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reset last won the day on December 3 2022

reset had the most liked content!

About reset

  • Birthday 09/06/1946

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. I really enjoy your videos. There's a nice peaceful vibe to them always. I can't do alot of what you do anymore due to health and aging. Your videos tend to make one feel like they are tagging along In person. I'm kinda a quiet time myself.
  2. Interesting video. I enjoyed that one alot.
  3. Love stories like that. I had that one on my mind after watching it for quite some time. Good stories stick with you for ever. Thanks for that.
  4. Merry Christmas to you and all on the forum as well.
  5. Google for someone who does western stuff like cowboy buckles. Some do all by hand carved. Amazing work. I believe I've seen guys who hand carve lock rings and reel seats etc.re things for fly rods on the net.
  6. I definitely agree,we should support our local businesses. That is what I was doing when i originally posted answering OP. Trick flies is just down the road aways from me. However I tend to spread "local" out to be all Alberta more than the town I live in. As I fish all over Alta.
  7. Ive put in several orders and its as advertized. Great prices and decent quality. Great to deal with.
  8. $25 should do it. I had done some checking around last year when i wanted to replace all the guides on a spin rod. Most fairly local guys using the proper epoxy which is important by the way, said $25 per plus cost of guides.
  9. Wow thats awesome. Kudos to you. Hope they go to the right young fella.
  10. Yeah epic is the right word for it. Ive played that part of the video many times over. Incredibly good picture,right angle and timed just right. So neat looking down on it. Way to go Dad and River.
  11. All you need is some form of ID like a drivers license as proof of age. Nothing else for fishing. Now if you hunt then you will need to keep your WIN to get your hunting license as its not free to seniors.
  12. Some of you folks tie alot of flies. Way to many to comment on them all. But wow this dragon fly got me. I can imagine a selection of blue,yellow and the green ones. Just awesome looking fly. Always personally liked Dragon Flies even when i was a kid. Grew up in Dragon Fly country. Used to catch them in a liitle net then let them go after studying them some with magnifying glass. Just a Beautiful tie Mr. SilverDoctor.
  13. I love the old stuff. Keep adding if you will please. The only old reel i have is a very early 70's Intrepid Rimfly Regular. I use it sometimes on a 7ft6" Cabelas CGR fiberglass rod. Its not exactly a popular collectable item but its close to mint condition with very few scratches. It gets lotsa comments as its a very noisy clicker. Have no clue how to put a picture of it here.
  14. Im partial to very old British made stuff, due to my heritage in part i suppose. Thanks for posting it. Was a great hour and some particularly when practising isolation.
  15. You will have to get something like a 14 wt. or so for those Dinos in the river now.
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