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Everything posted by Taco

  1. I don't know Don but this thread of yours should be renamed the Bronconnier Thread... A Whole Lotta Whinin' Comin' Outta Kalgree
  2. A trucker who has been out on the road for three weeks stops into a brothel outside Kalgoorlie. He walks straight up to the Madam, drops down $500 and says, "I want your ugliest woman and a burnt chop!" The Madam is astonished. "But, sir, for that kind of money you could have one of my finest ladies and a lovely three-course meal. The trucker replies, "I'm not horny . . . . I'm homesick."
  3. I wouldn't put much stock in the coffee and cakes, it's just being country polite. Most did it too when the Taxman came calling for the farm's books. Dealing with oil companies and their minions has always been a big pain in the ass and takes away from the core business of farmers and ranchers.. growing food.
  4. be prepared to bust some ice outta your guides Iqalait weather today
  5. still got and use my spinnin' gear, the tug is the drug and in certain situations spinning gear is vastly superior
  6. Could be but I do know those BR rainbows were outrageous w/ a 6'ultralite rod, 2lb test and a 1/8 oz mr twister
  7. So you're saying that we need to go more to the American way of doing things in regards to trespass rights on private land? Other than the ClusterF*** that is the Crown grazing lease deal in this Province I fail to see what the problem is.
  8. Little mature lookin' for a yearling......... Happy B-day Paul, keep stirrin' the pot
  9. BTW Maxer I woulda thought by now you'da been enough of a wiley Calgarian guide type person to see when someone floated one over your head
  10. Yeah but it's only October and early in the preliminaries. Everything should be good and warmed up by Jan 15th or so
  11. OK girls I'll ask again, who the **** the ****in' coonass be???? The ****in' vision's saleman?? ****in' calgarians are ****in' deef...
  12. Not bitching Studhoss, observing, big difference
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