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Everything posted by Taco

  1. NV4500 cast steel.. cracked the tranny from top down and the transfer case adaptor from the bottom up.. it took a hell of a hit. Interesting few moments a day and a half later... the tranny seized up solid when I was loaded up and traveling @ highway speeds. The adjuster was pissed off because I made him come to were I was working instead of the other way around... Thanks for the info... looks like my insurance agent is going to bat for me, he pulled an end run and went straight to the distict manager. We'll see what happens.
  2. Anyone know of a reputable auto and equipment appraisal company? I need an independent auto accident appraisal for a dispute with my insurance company. Their adjusters claim there's no way a mule deer hit and rolled under a 5 tonne dodge diesel @ 110 kph can crack and break a standard transmission... an assessment I kinda disagree with. Anyone??? Thanks
  3. Indecipherable???? Christ I can't even begin to pronounce your online name, I'd figure its gotta be either Gaelic or Aztec :lol:
  4. The term "Hoss" is some sort of John Wayne/Louis L'Amour thing of mine..... sorry for the confusion I like looking @ all the purdy pics myself, quite a bit of talent on this board and I'm jealous. So much so that I'm gonna take up photography again.... gettin a Pentax K10D this Fall sometime. And wongrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hows it goin' Hoss? Good job on the Cleanup!!!!! B)
  5. Uh thank you for the pictures ergo thanks hoss
  6. Outrageous.........makes my 27 ft roll casts look pretty bad
  7. Smartassed spud guru <_< About froze my tits off today :blink:
  8. Check with SRD, the Area Biologists likely can help also Biological Sciences @ U of L some grad students were doing some field work with native fish last summer.. they may have something that can help.
  9. Use the Drywood route, much shorter. Had some small brookies the few times I fished it but the last time I was in there I was hunting sheep not fishing and that was in the late 80's. Might be better now that you can't take motorized vehicles in there anymore.
  10. Hardcore Hike, fairly damn hardcore Thanks for that, brought back oldtime feelings, as in "Oh Christ what the hell did I get myself into now" Thanks
  11. Forgot about that one! That's "The Benchside Introduction To Fly Tying" by Leeson and Schollmeyer, excellent book and a little cheaper than The Fly Tier's Benchside Reference by Leeson and Schollmeyer. The Benchside Introduction is geared to beginners and OFers thinking about gettin' back into tying The Benchside Reference is more of a expanded book on techniques for all levels of tyers. Both are well worth the money.
  12. Na, just the cream rising to the top of the Electorate...................................................course that doesn't say much for the rest of us <_<
  13. The one that irritated me a tad was the prick from Exxon warning us not play around with the royalties or they'd be forced to take their crayons back to Irving Tx. Made the front page...... musta scared Lyle somewhat because he's publicly stated the Tories were gonna reserve the right to cherry pick the review...... WTF else is new?
  14. Wicked! Almost made me want to hike my aging ass down into that canyon again......almost. Thanks
  15. This now gets my vote as the most hilarious thread ever!!! The Wigwam or the Wiggy in the local vernacular was maybe an open secret 10, 12 yrs ago, not anymore. FYI here she be; http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/drm/Recreation/Re...gwamLookout.pdf
  16. Taco

    Oldman River

    I found most of yesterday fairly tough fishing but the cutts are staging and starting to stack up in the wintering holes, this time of yr they're not in their summer lies . Yesterday I fished damn near 10 km of water and I found them in the wintering holes or just above and below. They didn't start to really feed until the water temp hit 50F, by that evening the water temp was about 60F and if you were in the right area the fish were slammin' just about anything.
  17. Hell esleech I've been admiring the restraint on this thread from the very beginning , 1232 views 52 replies before anyone dared say the Wiggy word. :rolleyes: :D
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