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Commercial Fishermen With An Alberta Licence

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Guest Sundancefisher

Anyone out there with a commercial fishing licence? Please PM me.





HAHAHA should have evolved thumbs so you could cut that net.

Guest Sundancefisher
  420FLYFISHIN said:
HAHAHA should have evolved thumbs so you could cut that net.



We are going to net the crap out of the lake in the Spring. Any volunteers in the community can take the prize catch home. If there are not enough local volunteers...friends from outside the board can come.




This video taken last weekend in an area we have caught thousands out of just makes your heart drop...


The saddest thing to note is that the perch are everywhere from right on bottom to about 6-8 feet off bottom.


Dude, that sucks, the big one LOL. So yea, cant you kill off the lake? like fish and wildlife does with some chemical? Do pearch taste good? perhaps next weekend i should come join you, and fill my freezer.



  fishinhogdaddy said:
Wow. That's sad. People just don't understand how an ecosystem can be affected by such a thing as introducing non-native species to a lake like that.

Really sad.




????? what non-native species? non desirable maybe.



Really simple solution - chuck a few pike in and wait a couple of years. Of course, the trout may not do so well, but you'd have big perch and some chubby pike to fish for, and no stocking needed. All depends if you just want fishing or if you want fishing for stocked trout.


Flyslinger, I think we are really looking for a rainbow fishery that we can fish to with our fly rods. I'd much rather catch trout than slough sharks.


The board of directors won't let us rotenone the lake yet....That is the best plan


Not to be more obtuse than usual, but what good is netting going to do? The problem will just be back in a few years as no chance of getting anywhere near all of them with any type of net I've ever heard of.


And after all this hard work is done to get rid of all the Perch and Trout are restocked what will be the master plan on stopping someone from placing Perch back into the lake?

Can you lower the water levels? if so could you not lower the level and try to winter kill the lake next winter?


Rick your point is powerful. Personally I think netting is a band-aid on a gushing wound. Killing a few thousand perch will save some scuds for the trout to eat. Netting is the only program allowed at this point.

Water levels can't be dropped due to winter recreation plans.


Perch vandalism can't really be stopped...just like in all the lakes out by Caroline. Only via education and a willing heart on the part of the vandals will it be stopped. Doing something seems better than doing nothing.


i asked a question hoss, what non-native species? yellow perch are native to this part of Alberta, hatchery rainbow trout are not, plus the ecosystem in lac de sundance is completely manmade hence the ?????


BTW I'm a dick on a good day, I'm a flat out prick on a bad one.

  Taco said:
i asked a question hoss, what non-native species? yellow perch are native to this part of Alberta, hatchery rainbow trout are not, plus the ecosystem in lac de sundance is completely manmade hence the ?????


BTW I'm a dick on a good day, I'm a flat out prick on a bad one.



  Nick0Danger said:
Dude, that sucks, the big one LOL. So yea, cant you kill off the lake? like fish and wildlife does with some chemical? Do pearch taste good? perhaps next weekend i should come join you, and fill my freezer.




Perch taste very good. Pan fried, pickled, and smoked. When I was young my neighbour would have perch on the smoker almost every day in the winter. Why don't the sundance board open the lake to fishing to non residents. The don't see. Possible down side as long as the residents have no issue. Maybe every other weekend. Where I grew up we had an amazing perch fishery but with a 30 daily limit in less then 5 years you couldn't catch a fish as they were eliminated.




Guest Sundancefisher
  misterbig said:
Perch taste very good. Pan fried, pickled, and smoked. When I was young my neighbour would have perch on the smoker almost every day in the winter. Why don't the sundance board open the lake to fishing to non residents. The don't see. Possible down side as long as the residents have no issue. Maybe every other weekend. Where I grew up we had an amazing perch fishery but with a 30 daily limit in less then 5 years you couldn't catch a fish as they were eliminated.




The lake is private and protected and paid for by the residents. Allowing unfettered access can lead to many, many problems as you can well imagine. That being said...as far as buddys/guests of mine are concerned there has been a constant stream of successful perch anglers leaving the lake with me on some weekends. :kicks:


30 fish a day will not remove the problem. Many people have 100 fish days and there is no dent in sight.


The best thing to do would be to rotenone from a time management perspective. Organic product...breaks down in 3 days...re-stocking 3 weeks later etc.


As for future vandalizm...education is key plus there has been no other vandals hitting the other Calgary Lakes for 10 years. People tend to know better now as fishermen hear about the dangers of illegal introduction of species. Once removed...I am confident the perch will not be back. We could always put up a $50,000 reward for the conviction of someone do that again.


Time will tell about the netting but for sure we are not talking a day here or a day there over the summer. We will need volunteers netting every weekend, hopefully some weekdays using 4 fyke nets and 2 gill nets and hopefully some long days and starting right after the ice is out to when the ice comes back. After two years of intensive netting and egg removal there should be a noticable decrease in the perch population or at least a chance of having enough space for some perch to grow faster and bigger to be worth eating.


In any event there will be some good feasts for some volunteers that want fish to eat. Using the how to clean a perch in 10 seconds method will mean a huge pile of perch to eat over the year.


Netting can be interesting and fun. When working one day we set nets over night. The next morning our fyke net had thousands of perch in it.





  Sundancefisher said:
The lake is private and protected and paid for by the residents. Allowing unfettered access can lead to many, many problems as you can well imagine. That being said...as far as buddys/guests of mine are concerned there has been a constant stream of successful perch anglers leaving the lake with me on some weekends. :kicks:


30 fish a day will not remove the problem. Many people have 100 fish days and there is no dent in sight.


The best thing to do would be to rotenone from a time management perspective. Organic product...breaks down in 3 days...re-stocking 3 weeks later etc.


As for future vandalizm...education is key plus there has been no other vandals hitting the other Calgary Lakes for 10 years. People tend to know better now as fishermen hear about the dangers of illegal introduction of species. Once removed...I am confident the perch will not be back. We could always put up a $50,000 reward for the conviction of someone do that again.


Time will tell about the netting but for sure we are not talking a day here or a day there over the summer. We will need volunteers netting every weekend, hopefully some weekdays using 4 fyke nets and 2 gill nets and hopefully some long days and starting right after the ice is out to when the ice comes back. After two years of intensive netting and egg removal there should be a noticable decrease in the perch population or at least a chance of having enough space for some perch to grow faster and bigger to be worth eating.


In any event there will be some good feasts for some volunteers that want fish to eat. Using the how to clean a perch in 10 seconds method will mean a huge pile of perch to eat over the year.


Netting can be interesting and fun. When working one day we set nets over night. The next morning our fyke net had thousands of perch in it.






agree. i live in chaparral and would hate to have tonnes of outsiders on our lake. If you ever have a perch day and are willing to bring me and my family i am willing to come and do my part in perch annihilation. i used to be very efficient in perch cleaning. I could use couple hundred fish in my diet.




Guest Sundancefisher
  misterbig said:
agree. i live in chaparral and would hate to have tonnes of outsiders on our lake. If you ever have a perch day and are willing to bring me and my family i am willing to come and do my part in perch annihilation. i used to be very efficient in perch cleaning. I could use couple hundred fish in my diet.




PM you phone number to me. I often go last last minute and since you are close that will work out fine. Always interested in flyfishing Chap in the summer for something different.


Sundance, I'm glad you know what you want in the fishery. My only point was that if fishing of some sort is all that was wanted, then adding pike was a simple and inexpensive solution. If the community wants a trout fishery, then indeed you have to deal with the perch.

Guest Sundancefisher
  flyslinger said:
Sundance, I'm glad you know what you want in the fishery. My only point was that if fishing of some sort is all that was wanted, then adding pike was a simple and inexpensive solution. If the community wants a trout fishery, then indeed you have to deal with the perch.


That is where education has to play a factor. People can not stock native fish in lakes. It is illegal. To stock pike would follow up a wrong with another wrong. Pike would never take hold. They are too suceptible to over fishing and spawning success would most likely be poor. Any baby pike would get eaten by the hordes of perch.


Only thing that can be done is to hit the perch population hard like an atomic bomb or rotenone the lake.


Either way we are starting off on the premise that angling and netting can help.





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