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Everything posted by jnovlan

  1. Thanks. San Diego. Might be a good idea. Could maybe tie Disney Land in.
  2. Anyone out there that can recommend a winter vacation destination for a family. Not looking for much (LOL)-- fly fishing opportunity, sandy beach, some sightseeing/adventure/cultural events. Not looking for all-inclusive, but a rental for 6 adults and a 6 year old. If not near a beach, then a swimming pool. A direct flight would be preferable, but not a game changer. We are researching, but any suggestions greatly appreciated. First hand knowledge especially helpful. Thanks. Jerry
  3. Just a heads up that yesterday (Sept. 18, 2022) a catalytic converter was stolen from a truck at the Ogden Boat Launch-- sometime between 9:30am and 1pm. The cost to repair it and replace O2 sensors is between $1600 and $1700. Kind of puts a damper on an otherwise great float on the Bow. Also makes a person very nervous about using this or possibly all boat launches in the future. But-- what are the alternatives? If anyone was in the area and noticed suspicious activity-- or has dash cameral footage of same-- could you please PM me. I am wondering just how prevalent this type of theft has been at boat launches and other roadside pull offs. Is this a somewhat isolated case, or is it a larger problem than I had thought and needs to be addressed? Thanks.
  4. Like I mentioned earlier-- it does not look that good for even a take out spot.
  5. My thoughts exactly about this launch site. I checked it out last week and left thinking I must be missing something. There is no signage suggesting it is a boat launch or pull out. I also checked out Harvey Passage and water level was low. If rowing-- better have very short oars because parts are very narrow!!
  6. Good luck with that new knee, Don! I expect that once it is 100% that boat of your will go in circles!!
  7. Case of EYES BIGGER THAN STOMACH!! Saw a video of a snake that had to give up his half swallowed meal. Think the odd loon makes a miscalculation as well.
  8. You are correct. It is North and East. Thanks for correcting my directional lapse.
  9. I was browsing a 'Lost /Found Camera website and stumbled across this photo from a camera that was found at Bruce Lake just West of Calgary. Someone might be able to identify the fisherman. There might be a chance to recover the camera/card. Site: http://www.camerafound.com/found-photos/found-camera/found-nikon-coolpix-s610-bruce-lake-alberta4-1467.html
  10. Stirring the pot, Don?!!?? Must be a long and cold winter! Stay warm.
  11. You might want to check this out-- if you have not already seen it! Pretty cool rig. Not sure what cost would be.
  12. Not sure if this is 'really' fishing related-- but will give it a go. I am assisting a friend with moving his huge Koi from an outdoor pond to an indoor location for the winter. A few of the twenty Koi come in at about 20+ lbs so a big net is required. I would be most appreciative if anyone has a long handle large net that would work and would lend it out for a day. I could also be interested if someone has one for sale at a modest cost. Please PM me if you can help me out. Thanks. Jerry
  13. Great story! Love your perseverance-- a much better attribute than 'stubbornness'!! Hope you can get your team together for such a worthy cause.
  14. Great to watch a master craftsman at work! Also helps me to understand how bamboo rods are crafted and why they are so expensive! Loved the video-- and enjoy my chats with Don when we cross paths fishing.
  15. Sounds interesting-- but think I will pass on the lead!! Thanks for the research!
  16. Looking for something to wear for an Oktoberfest event-- male and female outfits-- complete or partial. Could purchase, rent, or borrow. If you can help-- just message me. I have not ruled out costume shops but not impressed with what is available for the price. Male-- L/XL Female: 14 Thanks
  17. Thanks to all for the info. Will get set up now so I can give those pike a chase!
  18. I have purchased a 9 wt and want to outfit it with a line(s) for pike fishing. I am prepared to purchase two lines if necessary to cover both shallow/surface presentations and deeper water if and when necessary. Any advise would be most appreciated. Thanks in advnce. Jerry
  19. Two Dads and adult sons want to get into some Walleye and Pike for a 4-5 day trip. Will need lodging and boats. Want to get in some fly action . Looking for the 2nd week in September. Will consider up to 8 hour drive. Were, and still are considering Lesser Slave Lake or Winefred (might be too far). Sure would appreciate any ideas from those of you who have enjoyed such a trip. Would love a fly-in but pretty sure it is out of our budget range. Thanks for all replies.
  20. I was there on Thursday night. It was a first for me, but certainly not the last. It is definitely a reaturant for meat lovers with BIG appetites. If anyone leaves hungry-- it is their own fault! A 'hot/cold' salad bar (don't eat too much if you want the meat) followed by skewer after skewer of BBQ meats-- 16 different skewers (pork, chicken, beef, lamb, sausage, pineapple) . The waiters will keep coming back for as long as you wish to eat. If you wish for less than 'all you can eat-Rodizio-- for $40' you can have the ' teaser' for $30 (2 choices ) or just the hot/cold fresco bar (includes stew, mussles, crab, fish) for $25. The desserts are 'to die for' if you saved room! We certainly enjoyed our dining 'experience' and I think this would be a great location for a group of hungry FFC fellows for a get together to celebrate the end of the fishing season-- well- for those fair weather fisherman anyway!
  21. Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, this pad was a single pour with the perimeter foundation being a bit thicker than the pad. Thus, when the pad cracked it continued under the walls -- and is also affected by cracks and heaving. I have just had Abalon Foundation (previous suggestion) repair come and have a look. Their estimated does not involve lifting or building a separate foundation-- but replacing the pad and supporting and reinforcing the 'under the walls cement' portion with bricks tied into the cement. Not being a cement man-- I may not have a clear picture. May look for a further estimate. Any other recommentations out there?
  22. I am throwing this topic out with the 'hope' that someone out there in the Flyfishing Community has some experience with or knows someone I could contact regarding the replacement of a cement floor in an unattached garage. It is so badly cracked and uneven that it is far removed from a cosmetic cure! It was poorly built (no rebar-- only 4 inch wire). In my opinion-- the best would be to raise the garage and repour the foundation and floor. The garage is still in very good shape-- so I do not wish to tear it down and rebuild unless that is a last resort. Please email me or post if you have a suggestion or contact that could make this problem go away!! Thanks you
  23. I recently purchased the frameless Outcast Stealth Pro--- a foot longer than the Scout. I have only had it on the lake twice . Prior to it, I had a Fish Cat 4. I wanted something with oars as the 'old motor' couldn't handle long days and wind like a few years ago. I love it for the lake and the fact that it rolls up and fits into my vehicle so nicely. Assembly and breakdown are quick because of being frameless. I cannot comment on river useage at this point. I am sure that the oar system, while adequate for the lake, may not perform as well as a framed model would on the river. Also, you don't sit up quite as high, but I believe that it is a bit more maneuverable when using flippers than when in a framed model. Not sure if it could be fitted with an electric motor. I have only tried a small framed model once, and did not enjoy my day-- starting with assembly, rowing in the wind, maneuvering with flippers, and finally the takedown and packing up. I may not have had the seat set in the proper position because I felt like I was tipped down in the back all day-- which probably resulted in the rowing and maneuvering difficulties. Note: Most framed model pontooners I encounter, leave their boats inflated -- hauling in trucks or trailers. That to me was a huge determining factor in my choosing the Stealth Pro. This model is just as costly as a good framed model. Good luck with your search and purchase. I spent considerable time trying to find something to suit my needs-- and feel the Stealth Pro fits the bill!!
  24. Probably NEVER! Most probably the other way around -- but not sure just when!!
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