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Everything posted by admin

  1. Wow, that is just... Wow. I'm with Jay on staying clear at all costs. I'd rather tie a steak around my neck and jump into the wolf pen at the zoo than go to WM on a weekend.
  2. Cheers! Have a good one man.
  3. Looks good Conor. Don't be shy people, get you patterns in, there are just a couple days left.
  4. Nice flies so far gents.
  5. Nice. I've seen a few of those before. Even caught a few with wriggling bellies. Do a search on youtube and you'll find lots of Pike on pike / pike on trout / pike on bass etc...
  6. lol Thanks. I'm sure we may have run into one another at some point. I did live in Calgary and fish the bow for 20 years before heading east..... I'll be at the Calgary FF show in January as well, so come by and say hey.
  7. Thanks everyone I hope so, someone told me I am entitled to a steak and... something else... what was that? lol
  8. Aweome! Good luck everyone.
  9. Looking Good Rick. I think you just past "porno" stash and are into "Magnum" territory.
  10. lol that's pretty cool stuff. Thanks Don
  11. http://www.flixxy.com/air-fish-rc-airship.htm
  12. After 14 years in our former location, Bow River Troutfitters has moved into our new location at 620-8th Avenue SW right in the heart of downtown. Along with the same expert staff and guides, we will continue to offer the best possible products and service. The new shop, which is much larger, will allow us to add new products, keeping you in the latest and greatest that the fly fishing community has to offer. Our shop hours have not changed from the old location, we are on winter hours and are open: Monday-Thursday 9:00-6:00, Friday 9:00-8:00, Saturday 9:00-5:00, and Sunday 10:00-2:00 We know that you will be impressed with the new store and look forward to showing you around. Michael Day Bow River Troutfitters http://www.bowrivertroutfitters.com
  13. Excerpt from "Fly Snobs Not Allowed" Photos and Story by Al Noraker So, here we go. If you answer, “yes” to seven or more of the following questions drop this magazine and run to the nearest shop and spend your entire weekly paycheck on some techno-snob shirt in teal or peach and stock up on more gadgets to hang from your bulging vest. Warning – When you get your copy of Fly Fusion's winter issue Do Not look at a single photo in the first feature article as they might elicit an immediate and violent response from those that fail this test. Here we go…. #1 – You spent more than $600 on your last fly rod three years ago and it has never been out of its comfy little case. #2 – Your vest has at least 12 different tools hanging from it, most of which you’ve never used or don’t even know how to use. #3 - Your fly reel still has the same backing and fly line on it that was carefully put there by that cute little fly shop in Aspen while you were shopping for shorts impregnated with bug stuff. #4 – When you travel on a fly-fishing vacation, you also take your golf clubs and tennis racquet. #5 – It’s too cold to fish if you have to wear more than one extra layer of clothing under your L.L. Bean shirt and you never fish if moisture is falling from the sky in any form. #6 – You’ve never worn out a pair of wading boots. #7 – You still think the sport of fly-fishing first began after the movie “A River Runs Through It” first hit the big screen. #8 – You believe Ted Turner is a native of Montana and the rest of us are just visitors in his state and to his opulent Flying D Ranch. #9 – Native trout are those stocked from a local hatchery. #10 – Carp are bottom feeding trash fish that smell bad, look bad and you would never want one of those critters on the end of your fly rod!
  14. Sweet man. Guess your calling in sick for work for the next couple days eh.
  15. Not sure why they would have been removed. They are a hybrid and as far as I know, they can't reproduce.
  16. I really liked Phil Rowley's DVD on fly tying and entomology, I would recommend that as well as the stillwater book he did with Brian Chan. There are a ton of videos out there for helping improve your cast. I really took a lot from Fly Casting - for better fly fishing produced by loop.
  17. I used to work at the Bearspaw G&CC. A few flames were members and would bring their other NHL buddies for a round often. Ended up with a pile of autographs (McInnis, Vernon, Messier, Anderson and Lindros) and even got to golf 9 with a couple guys.
  18. So if we all vote for other people's kids multiple times from our computers, that should disqualify everyone else right. lol I don't think they can really do that as lots of people share IP's from shaw or telus.
  19. Should be more than once a year. I keep my poppies in my car year round to remind me everyday of what was sacrificed for us. Don't forget to pin on a poppy.
  20. We'll look into the badges. That's a great idea.
  21. Let me know if it comes up again, or a different site. Just PM me the URL and I'll take care of them.
  22. Al can you PM me the URL of the actual site. I'll need that to exclude it.
  23. Al, find out what site it is and I can ban the site from displaying in the rotation. That goes for anything else deemed unacceptable for the forum. I'm guess the Shack nasties thread has a few keywords in it that would bring the banner here. Post about cars, you'll see car ads popping up
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