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Everything posted by dutchie

  1. Brian i don't mind at all , hate to see anyone down on luck and you'v had some bad luck the last couple weeks i'll lend you a good rod / bunch of flies and a good reel to get you fishing again till the summer is over , lord knows i'v got enough extra shiz laying around to outfit a group of guys
  2. congrats brad , that is indeed a nice looking fish
  3. i was down in that area yesterday and it was the worst hail i ever seen , we got pounded and it hurt , made the dash to the truck to get out of it , inside it was so loud from the hail , hurt the ears , i could see it doing lots of damage for sure
  4. my guess , it's a baby tiger , pretty well the same marking as this bad boy , i like how they look , love the colour of the fins , a great fighting fish and i'm glad i took a couple days this year to go after one , and thanks Dave for the advice for my trip , now i see nothing wrong with having them in lakes where they can be enjoyed and can't get out into rivers ,
  5. ya dave , i'd be in on that as well , why don't you set something up , i enjoyed my trip and i'll be going back for sure
  6. X 2 bigger fines would stop allot of it , take all there gear , if they have a car or truck , take it also , auction them off and it would stop overnight , pussy footing around and it will carry on like it is now , anyone over 16 knows the rules , and if they don't , that's plain being dumb , then they deserve a fine for just being that dumb , time for no more excuses ,
  7. 190 fines is in truth not much for a whole of alberta , i would also say that i bet it was 3 times that for warnings handed out , the CO's need to stop being so nice to those who play the dumb game , '' oh i'm so sorry i didn't know bullshit '' they need to really make the fines high to stop the poachers , word travels like wild fire if someone was dinged a grand for keeping a big brown from the bow or any good fish for that matter from any river or lake ,
  8. Rickr All kidding aside, I've heard the Yeti's are great, I just cant bring myself to spend that much money on a cooler. all the money you make tex , it shouldn't even cross your mind , your not taking it with you when your time is done , sit back and think about this Rick , them fancy plastic rods and reels cost more then that yeti cooler , the cooler will be around forever , can't say that about them flyrods or reels you use , plus they can break , not this yeti , you'll never regret buying one after you'v had it ,
  9. i'd call that bear proof in my books , neat seeing all them little holes at the very end , teeth marks , i have the 50 L model , has a great drain plug on one end , any water will drain all on it's on so you don't even have to tilt it over , another plus to the yeti is the easy straps to open and close it , nice sliding tray on the top , if your out for a few days in a row on the river floating , i'll just add ice cubes about 6 inch's on the bottom , throw in the drinks , and they are way colder then coming out of a fridge or pop machine , will give you a killer brain freeze that hurts like hell if suck it back to fast
  10. X 2 on the yeti's , i'v had a few coolers over the years , some good and some not so good , i got a yeti and it's the best cooler i have seen yet , it is pricey for sure , and heavy , but it will keep your stuff longer and your drinks cold , a block of ice will stay for a week , and if you plan on doing lots of camping , it is bear proof you can also get a nice foam seat for the top and it's solid , extra chair while camping
  11. go away rain dance , oh ya , just wish for rain to come and it'll be sunny , clear and hotter then hell
  12. this is my whole point , another leak at least this one is not near a waterway and it will be contained and with min damage to the environment , as much as i hate to hear about another spill , these will happen , i hope some big changes come to any water crossings from all these spills
  13. take a min and give this a read , well worth it http://www.vancouversun.com/news/story.html?id=6780124
  14. nice seeing you the river troutlover , watched your bud in action from other side , and he's a working machine , nice , was a good show for me and my client ,
  15. shiz , god dame you jay , made me spill my morning coffee all over my keyboard with that reply ,
  16. good on you bud , keep at it , i hope you make $1600 this year , i call them in all the time now also , and from now on after chatting with the Co's , i'll be taking the odd picture from a distance , when my cell has no service on the river ,
  17. it makes no diff at all on whose fault it is , it happen and it's still a spill of oil on a water way , thats all my point is , maybe next time it might be into the bow river , how would we all like to see that happen , think about if it had happen and went into the oldman river or for gods sake even the crowsnest , it's done now and the clean up is happening , i'd just like to see them at least make a effort and replace those pipes or do a better way around water or rivers , maybe fine the shiz out of them companys who are at fault
  18. thats just way to funny john 3 party or not john , my whole point is , '''it's a oil spill into a river ''' , not a litter of oil on the ground , a tad bit more , i'm sure no one wanted this to happen but it did , like you said , time maybe they start digging these old pipes with no oil in them up , or maybe start to replace the pipes near any water ways , or even dig them up at river crossing and replace with better pipe and put them in the ground another 20 feet more whatever is done needs to be done now , before another spill comes and yes i agree with your statement about your neighbor spills oil in his driveway and no one says or gets up in arms , i think if he dumped 3000 barrels in his driveway john , the shiz would hit the fan and you for one would want him in jail ,
  19. i sure hope your correct Mike , in a sad way of this oil spill , it will make allot of people take notice , those who live in BC , get ready as this could very well happen in your back door , on one of your fav rivers , i still think having that pipeline going over through the skeena country is just bad bad news for all of canadians , must be a better and safer way , someone brighter then all of us surely can come up with a safe game plan to get this oil to china with very min risks
  20. well it was the same outfit that had the last spill , same area , here is a good read on the mess http://m.theglobeandmail.com/news/national...?service=mobile
  21. Exactly , this is not about anyone person or any personal attack Rick feels passionate about his job and career as much as does about fly fishing We all have friends who in one way or another have something to do with the oil industry , they don"t like it any more then the rest of us of what just happen I just wish that these company's would do a little better job of keeping away from rivers , that's all , will it change , maybe if the oil company's start giving those who screw up a blast then the people might have a little different outlook on it
  22. http://www.reddeeradvocate.com/news/provin..._158139115.html this is what i'm talking about Rick , i'm not trying to pick on you or anyone that works in the industry , the people in this country and your country are just getting a tad bit sick of these oil spills , it's time for the oil industry to start cleaning up it's act , i think this just might be the same company , not 100% sure ,
  23. ok Tex , tell me just how i insulted you , gimme a break , i know you work in the industry , i have many friends that also work in it , nothing wrong with with working in the industry , your industry just needs to clean up it's act a little better then it's been doing , if i went a got a 4 litter jug of oil and went to your front yard and poured it all over YOUR grass and lawn , i'm pretty sure you'd be a tad bit pissed , and i'm only talking 4 litters not 3000 gallons ,this of course is just a example so you could maybe see how i look at it in the big picture i know we need gas and oil in the world , just hate to see oil leaks anywhere near water ways when there is no need for it , or build em better
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