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I have been tossing on whether to share a recent experience or not, but here it goes. Friends and I from Alberta recently went to fish the Elk river. We brought our drift boats down and fished for three days. On one day we fished from Morrissey to Elko and started out about 9:30 am. About an hour later, a boat caught up to us while drifting and the guide mentioned they were going to pull over as they had 2 more boats in their party. We continued on our way until lunch and pulled over to fish some good holes. Shortly after the boats caught up to us while we were pulled to one side of the river. The guide in one boat started to take pictures of us with his cell phone. At first we thought odd but were too busy yarding out several cutthroat on some caddis emergers.

The rest of the day was filled with some decent fishing but did not see the other boats.


When I finally reached our take out, the other boat in our party had already arrived and they were grabbing the truck and trailer. As I pulled in I saw a CO talking to them and he quickly ran to my boat demanding whose boat we were in. I said it was mine and without any explanation demanded my other two boat partners to leave the boat and were escorted away from me. I was told to stay put in the boat.

What also transpired was my friend who went to retrieve the first truck and trailer was met with the 2 COs road blocking with flashers and yelling at my friend to not move as they unclipped the holster to their firearms.They yelled about a report of him with a firearm violation.


After an hour of interrogation, we found out that the guides who passed us, phoned in and said we were illegally guiding from Montana.


Here is my problem, the guides down there were from one of the fly shops. I know guides do not like us on the water there, despite the fact that we purchase ALL the required licenses, fish with respect and etiquette, do not have liquor, polite, share what is working etc. We also support the local fly shops, accommodations, restaurants, gas stations, shuttles etc etc. The restrictions these people have put on the river is enough to say the least. To call in a bogus complaint is BS. They had zero reasons to believe we were guides. I'm guessing they may have been getting some heat from their clients who were nymphing and we were doing well on surface.

My other issue: the actions of the COs were over the top. Illegally guiding does not warrant the response. A quick visit to the truck and trailers would have been the first clue that our license plates read Alberta and not Montana. Second, I claimed the owner of the second boat as we came to shore and I was FISHING!. How many guides fish (from the front I might add). Guilty before proven innocent. One of the COs asked why the fellow gathering the truck was nervous. I don't know, screaming in to blockade the road and polishing your guns might be a reason.

I won't generalize everyone in the Elk valley, but I spend enough time to know we are not welcome. Everything from comments to vandalism to this.

I'm not feeling obligated to support the local shops unfortunately and will likely change destinations for the future. I guess the guides eventually win, but the town does not.

Ironic that the local guides will also advertise guiding alberta waters and I also see as many BC plates upland hunting the same areas of southern alberta as I do.

Not in their backyard, but ours is fine.

Funny, vented, but don't feel any better.

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Pretty typical BC response. I had a guide call me regarding a lesser known steelhead river that he saw me rafting, and lit into me for over an hour about illegally guiding on it (even though i was not rowing...), and how any time I was in the area, he expected me to call him and tell him before hand...

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In my mind the BC guide should be fined for calling in misinformation intentionally. I would have demanded the CO look into that, and requested info on what the caller said that they had weapons prepared, you fish terrorist you. Feel free to post the name of the shop the guided for and I and maybe others would call and email often to make them think about it. I hear of Alta plate vehicles having tires slashed as well. I am not a vigilante but after a while would consider. Enough crap already!!!

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tires have been slashed, headlights smashed, keyed paint. It all happens. I am going to file a complaint of the guide. I will most likely publish the name of the guiding outfit as well. It is sad. Although we did nothing wrong, it spoiled a great day.


It would be nice if Alberta reciprocated license fees that we are charged by British Columbia. That would at least make the playing field a little more level. In general, Albertan's are not viewed kindly by our fellow Canadians in B.C. or for that matter any part of Canada. It has to do with all the oil money. I guess in the big scheme of things, it is a 'first world problem' but nonetheless, I can appreciate your frustration.


I don't think it is wrong to publish the guides name nor the local fishing shops name.


Letter to their minister- those action are unacceptable- guide and officer.

I'd also call the shop and let them know that you and those that know you will not be frequenting their establishment.

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I would like to know the guiding company. Running a business based on lies while using public resouces is so immoral. Like noslack said, a PM would be just fine, but I would support you if you chose to release the name publicly


Its not just bc guides that act bad on the river. I was floating two weeks ago from 22x to mac and coming to the island just after wouldn't it be nice. I was rowing and was on the left bank getting set up to fish the hole at the end of the island. There is a guide on the end of the island tying on his clients flys NOT even fishing just standing on shore. And this guide has the nerve to yell out thats crowding you know. I was more shocked he said that I didnt know what to do.


Sorry to hear about your story Mayfly.

  On 8/17/2013 at 1:57 AM, NoSlack said:

*hit what happened to being nice and friendly....now it's a dog eat dog world.....

Its like the guides feel they have paying clients that they take priority and everyone else doesn't matter. Some of the guides are so bad on the water but some are great. I have taken trips with fish tales before and there guides are great. I wont name the shop that the guide was being a ass hole.


Betcha I know who this is!!


  On 8/17/2013 at 1:49 AM, willshire59 said:

There is a guide on the end of the island tying on his clients flys NOT even fishing just standing on shore. And this guide has the nerve to yell out thats crowding you know.

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Gil and I floated the elk on Wednesday for our first time.


We didn't seem to have any problems. The two people at Elk River Guiding were extremely helpful in recommending a float for our first time on the Elk with easy put in and take outs (my worry is you will miss the take out). Professional in setting up the shuttle, hot flies etc.


Didn't see too many boats (guides) on the section we were on, but the ones we did see gave a wave and seemed amicable.


But I guess in life, there are always the good with the bad.





  On 8/16/2013 at 9:45 PM, rodofplenty1 said:

It would be nice if Alberta reciprocated license fees that we are charged by British Columbia. That would at least make the playing field a little more level. In general, Albertan's are not viewed kindly by our fellow Canadians in B.C. or for that matter any part of Canada. It has to do with all the oil money. I guess in the big scheme of things, it is a 'first world problem' but nonetheless, I can appreciate your frustration.


I don't think it is wrong to publish the guides name nor the local fishing shops name.


And yet if it wasn't for Alberta money coming into many of these areas they would be in a pretty sad financial state....


See much of the same up north in the Shuswap. Locals want to complain about an Albertan invasion, but whine and complain when the tourists don't come in and pay the bills.

Guest Sneaky

I wouldnt generalize all bc guides losing their marbles, though your case sounds extreme and ridiculous, i'd be livid too. I have ran across a couple of real douches fishing in general. Some are members on this board, I honestly dont understand the actions of some. Social media isn't helping one bit. A lot of a people just need to quit with the dick measuring contests and just get back to fishing.

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  On 8/16/2013 at 10:59 PM, albertatrout said:
I stopped fishing/ vacationing in that part of BC when the classified system was implemented. They will never see a penny from me again, its easy enough to head elsewhere.


That's exactly the desired effect. The Fernie guides have your number!

  On 8/16/2013 at 9:45 PM, rodofplenty1 said:
It would be nice if Alberta reciprocated license fees that we are charged by British Columbia. That would at least make the playing field a little more level. In general, Albertan's are not viewed kindly by our fellow Canadians in B.C. or for that matter any part of Canada. It has to do with all the oil money. I guess in the big scheme of things, it is a 'first world problem' but nonetheless, I can appreciate your frustration.


I don't think it is wrong to publish the guides name nor the local fishing shops name.


Nobody wins when we make our world even smaller! I often feel the same way about the provincial disparity in F&W licensing for individuals but, as the old saw goes, two wrongs don't make a right.


Other the other hand, I do think that something should be done to restrict BC based operations from guiding in Alberta and posting the same on their websites. These are the same guys who helped to bring in the present non-resident license fees and they are the major beneficiaries of the changes, through transferable Rod Days and reduced fishing pressure. Let's let these guys feel a little of our pain!


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Yes. Post it. I'm the type that makes a point of calling businesses like that and tell them 3000 users here all know that they are a-holes.


PM me if you want. I go through there sometimes, I could even say it to their face. I enjoy that type of confrontation sometimes.

  On 8/18/2013 at 4:03 AM, alan2 said:

Yes. Post it. I'm the type that makes a point of calling businesses like that and tell them 3000 users here all know that they are a-holes.


PM me if you want. I go through there sometimes, I could even say it to their face. I enjoy that type of confrontation sometimes.


I Grimace at the thought of you laying down an interweb boot stomping.


Is this not something that should be reported to political sources, RCMP and Forestry in B.C.?

The description of the process seems to suggest actions that warrant investigation for criminal charges against the guides as well as CO's.


Perhaps a call to a local newspaper would help? Maybe the Fernie tourism board?


I spend a lot of time in Fernie, mostly mountain biking and the Calgary/Alberta hate is definitely there. The people who were born and raised in Fernie tend to be very cool and could care less if you are from ALberta, it's the people who have moved to Fernie from somewhere else and now consider themselves "locals" who cop attitude the most.

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