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Everything posted by gustuphson

  1. Does anyone know when the 2017 fly fishing expo will be held? Thanks
  2. $175 on #2 - is it for one hunter or two? $350 on #3 And $50 on #4 -it's bid less so far???!??!?
  3. The spread's not wide enough yet - I'll go $185 on number 2 and $165 on number 1
  4. Put it in the bank and let it get to work for you. Then keep saving more each cheque. It'll be worth it in the long run. Being debt free is one thing savings are good but really you should have money tucked away for emergencies as well... Build a solid foundation a branch out from there. Funbuster out!
  5. The one looks like a river side "selfie"!
  6. Yep, the show was great. Lots of bs'g, a little dreaming and some pretty minor purchases but I look forward to this every year.
  7. Nice pic's, glad you were able to get down to the Crow. The scenery and the fish are amazing! Next time the Bow...
  8. A Whalen good time! Sweetness.
  9. As of yesterday morning I'm paid up as well
  10. Roger that, nice bidding man!
  11. $50 on 16 $60 on 19 $35 on 27 thanks
  12. $150 on 8 and $275 on 9 please
  13. I had an accident the resulted in some relatively minor damage to a 2000 4runner and it sounds like the insurance co. considers it a write-off. Can anyone recommend a relatively inexpensive shop to get a quote at? Anyone ever get any autobody work done in the States? I'm thinking it would be cheaper but need to investigate further... I would like to get the vehicle repaired, I think its in good shape mechanically. Has anyone had success reversing an insurance company's assessment of a vehicle being a write-off? My understanding is that the only moving parts are the estimated replacement value and the repair estimate... Experiences and advice are appreciated.
  14. I've been down there a couple times. Back up into the sticks. Where abouts are you headed? I didn't do a tonne of fishing, caught a few smallies on poppers, but there are some trout streams...
  15. sounds like an epic trip. great colours on those fish!
  16. Given limited resources I see taking any away from the current trophy lake initiative(s) as harming them. I really support having that type of angling opportunity in Alberta now and think there was a void before they existed. I'm sure tigers are great and have googled mapped the trip to MB but in Alberta I think this is something best started as a private initiative. If it's a success maybe then the government can role it out on a larger scale. I just can't support them trying to fulfill a niche request when much more can be done on the broader level. I think that for a new angler the thrill of catching a larger fish has a better chance of getting them excited about angling then a catching unique species. Sitting back never does anyone any good but you must know the story about the two bulls sitting on the hilltop...
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