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Everything posted by gustuphson

  1. I think we found ours at CanadianNanny.com. I'll double check with my wife and let you know if I'm mistaken. The cost varies with each situation but I think you can get a good idea of the range from the site. Some $ info can also be found through the government of Canada if you're looking to bring someone from outside the country, I know we got lots of inquries from abroad. Hope that helps get you started.
  2. The original post mentioned a dad clearing ice and a dug out...
  3. Awesome vid's - that was a great HD viewing experience. I want to watch it my TV next!
  4. Stupid work
  5. Thanks for the nudge Rick, can you call my boss and explain to him why I won't be in tomorrow now. Seriously though, thinking about heading SW of town tomorrow...
  6. I would likely be opposed to adding nutrients or manipulating the chmical make-up of a water body to enhance it's productivity. Adjusting angler access and behaviour, in my mind, is preferable to tinkering with the system. That being said it's dfinitely an interesting topic, thanks for bringing it up.
  7. Just my opinion but no references = trouble
  8. Sounds like a great trip!
  9. Happy belated - hope you got some Grayling!
  10. I never read that and am now trying to take my vote back... I've seen the skills first hand and learned a bunch from them
  11. Geez Max, always thinking with your rod...
  12. I'm no expert but a 5 weight is probably on the light side. If you're just catching little hammers it should be fine but if you get into anything with size it could get ugly.
  13. Vancouver will need all the help they can get - with out the twin sisters that leaves Sundin, if he comes back. I wouldn't want to be in those shoes, Flames need to save that poor Price kid out in Montreal... Let's send them Mikka...
  14. If you have another month coming up next/each year I would break it up like: - Year 1 Southern AB Bow River down to the Montana border, you can figure out the specific waters from the other posts and recommended books. Probably would want to be fishing the Bow/sticking close to Calgary during the Stampede if you like... - Year 2 Cebtral AB or North/Central - Year 3 what ever you haven't fished yet (central or Northern) or back to the places you miss
  15. I think that warnings are a valuable tool - no need to throw the book at each and every infraction (yes, some need the "book" right across their knuckles but not all), that would would alienate a lot of individuals from the sport via direct experience and word of mouth. I've been looking into hunting and picked up the regulations, I'm well educated and they weren't the easiest read I've had by far. I think the same goes for the fishing regulations but most of us here know them like the back of our hands. Although most of us treasure our fisheries we often only focus on certain issues and at times miss the bigger picture. The probability of Alberta's fisheries being maintained and/or improved is better with more supporters through out the Province, not just avid flyfishers but anglers of all sorts.
  16. gustuphson

    Sibbald Pig

    which one is the wild one?
  17. Taco, i didn't think you had any true stories... 'cept the creaking forrest of course!
  18. I'm no expert but it's my understanding that some land owners have rights to the stream bed as well. I believe it has something to do with when the land was last sold - if the same family has held it since the 1800's or early 1900's then they still own it... Anyways, I think touching base with the landowner is the best way to go. I've found them pretty open to granting access the few times I've asked in person. I've also blazed my way through property using the high watermark definition and don't enjoy my fishing as much - being limited to the streambed can make naptime pretty difficult.
  19. Inner city is the way to go. Not really far from any where, a few sketch balls evey now and then but little to no commute!
  20. 6-4-9. We used face away from the bar and toss a loonie or twoonie into the shelves of bottles behind the bar. The bartender would watch what it hit and then make shots from the sixth bottle to the right of impact, back four to the left and then nine to the right... Made for some interesting drinks and nights but i can't say either ever finished very well.
  21. Personally I think it's our responsibility to call all poachers in. People who aren't aware of the reg's aren't above them. Personally I think fines etc. leave a more lasting impression then a reminder from another angler.
  22. Guys, Thanks for the advice - if I hadn't read not to I would have brought my rod along, but it'll be a much better trip with mine back at the house. Snacks, maybe even cake, will be the order of the day! Sounds like we'll be heading over to sibbald or cochrane. Thanks again and I'll let you know how it goes...
  23. $350 on # 5 and I'll start the bidding on # 23 please
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