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Everything posted by Dangus

  1. It's only slander or libel if what people have said is untrue. All I've seen here are people's experiences dealing with the party in question. He even admits that he didn't respond to people...which is what people were complaining about and the basis for them accusing him of being a fraud. Seems like an empty threat to try to get control of the situation. A better approach would have been to just explain his situation and apologize then go about correcting the wrongs.
  2. Saw a few size 6's in the bushes today!
  3. It's listed as a broad-spectrum piscicide, pesticide and insecticide.
  4. Just tied up a monster oct caddis skater this morning. Tried skating stones earlier this year but only had a couple boils. We didn't seem to get much of a hatch, with the drawn out spring and blown out early July. I've been swinging/swymphing pupa/emerger/adult triple rigs on my single hander with good success. Only avoided my switch as its not as versatile.
  5. As far as I know rotenone will kill the worm host. How well it kills all of them, I have no idea. That being said, eliminating fish eliminates the things spreading the disease (people/fish). By suppressing the amount of worms/parasite in the lake to potentially be moved by waterfowl helps in that aspect. But I'm totally talking out of my ass
  6. Time for some rotenone. Clear house and nip it in the bud.
  7. City launch/take out, (potential) repair to graves, improvement to the policemens cluster F boat sinker take out and id be happy.
  8. There's already a launch in place just above Deerfoot at southland. Would just need to be given access. might be nice as I hate pretty much most of the water from glenmore to the foot bridge at sue Higgins.
  9. Was that the guy sitting on the northeast side of the river under glenmore? Saw him too when we launched and didn't think anything of it. Mfer
  10. How big are you? Ha just something I'd consider
  11. They gonna get rid of those cement blocks so we don't have to thread the needle anymore? I think there are a few guys on the forum that need special glasses for that.
  12. Nah come to think of it, got low holed this spring by the same guy. Both fishing streamers that day. Maybe a change of heart. It's a big river and there is more than enough room to give everyone space when you're floating. I try to float/fish out of a shore anglers fishing radius if we're in their area. Even if it's just a few feet out. Most times theyre only fishing 10-20 feet off shore. So you can easily drift at 30 and fish the outside of their Seam.
  13. Orvis access is comparable. I think I paid 150 or less. Nice little reels.
  14. Ya this rain is brutal. Hopefully we'll have a nice September. I think the bows pick up another couple hp around that time anyways.
  15. Scel, I think Hoppers should be til mid sept. They're around til frost.
  16. Saw both today from guide boats in short order. Kudos to the fusion/loop Hyde who saw I was also swinging streamers and rowed hard to the other side to give me space. Next boat, a blue inflatable hooks into a hog. They then proceed to land it and fuss around with it for a few minutes in the bottom of the boat before finally attempting the hero shot. Guy drops it from chest height THREE TIMES into the bottom of the boat. If you got a couple of putz in the boat hold the net under their fish. Jeesh.
  17. http://www.flyfishohio.com/a_question_of_balance.htm Here it is if anyone wants to have a read.
  18. Read it on some guys blog. I sort of scanned through the part where he talked about the weight of line. I figured adding a couple of 10ths of an ounce would come out in the wash. After trying it with some of my rods, it seems like You're sort of just trying to find a ballpark more than a specific number. I have not done it for dh rods yet. I have a pesky speyco reel that never seems to feel at home on my meiser, so I'll have to do some digging about that.
  19. Ya I just wondered if it worked. interested in others set ups
  20. Sage one 590-4 weighs 2.75 oz. so multiplying that by 1.5 is 4.1 oz...
  21. Hmm. The other thing that bothered me with the click is that the drag setting isn't quite strong enough to prevent over run when you give it a good pull. Could use another bit of adjustment. Otherwise you have to keep your pinky on the rim while you rip line off. Feels like you're using a center pin.
  22. funny enough, I found it more difficult to high stick as I had to strain my wrist to keep the tip up.
  23. Thanks for the reply but that's not really what I'm getting at. It can't be all trial and error. There's gotta be some way to narrow it down without lining every reel you're interested in and puting it on a rod. What's the point of producing a 3 ounce 4/5/6 click if it only balances a 8 foot 4 weight?
  24. Recently got a sage click 4/5/6 for a 590-4 sage one. Balance is horrible. Tip goes to the drink. Which begs the question. What's the point of being so light? Maybe it'd work on a shorter rod or maybe a 4 wt. but definitely doesn't work on the 5 and sure as hell not on the 6. Found that on some of my set ups, rod weight in oz+0.2ozX 1.5 gives you the right weight to balance your rod. Anyone else have a system for correctly pairing a reel toa rod?
  25. Where is the flow meter/station located in the city?
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