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Everything posted by mwalters

  1. Yes we're open Saturdays...& within walking distance of the Bow. So you could also go fishing instead of shopping. It's not even long distance to call since we have a Calgary direct number.
  2. We're cheaper...but you've gotta drive to Canmore
  3. I do it myself, since I'm a mechanic at a dealership...or "stealership" as you call it...LMAO I have to admit that I've heard of places offering a cheap oil change just to get you in the door so they can find more wrong with your vehicle. That being said, just because they find something doesn't mean that you have to get it fixed there. Some places, like "Mr. Dube" (you can guess how they got that name), will just go through the motions to get you in & out fast which could cause you problems if there is an unreported problem. If you went to a dealership & they found some things wrong you could always take it to your regular mechanic to verify what they found. If they're telling you the truth, then you've found somewhere you can trust. Then you'll know if they're trying to rip you off in the future. As for using your driveway, if you've got one of those neighbors that likes to complain. They may end up calling the police on you because you 'could' end up getting oil down the sewer.
  4. First time I ever tried using a Woolly Bugger I was having a little difficulty getting used to casting something heavier then a dry or nymph. Then the wind changed on me...stuck the Woolly Bugger right into the back of my neck. Biggest thing I ever caught
  5. My friend at Wildsmart has got the article posted on the forum. It's in featured articles - Bear Safety Articles - Angler's & Bears
  6. I've already told you once today but I'll say it again...Happy Birthday T!
  7. You took the words right out of my mouth LoneFisher. I've talked with a few of the CO's I know & they recommend whistlers instead of bangers. The bangers launch & then go off at the end of their travel, which as LF mentioned could scare the bear towards you. Whistlers on the other had start screaming as soon as you launch them. You still need to watch it doesn't land in the brush & ignite it. Or worse, hit the bear & get it really mad at you.
  8. I tried to upload the article for you but the file size is to large...sorry
  9. Have to correct you on this one (sorry). Bears are actually omnivores, not carnivores. In the Bow Valley the bears diet is 75-80% vegetarian. They are however 'opportunistic' feeders & will eat meat or whatever else they can sink their teeth into. Most of there meat intake though is ground squirrels or carrion. They need such a huge daily calorie intake (200,000) to sustain them during hibernation that they don't often expend the energy to try taking down a large animal. That's not to say they won't, they just prefer to take the easier meal that take less energy to obtain. As for the bear spray, take it! and learn how to use it. Some people make the mistake of 'testing' their can out to make sure it's working. I call it a mistake because there are 2 downsides to doing this. First, your most potent spray is the initial one. So if you try it out you're wasting your best defense. Second, the cans tend to leak slowly past the valve after the first discharge. I've been spending my last 2 summers as a volunteer for Alberta Parks, Friends of Kananaskis & BV Wildsmart talking to people about avoiding contacts & how to handle them if they do occur. If anyone wants any tips on properly using bear spray or any other information just let me know. Information regarding recent bear activity & information on avoiding encounters is available to the general public at bvwildsmart.ca
  10. I got an email today from my friend at Bow Valley Wildsmart. She said that the bears are moving down to the lower parts of the valley & along the river & creek sides to feed on Dogwood berries. It will be harder for them to hear you coming over the sound of the water so there is a greater chance of a surprise meeting. I co-wrote an article for the newspaper last year on bear safety while fishing. If anyone's interested, or needs a reminder on avoiding encounters, I'll track it down & email or post it.
  11. I have a Blue Point one I use at work all the time for checking A/C system performance. It works really well but I'm probably loosing some accuracy since I'm checking the temperature on the vent fins & duct instead of the actual air temperature. Works well for checking if a thermostat is opening without melting the skin off my hand too LMAO. How well it's going to work for you is going to depend on how accurate you need the reading to be for the application you're using it for. Just my thoughts on the subject.
  12. Good idea, I'd be interested in taking part.
  13. Have to agree, Johnson's Lake is always good. Picnic area there for the family too. You can also get the National Parks license & advice from Wapiti Sports in Canmore.
  14. Angler's Atlas has maps of Alberta lakes online. Some are free & others are members only. Here's the link, check it out. http://www.anglersatlas.com/
  15. Thanx T... Oldies but goodies
  16. Okay, thanks for the info. Just was wondeing before I share it with my fellow wildlife ambassadors...LMAO
  17. Gonna have to share this story with the people on the other forum I belong to, it's mostly wildlife based. Care to share the details of where & when you saw this? Thanx
  18. Last winter the only reason I had to put sand bags in the back of my truck was because I had to drive my daughte into Calgary to spent weekends with her mom. We only got maybe an inch here in Canmore & it had melted off the roads by 10:30. Sorry but I had to rub it in. Maybe the plow drivers didn't get out right away was because the were holding a "safe winter driving" seminar...
  19. Finally picked up my "LadyStrange Specials" while in Calgary today. Excellant job & good variety. Gonna enjoy getting them wet.
  20. I don't know if she does, but she did say her husband Brent did. sure sounds like its the same & yeah it is nice looking. Thanks for all the tips. I'm gonna have to reread the before I head down though so I can remember it all...
  21. I'll see if i can bring a friend. They have 8 acres, I'm sure we can set up a tent for you somewhere.
  22. I guess that's why I'm fixing your truck while you're gone...LMAO
  23. I found out today a friend of mine & her husband just bought a vacation home in Eureka Montana. I've got an open invitation to go down anytime. Just wondering if anyone knows of any good places to fish in that area? I need to start planning LOTS of weekend holidays now
  24. I gave up giving Home Depot my money years ago. One of 3 incidences that ticked me off , ll in the same month, about them was a Sunday where it was pouring rain. I was planning to extend the deck so it went around the hot tub, but no outside work that day. HD was running a how-to seminar on building decks that day, so over I went. Even though it was advertised on a sign as you walked in nobody knew anything about it. Customer service said they usually run seminars over this way. Someone else said deck building seminars are usually held over that way by the computer with the planning software on it. I stood beside the computer waiting for about half an hour. Staff walked by & nodded, but just kept going. One guy passed me without asking if i needed anything, then came back a couple minutes later with a customer to use the computer. Still ignoring me. That's when I left. The only time I've been back since that month was when someone asked if I could go with them to haul some materials. I starteddriving to the Totem in Airdrie instead of going to to the HD 5 minutes away. BBT, I noticed the logo up there too...LMAO
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