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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Hey Clive!!! Weedy don't like Grinches but he can't be held responsible.... he's from Redmonton
  2. me too...specially if it's free.... MMmmmmm beer.... this place needs a homer simpson droolin' icon
  3. *hit, just reread your post ..... they're empty <_<
  4. Seen it in it's entirety somewhere on the web 2 or 3 yrs back, can't find or remember the link now, amazin' vid but not sure if it's worth the 25 bucks for a 17.5 min looksee. http://www.feltsoulmedia.com/main.html click on the pic of the salmon fly
  5. Tanks mang, been wanting to see what the fuss was about, can't find it in the magazine racks down here. Thanks.
  6. SO... in the spirit of the season, here's your card!!!
  7. why not cover most the bases, start it on a Wednesday or Thursday and run it all the through a weekend?
  8. I didn't know you two were boozers, maybe I oughta hang around your trailer more come summertime. And as far as skunky... tell Mike that if I can handle that stale Corona we get up here in The Great Barren North I oughta be able to handle anything warm and skunky he hands out. Did you know I coulda been a helluva drunk 'cept I'm cheaper than a Schaupmeyer cigar and my moochin' skillz were sadly lacking Clive's the #3/Pass expert but depending on the size of the group there's Syncline group camp (sp?) on the Westcastle rd which would allow people to scatter out a bit more than the group camp on the upper OMR. I'd guess it would be very dependant on how many people showed up, under a dozen...random camp somewheres, dozen to 2... one of the group camps, larger.... one the the campgrounds along #3.
  9. helluva idear... i'll go if someone else supplies the rum
  10. I think I'm gettin' old......February seems to come earlier and earlier every year and now apparently its here before Xmas.... think I better go out and get me some comfortable pants with drawstrings that Schaupmeyer's always talkin' about. :mellow:
  11. Do you realize I had to google image "hammer pants" and thank god I missed that one... wide leg plaid pants were bad enough ;)
  12. They got drawstrings on'em like the comfortable pants ya wear round the house??? :P
  13. *hit boys... don't care who ya'll like, IMO here's the guy they're all tryin' to emulate
  14. Have a 1.5 on a 4 wt for over a yr now, turned a 30" plus bull on 4x a half dozen times until one of my knots gave out.. I like it
  15. I've liked Slowhand ever since the days of Cream
  16. Why??? been usin' one for the past while with no probs??
  17. I picked up Pierre Elliott Trudeau's underwear once after a pack horse scattered it all over the side of a mountain in BNP...................... does that count???? That was also the moment in time when I found for sure that even the rich and famous leave skid marks in their shorts.
  18. So that was you in the video..... you've put on a coupla pounds since.
  19. My parents came from Holland, boterletter (almond filled puff pastry) and oliebollen (kind of a raisin filled fritter) meant the holiday season to me. Grandson is spending this weekend here which means the Xmas decorations are going up. any excuse to drink rum 6ft Phillipson Registered (may as well dream)
  20. Poor impulse control, been a curse I've had to deal with
  21. Chuck Norris é um bichano não sabem! :ph34r:
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