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So a few of us were fishing on the Highwood today (big pool - cliff jumping pool) and had never fished the Highwood beofre. Anyway, didn't know this was the area where all the local teens go to party and jump off the cliffs... We got there and had the whole place to ourselves (except for all the garbage and beer cans/water bottles, etc.). Anyway, about an hour into our session when the fish just started to rise a group of teens came down to jump off the cliffs. We tried to speak to them politely to let them know we were fishing there and they told us off and proceeded to jump off the cliffs and drink beer, etc. Many of them were obviously underage... Nonetheless, my buddies wife that was with us is an RCMP officer (off duty) and when we got back to our vehicles (no point fishing after all that racket) she puts a call into to Turner Valley dispatch (found out one of their vehicles was even wanted for a hit and run)... Anyway, long story short, she gets a follow-up txt while we were having dinner in Black Diamond, and the kids received over $700 in fines!! :ridemcowboy: :ridemcowboy: If they weren't so rude to begin with, we probably wouldnt have done anything, but I guess we ruined their long weekend fun!!


Yeehaw! :ridemcowboy: :ridemcowboy:




Never fished the Highwood before and was surprised that no body was even there to begin with!!



  Hydropsyche said:
It was a hot one today and that is the "cliff" pool. You should have expected that.



Ya, it's a party spot. My friends and I got shot at with a .22 once when we used to frequent the spot. Haven't been back in a while.


Glad to hear that there was some justice served.

  ÜberFly said:
Never fished the Highwood before and was surprised that no body was even there to begin with!!



I'm beginning to wonder about you and your Lady..m8..it seems that poop always falls on you guys..is that great bird of Auk trying to tell you something..0101054.gif.........Wolfie


Great Job. Nice to see something done to those who think they are above the law and have no respect for anyone but themselves. Hopefully it will have a lasting impact on their choices in the future.


We where doing the same thing when I was a younster. we use to party at a few different spots on the Red Deer river. Big parties too 100 people couple times a week Funny thing is you could go out there the next day and there was no garbage and bottles all over. If you busted a bottle on the ground on purpose you would get a beating for it. We kept it clean and respected the land and river. The cops knew we partied there, they never bothered us. Now you cant even get down there they blocked off any access.

Yup as far as am concerned the little pukes got off lucky because in my day we would have slapped the *hit out of them and run them out of the spot.


good thing you had them busted. maybe next weekend they can spend some of there free time at the mall. how quickly we forget what it was like to be young. maybe picking up some of the garbage and leading by example is to much to ask, from law enforcement.


yours truly

former cliff jumping booze drinking teenager


If they got busted than they must of deserved it. You honestly think us older people forget what it was like to be young. We sure didnt need someone to come clean up after us to teach us what was right and wrong.


i am sure that all of them did not need to be cleaned up after. there is good and bad kids in every group. i just think that there is far worse things that kids can be doing. time spent in the outdoors makes us learn to appreciate it , especially as we mature.

kicking them out of places like that will only push them to other places. there is many good pools down stream and upstream of there. i would of talked to them about not littering and not tell them to stop jumping and swimming. maybe even jump in myself. it is far easyer to lead a friend in the right direction then be a old man waving your finger. you grndrake say you were a good kid. but i was not i changed, but not from people telling me what to do but by my friends and family influencing me with there actions and attitudes.


Ya I know theres good and bad kids , personally I wouldn't be calling them kids if there old enough to drive there. And a dont wave my finger at anyone if people are doing stuff around me I dont like I clear out fast. I dont waste my breath on people like that, there already old enough to know better and nothing I say is going to change that.




I was out there with a couple of buddies on wednesday some dudes came into jump.... so we left, we all have a right to the river and it had been a good day hunting bullies, we went down river a 100ms or so and continued to land fish.


Hey I'm all for being a "kid" and enjoying summer (used to cliff jump as well at different locals), but the whole deal was that they were being punk, snot nose pricks. If they were wanting to speak to us like mature individuals, then we probably wouldn't have called them in (I'm sure if we weren't with my friends wife, the RCMP probably would have told us they were too busy, anyway). We would even told them we were going to be fishing for another 1/2 hour or so and they could have drank beer and swam instead of jumping in right off the bat...




  tonyr said:
i am sure that all of them did not need to be cleaned up after. there is good and bad kids in every group. i just think that there is far worse things that kids can be doing. time spent in the outdoors makes us learn to appreciate it , especially as we mature.

kicking them out of places like that will only push them to other places. there is many good pools down stream and upstream of there. i would of talked to them about not littering and not tell them to stop jumping and swimming. maybe even jump in myself. it is far easyer to lead a friend in the right direction then be a old man waving your finger. you grndrake say you were a good kid. but i was not i changed, but not from people telling me what to do but by my friends and family influencing me with there actions and attitudes.

  tonyr said:
good thing you had them busted. maybe next weekend they can spend some of there free time at the mall. how quickly we forget what it was like to be young. maybe picking up some of the garbage and leading by example is to much to ask, from law enforcement.


yours truly

former cliff jumping booze drinking teenager

Former cliff jumping booze drinking teenager - As we launched the boat on my July 3/09 float on the Missouri River, the local sheriff's dept. and, the Fish & Wildlife officer told us to look for a body as we fished down river, describing it as a cliff jumping booze drinking teenager. We did not see it, but a rafter found it 1/2 mile downstream later in the day. Pretty expensive drink, eh. yours truly, a responsible parent


teenagers drink because we tell them they cant. they jump off cliffs because it is dangerous. do you think some fines will stop them from doing this i believe not. it will only make it more thrilling for them (fear of the cops coming). the police tactics do not work. it will only make them rebel more against old man authority. "stupid pig gave me a ticket, lets go to your place and drink your parents are not home right now. and you got an xbox right" how much better do you think it would of been if the rcmps would have went down there took the booze and gave them a story on why it is dangerous. just grabbing the kid that did the hit and run im sure would have been enough.lost money (tickets) are not away to reach young adults. its tough being that age.

talk to them. they obviously dont listen to the parents warning. maybe a cool cop or fishermen will help even one of them. im sure the tickets will only help our government finances.


Post by Supremeleader was removed by Mod's,so I removed the Quote I included here ..


Read the post, man I was thinking that you might have had a head on your shoulders, by some of your other posts.. but not now..


The kid did a hit and run for God sakes .. and you attacking a woman even if it is in this format.. WEAK MAN WEAK !!!!


"Rat" that is damn immature and just plain weak...


A little slap in the head, and maybe shown some pictures of kids in wheel chairs from "harmless cliff diving while drunk" or the devastation of a Hit and run that killed somebody... might have been truly in order..


Man I have worked ambulance and E911 in this province for 8 years and really find your response OTL...


Andy, didn't know there was a time limit on fishing this particular hole (or any any other, for that matter...) <Just kidding>


Actually, there was 6 people in our group. My father (who's 80), my nephew (who's 10), my GF, my buddy and his wife (as previously mentioned) and seeing we were with a "senior" and child, it wasn't easy for us to pool jump and explore other areas of the river.,




  AndyW said:
How can 3 people fish that hole for 1.5 hours?
  tonyr said:
teenagers drink because we tell them they cant. they jump off cliffs because it is dangerous. do you think some fines will stop them from doing this i believe not. it will only make it more thrilling for them (fear of the cops coming). the police tactics do not work. it will only make them rebel more against old man authority. "stupid pig gave me a ticket, lets go to your place and drink your parents are not home right now. and you got an xbox right" how much better do you think it would of been if the rcmps would have went down there took the booze and gave them a story on why it is dangerous. just grabbing the kid that did the hit and run im sure would have been enough.lost money (tickets) are not away to reach young adults. its tough being that age.

talk to them. they obviously dont listen to the parents warning. maybe a cool cop or fishermen will help even one of them. im sure the tickets will only help our government finances.

We drank, jumped of cliffs and did other stupid things. We used to do it in the same spots that my parents and grandparents did. Don't sh&% where you walk is kinda how we looked at it. Now you can't even go down into those spots because people have disrespected the property and/or the owner to the point where they have closed off public access to them. One thing we didn't do was disrespect our elders or the environment. Talking to a group of young adults in that situation years ago, would have probably worked, but now I don't risk it. Society has changed to the point where you error on the side of caution because you can't predict the outcome (possibility of knifes, guns, getting pounded on by all of them) plays in the back of my mind. It is tough being that age and I know that there are lots of great kids out there, but the ones that can be "punk, snot nosed pricks" have made the option of talking to them not an obvious choice. A friend of mine was pounded to death in a parking lot by 3 young gentlemen. So I guess I am a little more cautious now, times have changed when it comes to looking out for your own safety.



I somewhat agree about "the fear that society manufactures". Though I don't believe it is on purpose. Due to mass communication of all types, we know learn of every bad thing that happens, everywhere, in near real time. Leads us to believe that things are more dangerous than they truly are.


That said, it IS different today. I think I'm a bit (or much more than a bit) older than grndrake. We did all the same *hit he did. But I can tell you we would never, ever of dreamed of disobeying/disrespecting adults. If we would have come up on a swimming hole and an adult was there fishing and asked us to wait, we would have waited. Not maybe waited, but absolutely waited. Or gone somewhere else. The consequences at home would have been significant if our parents ever found out we did otherwise. This isn't the kids of today's fault that they don't behave as we did, it is ours. We are the parents and for whatever reason have done a crap job of instilling the values in our kids that were instilled in us. We all have our pet theories as to why this is. I don't think there is one simple reason-the rapid change in society-much of it due to technology-over the last 50 yrs has overwhelmed us. We have been told from multiple sources how to raise our kids. My parents (and generations of parents before them) did it the way they had been taught by their parents, not society or the media (and I don't think the media is a thing-it is the sum of all the information coming at us), so things evolved much, much more slowly.


Could be the kids of today will be better people than we were/are. I have no idea. I certainly hope so. I want to say I doubt it, but that is just because I, like most every one of us, think the way we were brought up was the best way. Time will tell. The one thing I know for absolute certainty is that in 30 yrs or so, the generation of today's kids will be complaining about the behavior and lack of values in the next generation of kids.



Oh-and DBT thanks for the salmon egg reference. Got a good chuckle out of that.

  rickr said:
TThe one thing I know for absolute certainty is that in 30 yrs or so, the generation of today's kids will be complaining about the behavior and lack of values in the next generation of kids.


the one thing in life that remains absolutely consistent

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