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Everything posted by mwalters

  1. Nice looking rod. What to build one for my daughter?
  2. Nice looking truck Mitch
  3. Depends on what engine it has. The 5.3L is good on gas & still has lots of power when you need it. The 6.0L on the other hand, is a gas pig. They're both built on the same chassis. Which is the same chassis GM uses for all their full size trucks, including Avalanches as SJW mentioned. The real differences are available colors & options. Some are GM specific & some are Chev specific. The GM's tend to cost more also. We joke that its because they use lock washers on the GM's. I'm a tech at a GM dealer, if you have any specic questions you want answered PM me & I'll see if I can help you Din. Just to clarify before someone asks, NO I DO NOT do work on the side. Unless you're an attractive female that is...LOL
  4. I agree, & since my daughter would rather live with me then my ex, her mom has to pay me every month
  5. You'll just have to draw it so it looks like someone squatting over the pile
  6. I noticed this one was a second edition. Sounds like everyone who's read it has enjoyed it though. Mentioned it to a co-worker & he asked to borrow it before I even started it. Guess I better get reading it.
  7. I went by the local fly shop here at lunch & they just got the 2008 Barry Mitchell Alberta Fishing Guide in. They also just got in "Alberta'a Trout Highway - Fishing the Forestry Trunk Road". Looks like an interestng read. Just thought I'd share the info for those looking for something to read.
  8. What if you don't drink? Do you just want my credit card number?
  9. I'm good for the 8th, working for my sister on the 15th. Easy way to earn in store credit , to bad they don't sell fishing gear .
  10. I always pack my garbage, & usually someone elses too. I figure if you can pack something in, you can pack it out. Something I've also passed onto my daughter. We've ,sadly, even had contests to see who can pick up the most. Even my butts when I smoked, I think I still have my old pocket ashtray around somewhere. Annual clean ups are a good way to take care of all the garbage laying around. But people packing out their own garbage would be better.
  11. I have a small dolly you can have if you want it. I'm sure we can find you a 12 step program if you need one too...
  12. I saw LS lugging her 'portable gear' into the expo. I don't know if portable is the right choice of words.
  13. Went for a road test, 0/1.
  14. I've only been tying a couple months so I like the idea of getting together with more experienced tyers. I vote for Saturdays.
  15. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Whether you have yet to meet her face to face is irrelevant, I have made several good friends on-line. One I have known for a few years & never met, but I would do what I could to help if needed. As a single dad I have thoughts of what would happen to my daughter if something happened to me. I will keep your friend, her children & you in my thoughts & prayers. Together, hopefully we can all help to ease the sadness.
  16. Weekends would work better for me.
  17. Someone in Ontario made a "Rim Roller" to roll the rim up for you. That's what I call a Timmy's junkie & yes I have one...LOL http://www.leevalley.com/gifts/page.aspx?c...cat=4,104,58654
  18. I'd have to agree that spring is here. Yesturday a friend & I had lunch on the patio at the Grizzley Paw in Canmore. It was almost as busy on the patio as it was inside.
  19. Sadly, I'm not sure I'll that middle ground reached in my lifetime. Not unless some drastic changes are made. But as LS mentioned, lack of staff & funds not being directed as they should will keep any signficant chages from happening anytime soon. I guess we all just have to do our part to help where we can. As for cell phones not always getting a signal, the two-way radios that have become popular can work in those areas. As long as someone is around to receive the transmission. If not, hopefully passing on the licence plate number will be enough for them to take action.
  20. Thanx LS, I figured I'd have to drive into town. I was just thinking of KC. I suppose I could leave her here or drop her at Grandma's. Unless it's her weekend in jail, I mean with her mother...oops, did I say that out loud? LOL
  21. Besides being told its the next logical step in fly fishing, I hear its a great feeling to catch a fish on a fly you've tied. I've only been tying for a couple months, if that, so I haven't experienced it yet. Besides, it gives me something to do while watching TV. Plus it keeps Lonefisher & Lady Strange from asking me when I'm going to start tying. Now it payback time cuz I get to ask them for help...LOL
  22. Would be good for a new tyer like myself. Day & time would be the deciding factor though. I wouldn't want to keep my daughter up to late on a school night. Since we live in Canmore we'd have to leave to early if it was during the week. I'll keep an eye on the other responses & see what happens.
  23. No the fines aren't enough. I know a few CO's & like Weedy1 mentioned, they continue going after the same offenders. There's time too when no action is taken against an offender. I heard of someone who pulled a Bull trout out by Red Earth Creek. AFTER he killed it someone told him he should have released it. So he took it & turned it into the Park Wardens who said it was a healthy (until it was killed) male around 30 years old. All the wardens did was to thank the guy for bringing it in to them & remind him to release any he caught in the future. Yes he was a tourist, but from another part of the province. Whether a tourist for another part of the province or another part of the world, you would think that it would be common sense to find out what the local regulations are. That being said, ignorance to the regs is not an acceptable excuse either.
  24. "As a matter of principle, I don't attend 'The First Annual' anything." - George Carlin Saw the title of the forum topic & just had to share the quote...
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