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Everything posted by mwalters

  1. I like the idea of spreading it out to other water bodies as well. I live in Canmore, a short distance from Grotto Pond. There have been days when I've taken my daughter out there & she's gotten frustrated with not being able to find an area where she can stand to cast without, literally, rubbing elbows with someone else. There have even been times when I've had to chase someone back because they're squeezing her out of her spot. Often times I've taken her out & there have been families of 5 or 6 people each trying to get their limit. This not only takes up a lot of room on the shoreline, but eliminates the number of fish that are available for her to try & catch. Usually we end up going to find somewhere else less crowded for her to try. Without the advantage of numbers you get in a stocked pond she often goes home feeling disappointed about not having caught anything. She still likes to go fishing with me & having some daddy/daughter time, but I have a feeling that will change if she keeps going home disappointed. I'll take the time to voice my opinion, then maybe I won't have to see the disappointment in her face anymore. Or my son's when he gets a little bigger & I start taking him too.
  2. Can't argue with the small shop atmosphere. I've only been fly fishing for about a year & a half and tying for about a year. But in that time I've become good friends with the local fly shop (Wapiti Sports) owner here. It's nice to walk in & have someone say hi & call you by name. I've even gotten to know quite a few of the other 'shop rats' around here. We've only got 1 fly shop here in Canmore, but it's a nice place to visit during my lunch hour.
  3. Bear spray, there are a lot of other considerations when using bangers. -If the bangers goes off on the far side of the bear you could scare the animal towards you. -If you launched the banger at the bear & hit it...you're gonna make it really mad -If the banger or flare was still burning & landed in dry grass it could start a fire The flares would come in handy if you were in a situation where you needed to signal for help. So if you do choose to carry them, get rid of the bangers & replace them with whistlers. Same precautions as the bangers, but more effective against an animal.
  4. I took my daughter to the expo last year. I figured she'd get bored but she didn't. She tied herself 3 woolly buggers, join in a few minnow races & had a good time. She's looking forward to going again this year.
  5. Jon, I do Out Of Province vehicle inspections. If you've had something replaced 2 week before, & have the receipts to prove it, there's no reason why it should fail for those parts...unless they're just trying to gouge you. There are some options you have in this situation. PM me if you want to discuss it further. Mike
  6. That's why my friend Kim asked to have some info posted on the forum...just because it can happen. Here's the link: http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=6142
  7. FYI, Alaskan Brown Bears or Kodiak's are Grizzly Bears...just very large ones. They get much larger then the Grizzly's around here because of diet. Here, a bears diet is 75-80% vegetation. There, they get a lot more protein from eating fish. They're different names between here and there is just what the locals started calling them. I had a lot of questions about that doing some volunteer work last summer. We had a prop of a very large Grizzly skull. It raised a lot of questions about the bears around here.
  8. As much as I'd like to join in, I'm gonna have to sit the first round out. I'm in the process of moving. I should be packing now but I had to check in & see what was going on in the world outside of work & boxes
  9. I have to admit I answered yes to #6. I've only been fly fishing for a little over a year now. Haven't even bought my first pair of wading boots yet. I usually just stand in the water...until my feet go numb that is
  10. I picked up a Magellan eXplorist XL not to long ago. Found out afterwards, from a geocacher, that I should have gotten one with an external antenna because of the lost signal issue you mentioned. Good unit, had to buy the unlock for the maps though. I've used to to track my route from a known location (ie parking lot) to where I'm going. Then I can tell it to backtrack the route so I can find my way back out. You can also mark a good spot as a point of interest & save it's location so you can find it again. Or set up your route on the computer & upload it to the GPS unit. I live in Canmore & have spent quite a bit of time in the backcountry around here & so far haven't lost the signal...yet.
  11. That almost sounds a little to true. the HMCS Bonaventure was decommissioned because the Seafire planes were so heavy they were warping the deck...LMAO All kidding aside, when I was in the Canadian Naval Reserves, I heard it said that the best navy in the world would consist of American ships, because they spend the most $$ on them, with Canadian sailors & British officers, because their better trained.
  12. I thought you were going to say: Some people are like slinkies...not really good for anything but they put a smile on your face when you push them down the stairs
  13. I'm taking that as words of wisdom to a new guy...Thanks for sharing
  14. I already did cast my vote for my favorite US candidate... LMAO http://www.jeffdunham.com/walter.php?poll=1
  15. With a clue like that the first place that comes to mind is Bow Lake.
  16. OMG...that was good, guess I'm an idiot too. Thanks for the laugh
  17. Is it in BNP or Kananaskis Country?
  18. Thanks for sharing, you always get great pix when you go back country. Where abouts were you? Don't worry, I'm not planning to steal your spot, just curious
  19. Well that really sucks. I live in Canmore & could make it there before closed after work if the local shop didn't have what I was looking for. Didn't go there that often, but it was a nice option to have. Wholesale is further out of the way, but they're the most convenient for me now. After Wapiti that is
  20. Thanks for sharing your tip. I found it works well for keeping the wing case material out of the way when tying in the thorax material too. Made tying the Pheasant Tail Nymphs for the swap easier & less frustrating.
  21. Thanks for the tip, I might have to tie some of these now. I was wondering what I could do with the ram's wool I collected off a branch while hiking into Twin Falls last year.
  22. Signed & forwarded the link to my contacts
  23. Relocating a bear is a lot more stressful on the bears then originally believed so they don't like to do it as often as they used to. I've heard that relocated bears have a 75-80% mortality rate. Then they'd have to try to catch the 3 cubs to go with her, sometimes they wander off when mom gets caught. Makes it hard to reunite them. The family bear trap they got last year helps with that, don't know if they've tried it with such a large family though.
  24. Doesn't really make sense for them to say the bear was "out of it's range" since they're wild animals & go where ever they choose to. They should have said the bears were outside their "normal home range". Still not a good reason to kill her no matter how you say it. As for the cubs, if they've never denned before, they probably won't survive the winter. If they do, they'll probably be so weak that they'll easily fall pray to a larger animal. Very sad story
  25. Can-Bow Motors right on Railway Ave. Just take exit 89 & it'll take you right to it. Calgary direct number is: 403-264-2520
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