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Everything posted by jksnijders

  1. What a swine... Saw another in a magazine I was flipping through the other day, (Field and Stream??) some guy got in Argentina. Sea run or something...
  2. I am not familiar with this person of which you speak... No, not really afraid of clowns. But that was a damn funny Seinfeld episode.. On a different note, I once met a guy that was terrified of birds. Strange, I thought..
  3. Awesome pics man..
  4. Seriously, I am terrified of clowns...
  5. I guess that was the redd you were talking about ?
  6. Beauty pics..
  7. "So most important this year i learned to appreciate the fact that i live 2 min from the bow some of the best trout fishing the planet earth has to offer." Great thread. Absolutely right with that. And almost anywhere else in this province. I have alot of relatives that come from The Netherlands, (perhaps Dutchdryfly and Noud can relate) and when they come here they are absolutely amazed by the amount of space we have for our chosen recreation. I think Holland (....) fits in Alberta 21 times or so. I hunted in an area near Westerbork in Overijssel for Roebuck, and the entire game preserve was about 160 acres or so (if I recall) And that was seen as being a large place. Where I grew up I had a back yard that was bigger than that. Not to mention the space elswehere. I think we take for granted the amount of space and solitude we have at our disposal. Not to mention the calibre of hunting and fishing we have right on our backyard. I think sometimes I take for granted what we have such resources, and I need to stop and think of them accordingly, and understand that what we consider as being a marginal day would be absolutely amazing for someone else. And we are all pretty fortunate to have it as such.
  8. A few things I've learned, this year and years previous. - Be open minded as to water and the possibilities each type holds. I had alot of success fishing water I normally would have only given a short effort to. The time paid off, in fish landed and experience gained. A change of approach was all it took. Now I never pass by such spots. - Learn something from everyone you fish with. I've picked up a pile of little techniques just by watching the guys I usually fish with. Lorney and Brad are far better than I am in many ways, proven in the number of times they've each out-fished me. And I have watched and learned from them. - Keep your eyes open, and don't be afraid to just sit and watch a while. - Look around and pick up some rocks. Pay attention to what the river is doing. Some of the best days I've had everything was laid out for me, all I had to do was open my eyes and see it. - Don't be afraid to change things up a bit. I started using patterns and techniques I wasn't really used to, and had alot of luck in doing so. (Sometimes) - "Set on everything." Absolutely right. Been surprised more times than I can recall. - Make SURE you're on bottom whilst nymphing. Don't just assume you are. Made that mistake way too many times. - Don't be afraid to explore new areas. Some of the best days I had were on streams I had never fished before. And I was a bit hesitant to do so, rather than fish a stream I was familiar with. - A fish caught on your own fly is pretty damn satisfying. (And subsequently pretty damn expensive.) - Small streams can be alot of fun, and yield some surprisingly big fish. - Never be afraid to cast it long. - Don't believe everything you read in these posts. - "Engage brain before typing" Very true. (Especially for a snap case like myself) - Never be scared to use heavy tippet in fast water for nymphing, or chucking streamers. - Think for yourself.
  9. "We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert...." Too funny. Read that book in about 2 days. And watched the BS edited version tonight also... RIP HST.
  10. Good to hear it was a good trip. Woke up yesterday pretty early to a howlin' wind, figured it might be even worse down there. Generally when I go all is calm til just a little ways south of Dunmore. Or even right up to the point that I pull into the parking lot... And alot of muffin top on the girl on the left.. LOL..
  11. I usually use perch, or small goldfish from the pet store. Live, of course. Another good tip is to dump some methanol or antifreeze into the hole so you don't have that bothersome task of clearing out the ice..
  12. Man that's a fine quote... LOL.. Windy as hell today, figure Clive must've gone to Bullshead...
  13. Beauty pics..
  14. Oh yeah, and the guy who asked "Who is Kelly Bushing?" was a completions "consultant"...
  15. Nice... Poor bastard. Seen more than one guy get this one pulled on them..
  16. Measurement While Driving huh? That's a new one.... Almost as bad as the guy who asked "Who Kelly Bushing" is...
  17. Damnit now I'm spending an inordinate amount of time looking at lens reviews.... Apparently Vistek rents lenses. Not sure on any details, or cost, but I'm sure with a great deal of care one could get one for a week or so and give it a run through. The 70-300 mm L that was referred to has been catching my eye. Didn't really explore Canon's own lens line much. Kind of overlooked them I guess.
  18. I remember growing up, there was one little kid who mouthed off all the time, was incredibly arrogant and condescending, and the only reason he didn't get the tar beaten out of him was that he had a very large big brother. Funny thing was, he was constantly badmouthing his big brother, calling him a neanderthal. Yet, he never failed to run to him and accept his protection when he needed help. The only reason that little twerp made it to adulthood was because of his big brother - but he didn't see it. Was his name "Orvisonly"?
  19. When I was younger around this time of year the irrigation systems get shut off, and a ton of suckers, etc. get trapped in the spills and structures. All the irrigation water either goes to, or comes from Lake Newell. My dad and others I knew would go around and net them, most were a good ice-fishing size. Catch a few good netfuls, and freeze them for winter use. As was mentioned, not a good idea for parasite concerns, etc to use them in other water bodies, I'm sure, but as they are found in high numbers in Newell anyway why not. We had a number of canals on our property where we could get them a short walk from home. The odd time you'd get some surprisingly large specimens of more desireable species turn up as well..
  20. Experimenting..
  21. I was looking at your posts and noticed that you guide? I got a Sigma 10-20 mm wide angle lens last year before heading north for a month and am pretty happy with it. Especially in boats, at close quarters,(as we were, on a boat for 3.5 weeks on the MacKenzie) as well as some interesting landscape shots, I found the range pretty useful. I also have an 18-250 wide angle zoom to cover more range, as well as the kit lens. I am pretty un-versed as far as most technical aspects of lenses, honestly.. But I did find the range useful in those circumstances, and quite enjoy using it otherwise. Filters are pricey at 77 mm, though, I discovered. Not sure if this is helpful, but also a couple shots taken at close range with it...
  22. I need to check in more often... just saw this post. Awesome pics. The first one is unreal.. As for the Livingstone. Beauty.
  23. Welkom Noud, Fly the flag of the Netherlands proud.. Was there again a couple years ago, I am sure the countryside of Overijssel is one of the prettiest places I've ever seen. Didn't get to do any vliegvissen for grote snoek unfortunately, but had alot of relatives to visit. Ate some excellent paaling, drank some jenever, and crashed a fiets in Kampen. Great country and I hope to go back soon. Prost.
  24. dryfly, Absolutely right. Ogilvie Mountains, Yukon. There wasn't a breath of wind and not a cloud in the sky. And some damn fine Grayling fishing not far away...
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