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Everything posted by EdB

  1. I sure hope everyone had a great X-mas and good fishing in the new year.
  2. well, i guess he's not coming to help. Thanks again for all the hard work you are doing down there. The fishing in the lake is freakin awsome .
  3. i got one at the lake that was missing half its gill plate as well. if i could figure out how to post pics i would throw it up.
  4. i'm sorry i missed this....sounds like fun. i should read more stuff on here i guess. I will try to get in next year. GO-RICKR-GO
  5. this is what comes up.........You have entered a link to a website that the administrator does not allow links to
  6. allright, now i can't figure this out. Been a long time since i posted i guess. Photobucket has changed, looks like FFC might have changed. How do i post again? Thanks for any help.
  7. great pics man...geez i need to get out..
  8. That looks great.
  9. I'm in. I would have to give whoever organizes it my sked as i work 15 days in a row and then have 6 off. Sounds like fun.
  10. Ha Ha....or because he doesn't want us to see the "little bit of fat" that would have been hanging out all over when he slipped out of his shirt.
  11. Did you rip the tendons in your forearm again Brad....I told you that you will go blind doing that.
  12. I think i am working Rick. i wish i could be there.
  13. Ya great shots dude. I wish i had skills to take shots like that.
  14. i might have to try that some year
  15. EdB

    More Big Rainbows

    Jezzzuzzzz. they still biting out there. Do you know when they will take the boats away? I need to get out there.
  16. so am i reading that right. you were trying to piss in the river and fell in losing all you stuff?
  17. sweet. Glad to see they are still in there. I need to get out and catch a couple of those again.
  18. EdB

    Kid's Photos

    great job Sun. I sure am enjoying catching those trout. Happy to hear so many perch are gone. Keep up the great work at the lake and i will try and make it out one Wed to help if you still need it.
  19. sweet photos dude. i love to do something like that some day
  20. looks like you are fishing 50 feet from the river......where you fishing in a ditch next to the river. Nice fish though.
  21. sweey photos fellas
  22. is it easy to do by yourself? Did you put the power commander in yourself as well? I'm looking at a race fit growler.
  23. I was out at Rocky Mountain Honda pricing out a new exhaust for my bike and the parts person said that i needed to buy a power commander for an additional 400$ if i was going to run a aftermarket pipe on the bile. A lot of my friends have pipes and i don't think that they have the powr commander. Does anyone have any info on this (DAVE). Are they just trying to take me for another couple of bucks or will affect the performance of y gixxer?
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