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Best concerts that stand out

The Beatles Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto - September 7, 1964

still have my ticket stubs, costed me $5.50

Festival Express with Janis Joplin,The Band, The Grateful Dead etc. 1970

Stones Sticky fingers Vancouver mid 80's

The Doors in 80

Deep Purple in Vancouver (DP in Rock)

Kid Rock

Corsby Stills Nash and Young Dejvu

Cher two years ago


Other great ones through the years that stick with me where

Pink Floyd

Jimmy Hendrix

Willie Nelson

Gordon Lightfoot - '68


To name a very few.


I really enjoyed the John Fogerty concert last weekend, its right up there for me. The Hip always put on a good show and U2 in 1997 was pretty good too.


For a smaller venue, The Hugh Dillon Redemption Choir (former lead singer of The Headstones) two years ago in Edmonton. Not a really well known guy but he has an incredible stage presence and has to be the coolest MOFO to ever walk the face of the earth. You have to love a lead singer who will actually reach into the crowd and smack people upside the head when they start acting like idiots.


missinthebow, did furnaceface play sat. night at that fest? I remember one crazy weekend down there as well, I'd say '93. Plus Moist played (way before they got popular) and they were by far the worst band the whole weekend. Goodtimes.....I'm gettin' on in age now it seems.


1986ish - Me & my buddy got to watch Iron Maiden perform at the Centre 200 in Sydney Nova Scotia. The stadium had road crew, us, the band, and that's it. We then got to have supper with them and hangout and have a photo shoot with them. Sorry, no one will ever see the photos, not at least until they bring Mullets back in fashion. :lol:


for me its got to be john cougar and dire straits in the mid 80s and george thorgood bad to the bone tour them were the days what i can remember of them lol

  SilverDoctor said:
Best concerts that stand out

The Beatles Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto - September 7, 1964

still have my ticket stubs, costed me $5.50

Festival Express with Janis Joplin,The Band, The Grateful Dead etc. 1970

Stones Sticky fingers Vancouver mid 80's

The Doors in 80

Deep Purple in Vancouver (DP in Rock)

Kid Rock

Corsby Stills Nash and Young Dejvu

Cher two years ago


Other great ones through the years that stick with me where

Pink Floyd

Jimmy Hendrix

Willie Nelson

Gordon Lightfoot - '68


To name a very few.



Ya bin around, ain'tcha Doc? Groupie? ;)


Oh.. and the Hip "Up Close and Personal" Tour.. at the Jube. Gordie and I pointed at each other during one point in my fav song - Nautical Disaster.


I lived in Austin in the 80's and sometime around 87 a small town in Texas got wiped out by a tornado. Waylon Jennings decided to put on a relief concert to raise money to help the townsfolks. I forget how much tickets were but they were cheap. The concert was held at a horse track outside of town. There were probably less than 200 people that showed up. I couldn't believe how few were there. We didn't even cover a 1/4 of the infield where the stage was.

This is who performed:

Waylon Jennings

Willie Neslon

Johnny Cash

Neil Young

Steve Earle

and a few others I can't remember.

So of all the concerts I've seen, I would have to say this was the best. It was like they were playing just for me because there was hardly anyone else there. Even getting to the stage was no problem. You just walked right up and leaned against it and watched them play 3 feet away. I wish I still had the pictures my ex-wife took that day. Talk about close-ups. Only sad part is that Waylon went in the hole. He didn't even make enough to cover the expenses much less help out the town he threw the concert for.


Isn't google amazing? I just found a story about it here. You can see for yourself who else was there. It's the first story on the page. I even found out how much I paid for the tickets. 15.00 each. We did bring some canned goods to donate also.


The Police when they were the opening act for XTC at the old MacEwen Ballroom circa 1978.

Then I saw Ridley Bent at the Calgary folkfest this year and he is pretty good.

I've been to a lot of concerts and they do tend to blur a bit, but my "Woodstock" was in 1979

at the Blackrock Mountain Folkfest, just outside of Kelowna. Let's see we had bikers, nekkid people in a pile,

communal skinny dipping, mud baths, John Lee Hooker, Elvin Bishop, Canned Heat, various illicit substances, and all the Falstaff beer you could handle, because there was the usual beer strikes we had in those days.

  BobLoblaw said:
Ya bin around, ain'tcha Doc? Groupie? ;)


Nope, I was one of them there dirty filthy artsy fartsy long hared hippies freaks yer mom warned you about. I'm in disguise now as a normal person.

  birchy said:
Oh.. and the Hip "Up Close and Personal" Tour.. at the Jube. Gordie and I pointed at each other during one point in my fav song - Nautical Disaster.


"Anyway Birchy if you like our conversation is as faint as the sound in my memory...."


Boy am I going to show my age...

Doobie Bros at McMahon Stadium and of course the Eagles also at McMahon. The D. Bros had to cancel out in May because of a snow storm so they came back later in the spring. It was the last stop on their tour and they were ready to party. Always enjoyed the Dirt Band when they did one of their many Red Deer visits. They did a live thing (?) years ago in Red Deer and had so much fun they came back a lot over the years -once again the party atmosphere.


1991 went to Western Washington Universtiy in Bellingham to see Mudhoney play. After the opening act when Mudhoney was supposed to come out, these three other dudes roll onto stage. One of them is like 8 feet tall and we realized that Nirvana had shown up just for fun. They played for 45 mins or so and then destroyed every istrument on the stage, It was friggen insane. Keep in mind this was just as Teen spirit had come out and they were blowing up big time. after the mess was cleaned up, Mudhoney came out for an entire set. The whole thing left this late teenager awestruck and only cost $4.


ACDC second row at GM place was quite crazy as well.


NOFX and Helmet at Commodore Ballroom was intense.


Bringing back some good memories yet frustrating cause the memories are quite faded at the same time ;)


Beastie Boys, Chilli Peppers, Fishbone, Supersucker, Reverend Horton Heat, Rocket from the Crypt. Man those was some fun times.


Being a die hard Hip fan I'd have to say any of their shows I've seen over the last 18 years or so, although i am partial to the outdoor shows, Another Road Side Attraction at Thunderbird Park in Vancouver was incredible (what i remember of it anyways :blink: )




Pink Floyd The Division Bell Tour BC Place early 90s

Roadside Attraction Thunderbird stadium UBC Featuring the Hip, Ziggy Marley, Spirit of the west Etc. early 90's

The Tusnami Relief Concert Saddle Dome (I am really bad with dates today)


But man I am so jealous of the Silver Doctors list mostly because I never got a chance to see a lot of those bands before key members died. I have a tragic story of missing one of the last Grateful Dead concerts because I was in high school and my parents wouldn't let me go to Seattle to watch it.


More of a party than a concert, but the closing of Rock 'n Roll Heaven in Toronto in '90 or '91 (Those years just blurr together for me) skid raod played but in the crowd was everybody that played there regularly over the years.

  dube said:
missinthebow, did furnaceface play sat. night at that fest? I remember one crazy weekend down there as well, I'd say '93. Plus Moist played (way before they got popular) and they were by far the worst band the whole weekend. Goodtimes.....I'm gettin' on in age now it seems.

Yes, Furnace Face, Moist and a bunch of others that went on to bigger and better things.

We got to party with Furnace Face, Sons of Freedom and Coffin Break for part of the weekend. We were ski bums that thought we were pretty "out there", until meeting these guys. After that, we felt pretty normal and down to earth.


I made the mistake of giving them my number and told them to call if they ever came to Calgary. This was on the Sunday and by Tuesday, the phone was ringing. I actually got calls for a couple years after occassionally from them looking for a place to "Crash".

Oops. :unsure:


I never did let them stay, I was afraid of what might happen.


It was a great weekend though. I was one of the idiots walking around covered from head to toe in mud.


1) Judas Priest at the Saddledome a couple of years ago, middle stage second row!!! Awesome!!!! 2) Motley Crue and Aerosmith at the dome last December was great (well Aerosmith was great the Crue were there). 3) Tim McGraw about 3 years ago at the Dome believe it or not was right up there. I went just to keep the wife company and ended up loving it.


I've seen Metallica the last 4 times they were here - each show was amazing. I think the last one was the best of them only becuase Godsmack put on a great show too.


Garth Brooks (seen twice) also put on an Amazing live show.


I think the most fun I've had was Disturbed at U of C last year though


I also heard that Roger Waters put on an Amazing show here a couple months ago - anyone go?


ACDC about 5 years ago in Calgary as I was a big fan as a teen. Awesome!!!

Ones I would love to see would be, Springsteen, Tom Petty, and the Hip.


Loving country, George Strait was awesome, followed by Alan Jackson and tim McGraw.

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