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Everything posted by gustuphson

  1. I'm heading out fishing Saturday morning with some small children who are very excited to go. Does anyone have any experience with this type of fishing? We'll be taking a "minnow" net and other things to keep it interesting but any additional advice would be great... To increase the chance of catching anything I'm hoping to hit a spot near Calgary that has been stocked - I can't find very recent stocking information on the Alberta government website, if anyone knows where I can find that info or of any spots that have been stocked a PM would be appreciated... Thanks in advance, Gus
  2. $300 on #15 please
  3. well played DonnieM, well played...
  4. That would be some big fish - Happy Birthday!
  5. Can you take credit for the graffitti and the fish?
  6. Sweet pic's - that's a heck of a start to the year!
  7. Great job! I had a blast trying out the casting analyzer. Going over the results was a little like visiting the Doctor though, hoping that the news isn't too bad
  8. The other stores were liquidated, the price was probably pretty sweet. I doubt they're planning on making a tonne quickly as its a new strategic direction for them. I wish them the best.
  9. They're going to crush the Leafs on saturday...
  10. I eat those from under the drivers seat every time I vacuum the car. Still tasty and give my teeth a good brush...
  11. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA The Canucks are in the rear view for a reason
  12. Olli Cow! Great addition, he has history with Keenan and Sutter's been after him for a couple years now.
  13. Thanks for the heads up should definitely help the time till spring pass now that the cold is back
  14. To go fishing! Happy Birthday
  15. Did you munch that pike? I hear they taste good if you can avoid the bones.
  16. I'm going to have to go with sumthin'... if you were chucking worms at the Racehorse Campground I bet atleast a couple CO's would rather look the other way
  17. You got your brother in law a trip to Palmer Ranch for Christmas!?!? Let me know if have anymore sisters woodfish
  18. Jenna Jameson - if she wasn't available then it would be cool to hang out with Pauly Shore for some thoughts on the current state of things
  19. I'm under 45 so I can't/won't watch the video but I'm gald to see that Clive's still alive and kicking
  20. That's one hell of a stache!
  21. $175 can we see an update on the stach?
  22. Nice report man! Is there any where haven't you fished this year?
  23. Nice vid - I think that was a gremlin
  24. Sweetness!
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