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Everything posted by beedhead

  1. Hi All, Picked up a Olympus Stylus Tough 6020 last week at London Drugs for a smokin deal of $150....So far I really like it, however I find it a lot more complex than any point and shoot Sony I have ever owned....Seems I will have to do a lot more playin around with it to find its true potential, there are a few under water settings that I have to play around with for sure...Snuck out to the Hills for a couple days, and got to play around with it a bit....Run into dryfly, adc and their buddy's on the water, always a pleasure Boy's.....Here a few pics that I took.... Cheers...Jeff.. Some Panoramics...Still workin on this setting...Really like it.... The Super Macro setting seems to work great...
  2. Ya, it sure didn't look like the South I have ever seen, my buddy and I described that area as bein in The Arctic or something....It gave off a very Eerie feeling to say the least...
  3. Well I'm no environmentalist, but it dont look good south of town to me...A buddy and I cruised about 300 km of back roads yesterday, starting from The Cavan Res. area, then taking all kinds of back roads to Bullshead, then gettin turned around Southwest of Michelle Res. due to giant snow drifts blowing across the road....The Cavan and Bullshead areas were very nice weather wise, sun was shining, no wind at all and gophers runnin around every where, until we just passed Michelle Res. then the wind was blowin at Mach 5 along with some strange lookin clouds....Not sure Ive seen that much snow down there...Michelle res. looked like a giant snow bowl, you would not even know it was a Res. unless you all ready knew it was....At Bullshead, you could see that they have cleared the snow in the channel leading to the spillway, gettin ready for the big melt....We also checked out the Cofferdam that diverts water to Cavan or Irvine, they are still very busy working there to ensure thing will be ok with all the run off... I was told there will be no more water diverted to Cavan due it is at absolute max capacity right now, told to me by my buddy's wife, she calls her self the "Water Which" lol...She looks after all the water consumption/rights, diversions ect. and the reservoirs in the area....Stress-full job tryin to keep farmers, fisherman govt. happy, along with dealin with Mother nature her self!-Yikes...I forgot my camera yesterday, but took some pics with my Samsung Galaxy S. Turned out not to bad I guess... These were just the beginning on the drifts, never took any pics of the 3 ft. drifts covering the road, was to busy turning around and to not get stuck, it was close at times!! These 2 pics below were also taken with my phone, it was a little south of town last Fri.
  4. Bass Pro Fly and Fishing departments for sure needs some staff, I was far from impressed, not a bad fly reel selection mind ya....However I did get some fantastic service from a young lady in the Clothing department, I was looking for a water tight Columbia Jacket, they never had the one I was lookin for, but she managed to hook me up with an even better Columbia jacket for well under $100, and also got me an additional $10 dollars off that, I was impressed....I had a list of stuff I needed from all over the store, and the young lady pointed me in the right direction all morning long, she knew that store inside out....Some good deals in there if you spend the time to look, I spent almost 5hrs last time I was there.... Cheers...Jeff..
  5. Totally wicked pics man!!!....Thanx for sharing!! Cheers...Jeff..
  6. Nice fish guys!!!...almost done up north here, then shes time to get at er'. Cheers... Jeff..
  7. I bought a pump a few years ago, and have still yet to use it....Im not really against it, if used properly, just never found the need to use it, and also, something just dont feel right (to me) stickin something down a Trouts throat, and then stealin his lunch ....I think what ggp said above, nailed it... Cheers...Jeff..
  8. Hi All, Here is the Link (below) to the new website....Looks great, lots of Info, Along with a lot of success ...Thats just awesome that Guy Woods, along with other locals from that area, have chipped in and worked very hard over the years to make a difference to our precious Trout waters....Good stuff Guy's!!!....Looks like dekkard made the front page, Nice... Cheers...Jeff.. The link.... http://streamtender.com/wordpress/
  9. Done...Giver' Time...Shel' Come... Cheers...Jeff..
  10. Wicked, wicked Pics man!!...Thanx!!!... Cheers...Jeff..
  11. The old Okuma Magnitude reel (Can find er' on Ebay) Is awesome, the G-Loomis Venture is a great reel!!...And S.A Cheap lines are super, I Swear by that cheap ass line, Maxwell turned me on to it....All a fantastic bang for your Buck!!....Keeper' cheap, more money for gas, food, beer and supply's.... Cheers...Jeff..
  12. That about sums it up....Very well said, Silver.... Cheers...Jeff..
  13. That Great style of jacket also helps my buddy catch nice fish!!!...
  14. beedhead


    Totally awesome!!!...Thanx for posting!! Cheers...Jeff..
  15. At the 3rd lake we witnessed some Brookies zippin around close to the outlet, And witnessed a good many in the outlet Creek, Just little gaffers, Staging for spawn Im thinkin....That is an amazing place... ...Lookin forward to what lyes ahead, farther down the trail, for next year.. Cheers...Jeff..
  16. Good stuff, Gary!!...Maybe I should have fished with ya on the Bow yesterday, rather than havin a super slow day on the Crow (love that little river).....Maybe the Bow, on my next days off, in two weeks, weather pending..... Cheers...Jeff..
  17. The Larches were super cool....There were a few photographers up there that day, shooting pics of the Larches, they said they were extremely happy with the conditions, and were absolute Larch Nuts!!...
  18. In the Fall, Dekkard and I went lookin for a trail head, for next summer, and to figure out how much time was needed to make the hike in and out, might be an overnighter or two....We found the trail head, and had some time to kill, so on the way back we did the loop around 3 lakes...The lakes are closed to angling, but heard there was a few Brookies in them.....It was an awesome weather wise day, could not have asked for better weather, as it had snowed and rained all 3 days prior to our hike up.....Glad we decided to make the effort to have a look...Here are some shots from that day.... Cheers...Jeff..
  19. When fishin still waters, people cruise by in a boat, watch ya catch a fish, double back, drop anchor within casting distance, and pretend they don't see you on shore.....Gets me a little fired up!!.It's actually kinda funny .. Another thing that gets me, is when people follow me around at Bullshead, and make no attempt to strike up a conversation... .....
  20. bhurt, below is the link to the new petition...... Don't work to hard, and hope ya can find some time to wet a line... Cheers...Jeff.. Petition Link http://www.petitiononline.com/dekkbeed/petition.html
  21. Hi bhurt, The petition you speak of, was created to get the ball rolling, for the fact it would be brought up at the following round table meeting, the newest petition out at the moment, is to hopefully help create some new Reg. changes... Cheers...Jeff..
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