I didn't know you two were boozers, maybe I oughta hang around your trailer more come summertime. And as far as skunky... tell Mike that if I can handle that stale Corona we get up here in The Great Barren North I oughta be able to handle anything warm and skunky he hands out.
Did you know I coulda been a helluva drunk 'cept I'm cheaper than a Schaupmeyer cigar and my moochin' skillz were sadly lacking
Clive's the #3/Pass expert but depending on the size of the group there's Syncline group camp (sp?) on the Westcastle rd which would allow people to scatter out a bit more than the group camp on the upper OMR. I'd guess it would be very dependant on how many people showed up, under a dozen...random camp somewheres, dozen to 2... one of the group camps, larger.... one the the campgrounds along #3.