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I'm assuming this post started because of my post about fishing on Saturday. We did end up getting 30, but between three of us, we started fishing at 9 and left the water at 7:30, I figure if you fish that long 30 fish between three guys isn't that many. In our group many of the fish were caught by a buddy of mine and a few by the other two, we were sharing flies, spots etc. Some people got it some don't. I don't often post numbers but we had an awesome day between the three of us and we were pumped to get out. However, if you would like to believe we caught many fewer, by all means giver.

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  cgyguy said:
Fishfreak says:

"I remember eating lunch while a guy was fishing a pool at the Liv. In half an hour, with multiple fly changes, he caught nothing. After I finished my lunch, I saw what was rising, and caught 5 in just a few minutes. That guy complained of a slow day on the Liv, while I had a great one. On one of the high mountain lakes, I caught 70+ fish in less than 2 hours, while people around me got a handful the whole day."


<--poke--< Fishfreak - If I caught 70 fish in two hours, I'd quit or lose count, how did you manage to accurately catch 70 fish in a 120 minutes. Let's see.....120 divided by 70 = 1.71 minutes per fish. That is of course if you don't take time out to pee, change fly, or otherwise! WOW!!!

I told you a thousand times to quit exaggerating!!! :ridemcowboy:

tie three flies and have triple headers everytime will make it 5.1 mins. :P

  cgyguy said:
Fishfreak says:

"I remember eating lunch while a guy was fishing a pool at the Liv. In half an hour, with multiple fly changes, he caught nothing. After I finished my lunch, I saw what was rising, and caught 5 in just a few minutes. That guy complained of a slow day on the Liv, while I had a great one. On one of the high mountain lakes, I caught 70+ fish in less than 2 hours, while people around me got a handful the whole day."


<--poke--< Fishfreak - If I caught 70 fish in two hours, I'd quit or lose count, how did you manage to accurately catch 70 fish in a 120 minutes. Let's see.....120 divided by 70 = 1.71 minutes per fish. That is of course if you don't take time out to pee, change fly, or otherwise! WOW!!!

I told you a thousand times to quit exaggerating!!! :ridemcowboy:

lol, ironic how a post from a guy refuting your argument proves your point to a tee. As soon as i saw "70+ fish in 2 hours" I too was thinking a shovel was needed to tell this story


I was at Picklejar Lakes on a cloudy summer day, and the fly of the day was a beat up size 18 griffiths gnat on 6x tippet stripped in quickly. The first time was by accident, by the fourth fish I thought I'd keep doing it. I had a hit almost every cast, and was landing a fish every 2-3 casts. These were smaller cutts (4-14") in a lake that is overpopulated with fish. I found it wildly entertaining and just for kicks (and for my friends) decided to count how many I would actually catch. I switched flies once during that stretch, when my gnat deteriorated down to a hook with a piece of black thread. The people around me had heavier tippet, and larger flies, and caught way less. Yes, it's a ridiculous number, but I do have witnesses who saw it. It's the same pleasure you get watching Team Canada crush a lesser team in the World Juniors... it's fun here and there, but it would get old if it happened every time.


3 weeks later, I fished the same lake and only caught 6 in a couple of hours, so I'm thinking it was a big hatch the first time around.


It's like Hawgstoppah's day on the Crow where he caught 100+ fish. Sometimes you're at the right place at the right time with the right fly. It happens in spurts on the Bow where people will catch a fish every few casts in a 30-60 minute span. When it's on, you can catch 10 fish in an hour, and none for the rest of the day. People who have fished the Bow enough would agree to that.



  cgyguy said:
<--poke--< Fishfreak - If I caught 70 fish in two hours, I'd quit or lose count, how did you manage to accurately catch 70 fish in a 120 minutes. Let's see.....120 divided by 70 = 1.71 minutes per fish. That is of course if you don't take time out to pee, change fly, or otherwise! WOW!!!

I told you a thousand times to quit exaggerating!!! :ridemcowboy:


If there is anywhere you could catch 70 fish in 2 hours, it's Picklejar. I caught about 50 there in about 2 hours, and still had time to throw a stick for my dog.

I floated the bow saturday and caught 2. Unfortunately, that is an exaggeration. <_<


I was on a little creek this year. I caught at least 25 in about an hour on my way out. And I missed a bunch of fish. I thought it was rather funny that I caught 25 and thought I was fishing like crap. Fish on literally every cast in sections, hooked two fish (running a big and small dry) on three different occasions, landed two at once one time.


I have no trouble believing 70 in a couple of hours under the right conditions. That and the fact I totally trust the source.


I'd be lying if I said that I did NOT have a 300+ fish day this year on the Oldman. It was almost all small fish. And it was about a 10 hour day... maybe 12. Those small cutts aren't difficult some days... and when there on, they are ON.


and I'd also be lying if I said a certain southern stream hasn't handed me more defeats than successes this year too. I've been shut out on it 4 times, got 2 or less 7 or 8 times, and only once have I landed 5 in a day. And RickR, you were there for that one :)


I don't doubt numbers on here.... people are going to say what they are going to say. I have seen with my own eyes what an experienced fisherman who's onto a hot pattern can do... total ownage. Even on the Bow. I recall one float last year with forum member Reellife and Dutchie. Tim outfished us like crazy and it was becuase he was on the hot fly. He outdid us 3 to 1... he ended up with at least 40 to dutch and mine's combined 20.


As far as sizes... break out the popcorn and grab a seat, that's another thread!


I will just leave this here:


e•go•ism n.


a. The ethical doctrine that morality has its foundations in self-interest.

b. The ethical belief that self-interest is the just and proper motive for all human conduct.

2. Excessive preoccupation with one's own well-being and interests, usually accompanied by an inflated sense of self-importance.

3. Egotism; conceit.


The "ego" is an imaginary state of mind, an illusion... You're ego is something that permits you to think that you are better than you really are; It's a cover up, a bandaid solution for an insecurity.


When ego over inflates, there are four early warning signs:

1. Being defensive: defending ideas turns into being defensive.

2. Being comparative: being too competitive actually makes you less competitive.

3. Seeking acceptance: desiring respect and recognition interferes with success.

4. Showcasing brilliance: ideas can be overshadowed by your own intelligence and talent.


  Hawgstoppah said:
I'd be lying if I said that I did NOT have a 300+ fish day this year on the Oldman. It was almost all small fish. And it was about a 10 hour day... maybe 12. Those small cutts aren't difficult some days... and when there on, they are ON.





I think its possible to catch 70 fish in two hours - It is not unusual for a small alpine Lake to light up like a pinball machine if your there at the right time and condition - I have had outings that I probably could have racked up 70 fish in two hours, but I gotta ask, why bother ? - I know, by nature, as fly anglers, we are typically a little OCD but come on - was this fella laughing like a mad scientist, getting more and more excited with each fish hoping to hit 100, at what point is the fun gone, and continued fishing constitiutes nothing more than needlessly abusing the resource. Seriously, if numbers are the goal, why not just get a net or a stick of dynomite an 'ave at 'er !


Earlier this summer we went to a trophy lake in BC, we set up the two 10 year old girls with us with a stick, 3 feet of line and a couple worms and a simple hook. They proceeded to catch (and bucket release) over 40 sculpins in less than half an hour. I only caught two rainbows. So based on simple statistical analysis, the next guide I hire will be a ten year old girl......is this one gonna go all winter....





  Pipestoneflyguy said:
They proceeded to catch (and bucket release) over 40 sculpins in less than half an hour. I only caught two rainbows. So based on simple statistical analysis, the next guide I hire will be a ten year old girl

best statement yet.

  Pipestoneflyguy said:
Earlier this summer we went to a trophy lake in BC, we set up the two 10 year old girls with us with a stick, 3 feet of line and a couple worms and a simple hook. They proceeded to catch (and bucket release) over 40 sculpins in less than half an hour. I only caught two rainbows. So based on simple statistical analysis, the next guide I hire will be a ten year old girl......is this one gonna go all winter....


No, you should hire yourself as a guide because it was your idea to set them up with the stick, line, and worms. :)


Yes, this will go on all winter and morph into the shack nasties thread. :masterbaiter:



  Pipestoneflyguy said:
I think its possible to catch 70 fish in two hours - It is not unusual for a small alpine Lake to light up like a pinball machine if your there at the right time and condition - I have had outings that I probably could have racked up 70 fish in two hours, but I gotta ask, why bother ? - I know, by nature, as fly anglers, we are typically a little OCD but come on - was this fella laughing like a mad scientist, getting more and more excited with each fish hoping to hit 100, at what point is the fun gone, and continued fishing constitiutes nothing more than needlessly abusing the resource. Seriously, if numbers are the goal, why not just get a net or a stick of dynomite an 'ave at 'er !


I've been doing this for about 43 or 44 yrs now. I can honestly say that for me, the fun is never gone. If that speaks badly of my character, then I'm ok with that. I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every fish I have caught in my life. I have never willingly walked away from a good day (though I have walked away from numerous small fish, only because I thought I might find numerous big fish). And Pipes, while I understand the intent of your post, I must say the line "needlessly abusing the resource" does not ring true for me.


I think we need to be very careful when questioning the motivation of other fishermen. To many people, catching one fish is abusing the resource. Why do we need to draw lines? While some may be happy with a few fish and a gorgeous day, some may want a different experience. I totally agree that it is not only about the fish. But the fish are the biggest part of it, at least for me. Again, if that speaks poorly of my character, then so be it. I'll continue to enjoy each and every one of them. No matter how many. Hope tomorrow I catch 50. Though I probably won't.

  BigBowTrout said:
 well on the rare occasion I have gotten into double digits I call it a good day As I only remember the numbers if I only catch a few. Saying I caught 23, 70, 300+ ??  C'mon now try to keep track of a basketball game score without a score keeper, same deal.


I wonder if fishing just happens to attract exaggerators or you start to exaggerate after you become a fisherman? Chicken or egg debate I guess..

The guys that work in fishing stores must have to gear up and put on major bullshit deflectors!

  Giovanne said:
  Saying I caught 23, 70, 300+ ??  C'mon now try to keep track of a basketball game score without a score keeper, same deal.


Your right. Keeping score is a bit difficult. but even at the worst times of that day I was landing a fish every 2 or 3 minutes. that's a low point of 20-30/hour... x 10 hours = 200-300 fish... as a MINIMUN. But the best hours it was well over 50/hour. Keep in mind these are 6-10 inch cutties that pretty much FOUGHT over my fly, sometimes the fly did NOT hit the water before a fish had it, and some riffles produced in excess of 30 fish for EACH my friend and myself... if you've never had that kind of fishing I wish it upon you so you have no need to lie about it, ever... :)


It may have well been 400+. Please forgive me for not counting properly. next time I'll keep exact track just for you.

  Hawgstoppah said:
Your right. Keeping score is a bit difficult. but even at the worst times of that day I was landing a fish every 2 or 3 minutes. that's a low point of 20-30/hour... x 10 hours = 200-300 fish... as a MINIMUN. But the best hours it was well over 50/hour. Keep in mind these are 6-10 inch cutties that pretty much FOUGHT over my fly, sometimes the fly did NOT hit the water before a fish had it, and some riffles produced in excess of 30 fish for EACH my friend and myself... if you've never had that kind of fishing I wish it upon you so you have no need to lie about it, ever... :)It may have well been 400+. Please forgive me for not counting properly. next time I'll keep exact track just for you.


You definately don't have to worry about me lying about catching 400+ fish in a day. I would probably just hike, take pictures, or take a nap under a tree after the first couple dozen or so.


You were the one calling for a fishing moratorium for the water off of the FTR? Oldman, Racehorse, Livingstone because you were worried about the decline in the number of fish you catch in these waters. Too much pressure on the fishery if I remember correctly...  :wacko:


Different strokes for different folks...


Hawgstoppah is quite disturbed by what's going on in SW Alberta, as we all should be. The far too high legal harvest, in combination with rampant poaching by the random/ATV crowd has made the smaller streams not worth fishing within a 20 min walk of access and severely degraded the fishing in the larger ones. Imagine how good these streams could be if they were managed like SW BC! It would probably lead to an influx of tourist dollars to the area, something that has worked wonders for the economies of similar communities on the other side of the border.


Back to the question of the thread, a month or so back I kept count for an afternoon on what I considered to be an off day on Cataract during which I spent 3/4 of my time coaching my girlfriend: 79 to hand. I've no doubt that there's people here who can do better.

  snuffy said:
Hawgstoppah is quite disturbed by what's going on in SW Alberta, as we all should be. The far too high legal harvest



just to stir the pot. Does he? who is doing more harm to the resource?

-the guy that goes in fishes with his kids all day and kills 3 fish for dinner?

-the guy that goes in c&rs 400 fish in a day........3% mortality rate? critic::

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