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Everything posted by reevesr1

  1. One of my favorite days fishing, ever, was fishing for spinner sharks in the surf in Louisiana in the spring. We were using heavy spinning and medium bait casting gear, catching spinners and bulls up to 100 lb. One after the other. When I asked people to join, they said "why do you want to catch sharks?" I don't know, because they are big, jump all over the place, and wear out after 10 minutes. I can't imagine on a fly rod, it would be epic.
  2. It's gong to be like this all season. No one is able to travel, many are unemployed, everyone needs a break. If you want solitude, you are going to have to work for it and even then you might not get it. I'm resigned to the fact I'm going to have to probably do some significant hiking, which normally wouldn't be a big problem, but this year might push me a bit physically. Honesty, I'm glad people are utilizing the outdoors.
  3. Thanks to Fly Fusion and all the members here for the continued support of my yearly auction. It was a bit limited this year as a new job is keeping me hopping, but the items donated were high quality (to say the least) and we were able to raise almost $1600! See you all next year!
  4. Last 2! Item #4: Custom Built 4 pc 8' 4 Wt Fly Rod donated by my friend Pat. RainShadow Rx6 blank with warranty card. REC recoil guides, REC Box Elder Burl Reel Seat, pictures below, reel NOT included! Just shown for effect. From Pat: Moderate action for dry fly, but I’ve chucked small streamers too. Deep Blue in colour. Orange, silver and black accent wraps. Rod is unfished, but test cast obviously, so mint cond. As a personal note, I've fished one of Pat's rods for years, it was my go to stillwater rod. He also built a rod for an old boss of ours several years ago and he says he will fish it forever. The winner will love this rod!! Auction ends Wednesday, May 22 at 8 PM Auction 5: A 3 Day Backcountry Fishing Trip donated and hosted by Rick Reeves. Past winners include Chris Brandt, Dan Loeb, Chris Ellis, Steve Maloney, Wesley Radstaak, and Darrin Hurst. Any of them can tell you about this trip, though none of them will tell you where it is other than in BC. Expect great fishing for big, but complicated cutthroat trout in a perfect little river. Some years there can be bully action as well, but typically they are in full on spawn mode, so we just watch them. One word of warning-this area was hit very hard by the forest fires a couple of years ago. It didn't seem to affect the fishing, but it did affect the landscape. A lot. Anyway, I provide my trailer, I can sleep a couple of extra people in it. If more, we would need another trailer or tent. I'll pick the menu and do all the cooking, and I'll bring a bunch of extra beer. The dates are a little flexible, but the best time to go is the week after labor day. If you don't like to fish, drink (not totally necessary), eat really good food, and laugh this is probably not for you! Auction ends Wednesday May 22 at 8 PM.
  5. Auctions close today. Please bid on the Facebook link at the top. I am at a conference today and might not be able to check here.
  6. One day left in round 2!
  7. The official bidding is on FB. I gave the option to bid here if you are not on FB under the stipulation that I will try to transfer the bid, but cannot guarantee to do that on time.
  8. 2nd round of auctions started!
  9. Auction Item #3: A float trip on the Red Deer River (skwalla hatch!) or on the Bow with sanky. I have had the pleasure of fishing with Tony in the past, and cannot recommend him enough. The winner can pick between the options of chasing big browns during the skwalla hatch or a float on the Bow. The winner of this trip will need to have his own equipment and provide his own lunch. (If you don't have gear, let me know and I can outfit you). Tony is not a guide, he is just providing his time to host the trip!
  10. Auction Item #2: 2 days of chasing big rainbows and brook trout on Maligne Lake near Jasper! Trip dates are from ice off (looking like 1st week of June) to the 2nd week of July (excluding June 16 and 17 and 20-27). This trip is hosted by a local fisherman who excels at catching fish at Maligne. Each day will start at 7 AM. I auctioned this trip a few times now, and the winners have always been thrilled! See the first post on this thread for a link to the facebook page or place your bid on this thread. Auction will close Wednesday, May 15 at 8 PM
  11. eotr was the winner!
  12. Hi Brent, I'll put it in. It will be my last chance to bid remotely as I'm in Texas and am busy this evening. The link is in the description if you want to keep up with it.
  13. Current bid is $500
  14. And I just had a couple or extra items donated: A custom made 4PC 8' 4 wt and a 2 day trip to Maligne! Will run these probably starting next week,
  15. Hi Brent, I put it in.
  16. Item #1 is currently at $400
  17. I'm going to run the auction a bit differently this year. The main auction is on a page I set up on Facebook here. I will update the status on this thread, and you can still bid on this thread, but I can't guarantee if you bid here late in the auction I will see it. If you like the page on FB, you should see any changes. All that said: Item #1: Bow River Float Trip donated by Hanson's Outfitters. Every year Hanson's donates this trip and every year the winner gets treated to a hell of a day. Last winners were a father and son who had one of the best fishing days of their life with big Bow River trout after big Bow River trout. Dates to be mutually agreed by both parties.
  18. Hello Everyone, I am going to be running another auction this year, proceeds going to my MS Bike fundraiser. This board has supported me for many years now on these fundraisers and I can't express how much I appreciate the support. Due to a very packed work and personal life right now, there will only be 3 items, described on the topic in the Fundraising forum. A float trip on the Bow donated by Hansons, a float trip on the Red Deer River or Bow donated by Sanky, and a backcountry 3 day trip donated by me. Details will be on the page. Thanks!
  19. A couple of weeks ago, a member sent me pictures of a Nymph Primer I wrote several years ago. As the original has been lost, here is a blog post with those pictures. I actually did catch a lot of fish using these methods. I've strayed from them in the past several years, hopefully this can help me re-learn myself! Nymphing Primer
  20. Mostly just me rambling about the inner workings of my brain. I did go for some cheap laughs. No fishing however, so be warned. I have a pretty good fishing related one brewing in my head. Hope to do it this week. Fishing, nostalgia, fathers, uncles, cousins, all sorts of good stuff. My Train of Thought Makes All the Stops
  21. Super jealous! Happy for you buddy.
  22. Here are a couple of short posts on my FB site. A moose encounter in downtown calgary and the return of my lost net. Among other things. It's Hard to Lose Things in Alberta Moose on the Loose If you like them, give the site a like. Fishing stories to come.....
  23. As one who has some experience in falling, might I offer some suggestions: 1. Unless death, or amputation at a minimum, is imminent, hospitals are for when the fishing day is over (amputation is only acceptable if its' the casting hand or arm) 2. Nothing looks as bad ass as when each cast sprays blood on the water (actual experience with that one) 3. Anyone who thinks there is nothing better than saskatoons has never been blackberry picking in Louisiana. Not a debate here. Just fact.
  24. Guys, I've had a blog on wordpress for a while now, but I feel it is for actual stories. I'm playing around with shorter (like 2 paragraph type of things) on FB under juststumblingthroughlife. I think if you search it on FB it's the only one I think. It will be mostly stories, hopefully funny observations, unintentional comedy, and fish videos and pics. I do fish the Bow a lot, so if you see a place you like you don't need to tell me it's a place you like. Anyplace that will show up in a vid will be a popular spot, or I won't post it. And anyway, there are fish on the Bow everywhere. Which shouldn't be a newsflash!
  25. I am now officially on a non stop hunt for that shirt. Edit: Got it!
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