I'm no expert but I phoned a CO on this. he pointed me to the letter of the law which I'm including below directly from the Sports fishing regulations. Basically if the fish isn't taking the hook itself directly in it's mouth, it' considered snagging or flossing. Draw you own conclusions. By the way If you've never read the Sports fishing regulations I encourage you to do so.
Snagging – means attempting to catch or catching a fish using a hook:
[a] other than to induce the fish to voluntarily take the hook in its mouth;
by intentionally piercing and hooking a fish in any part of the body other than the mouth.
Snagging Device – means:
[a] an instrument that is designed for the purpose of snagging fish;
hooks or lures that are altered to facilitate the snagging of fish.
It Is Unlawful To:
Possess a snagging device while angling.