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Everything posted by Taco

  1. All around western big water big wind rod? If I were buying one today I'd get a 6 wt, 9 1/2-10 ft ultra fast like a TFO TiCr, St Croix Ultra Elite or a Sage TCR. Get in habit of double haulin' and you can damn near fish in a hurricane.
  2. What the Doc said.. It sure was fun. Hell I was driving a vehicle all over the local countryside when I was 13, so much so that I never bothered to get my steerin' papers till I was almost 18.
  3. Taco

    Wader Repair

    Get some of that wader repair tape the fishin shops sell, tape one side, fill the tear on da other side with aquaseal, slap some more tape over that, slather some more aquaseal along the edges of the tape on both side and let'er set up. Ohlaa.....no more wet nuts...looks like hell though but who gives a damn. 400+ days in a pair of Wardell breathables and savin my pennies for some G4s
  4. This summer I went for a 2 1/2 hr drive to go fissin' and when I got there I discovered that I had left pretty much everything on the deck at home except my rods dumdumdumdumdumdumdumb dumdumdumdumdumdumdumb dumdumdumdumdumdumdumb dumdumdumdumdumdumdumb
  5. If the energy companies are tightening their belts like their fullpage ads claim they are, don't worry they'll look long and hard at 1 free pickup for every 3 or 4 purchased.
  6. Corona needs lime to kill the skunkyness that comes from older beer in clear bottles, UV light and the breakdown of the hops. Corona in Mexico ain't bad when it's fresh an' don' need no stinkin' lime. http://beeradvocate.com/articles/272
  7. Your charming witty personality and outstanding good looks??????? Beyond that I don't have a freakin' clue.
  8. Yeah I'll likely hang and rattle for now but it is tempting The only real issue of concern is warranty, GM/Dodge Canada will not honor the warranty for 6 months unless the truck is US registered, Ford is the exception. Friend of mine runs a trucking outfit based out of Alberta and Texas and he just saved himself almost $20,000 on a new GMC dually, guess which end of the business bought the truck and I have 2 brothers that live and work in the Dallas/ Ft Worth area. It's going to be a hit but retailers better wakeup, 25-30% is a big saving.
  9. I know one thing for sure... auto dealers better wake up fairly soon, diesel pickup's are a minimum $16000 cheaper down south than here. While there are some "issues" , nothing insurmountable, that's cheap enough to have me considering replacing my current truck a yr and 1/2 early.
  10. Rocky Mountain House area and if they raised the refund to 10-15 cents I'd bet you'd see a hell of a lot more wander home
  11. ROTFLMFAO** feedbag for an anteater So that what old piggut looks like :lol:
  12. :D Jeez, where the heck you been the last 3 weeks!
  13. Piss on it.....I'm gonna spend the day playin' Halo3
  14. Bah-humbug! says the native fish guy :D
  15. Guy I met the other day claims the Foremost Reservoir got some decent 'bows in it. Might be worth a shot.
  16. Here ya go FH, 358 cubes of small block chevy, 'round 800 horse
  17. :D T'was kinda strange that the "wreck" as it were, has a tendency to happen right about this time of the yr :rolleyes:
  18. I've got a buddy whose corrals are visited by a flock of turkeys every time he feeds grain to his horses or cattle. The cattle don't mind but the turkeys seem to have a tendency to irritate the horses, at least once a year a horse will kick the head clean off a gobbler and my buddy, being the thrifty rancher that he is, hates to see that grain fattened bird go to waste, will eat the victim. Good eatin', far better than store bought.
  19. http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewIt...A:IT&ih=001 The market is kinda off, damn thing went for about half of original estimates
  20. fish an egg pattern downstream of the kokes, you'll usually find lots of fish
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