now that Bow Bottom access is open again, the south gates will remain closed and used in emergency situations only.
  12. The Headwaters of the Peace hold Dollies but thats a long way from the town of Peace River .. go get your fix on Bullies, same *hit..
  13. aw man, Spicey is gonna go Cajun on your ass ..
  14. oops I almost forgot .. mine is copyright 1987 published by Rocky Mountain Books
  15. are we gonna have the nets vs. tailing battle again?
  16. I'm not on the band wagon..I'm on the holy f*** will a Canadian team please win the cup wagon, you should get on, its quite the party
  17. now thats more like it .. 3-3
  18. I read a great article about just that ya know, kinda made sense too .. kinda .. I'll try to dig up where I read that. totally ethical, most of the best fresh water sport fishing targets the migration patterns of fish ..
  19. ahhh ... What just happened?
  20. you may bend out the odd hook on a fish under the right (or wrong I guess) conditions, but if your bending out alot you have some bad hooks, assuming your not nymphing with 20 lbs test. your line or hook set will fail before your hook. Ive had a few batches of bad hooks (don;t buy no name hooks off e-bay) some bent out very easily, so I garbaged them, another batch of hooks i had, the eye would snap off..hook a nice fish and he'd break off..the eye of the hook would come in on your line...stick to brand name quality hooks..
  21. Brownstones Digital Lunar Imaging System aka.. an Optio W30 held up to a telescope
  22. yeah but you make record time .. just pick a lane and pray .. it don't come to 40km/hr for 20km because of regular volume
  23. I've lived in plenty of large cities and can honestly say Calgary is the worst I've ever seen for traffic problems in relation to its size (its only a few years ago they got rid of street lights on Deerfoot) ...and as for winter driving "mishaps" hwy # 2 is BRUTAL .. How do you hit the ditch when its flat and straight?
  24. can't give you any stats or such, but given the number of trout I have released and seen released back into the Bow I've never seen a trout with a hook in it's mouth, meaning either hooks decay fairly quickly in a fishes mouth or trout have very little trouble removing hooks from their mouth. Think of all the fish hooked on the bow and busted off, then the number you've seen with hooks still in them...my 0.02
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