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  1. Will be cool to see Todd Moen's flick at IF4 tomorrow
  2. An alternate material I use is poly yarn or MFC Widow's Web for stimmie tails. If I use poly yarn I also comb out the tail.
  3. Is that the same abdomen as Forget-Me-Not Midge? Just different flyline.
  4. Thanks for taking the time to answer. Appreciate all the info and help
  5. Curious SD, for the above dry fly is the shell style necessay? Or does it catch more fishermen? Great tie as usual (must get boring reading all these compliments )
  6. FYI Rick, the link in the post goes to your login page (At least on my PC). Was able to access from your I have a blog link.
  7. Drove by the Harvie Passge for the first time in months and was amazed at power of the rapids. Below the last one it looked as if bowl was created. Could not imagine getting caught in that turbulent water.
  8. I did not find a bag a weed but someone tossed half of their grinder on our lawn. To trade for a bamboo rod that must have been a nice sized bag
  9. For those who have never called RAP, like me, what is their response time after placing a call? I assume getting a licence plate # would help the officer if they leave the area.
  10. So Rick in your last blog post when you compared your friend's netting skills to Mr Bean - would this be a close comparison?
  11. I have invested in two growers and BLO. However they are a very small percentage of the portfolio, less than 3%. If they fall in price it won't kill the portfolio.
  12. I am a third generation Albertan. Born and raised in Calgary. I started fishing recently if I round up it was three years ago. Growing up, my family was not into fishing. I do remember the first fish I caught was a perch. Some kids we met at a campground let me try it for a few casts. I was so proud rushed back to the campsite to show off my fish to my parents. A few moments later my younger sister came back to the camp site with a pike that made my perch look like a minnow. As a teen I discovered golf and that is how I spent my summers. First job was at Shawnee Slopes (it is hard to drive by the old course now to see it flattened). My last job in the golf business was at McKenzie Meadows. Would see the odd fly fisher while on the 3rd hole but it never really caught my interest. My oldest daughter was the one who introduced me to this addiction. We were driving home from Disneyland and stopped in Great Falls overnight. The nest morning we were shopping in town before the trek home. We stopped in Scheels and she saw a SpongeBob Sqaure Pants fishing rod and decided it was something she must have. When summer hit I went to Cdn Tire and got a spin rod. Took her out. Went to one spot and we had not luck. Hiked upstream a bit and her first cast at the new spot she scared a fish onto shore where it flopped for a couple seconds before getting back into the water. After giving it a go a few times I took notice of how others were fishing and it seemed everyone had a fly rod. So I decided to give fly fishing a try. Found casting very difficult a first. Then winter came and I began watching fly fish videos on youtube and vimeo. I saw a tenakra video and thought that I may be better off learning to cast with tenkara rod. I spent the first half of 2015 learning on the tenkara rod. I hooked and landed a nice sized cutty but broke the tenkara rod in the process. Walked back to the car to get my fly rod and a few minutes later hooked and lost my first fish with a fly rod. Been addicted ever since.
  13. He has removed the comments off of youtube on the first video and deleted and reposted the second video under a different title. You can check out his channel page @ www.youtube.com/user/doggy69247/featured (classy user name)
  14. Muha, looks as though a couple of us have called him out on fishing the closed section. He is trying to defend himself in response to the comments left on the first video.
  15. After watching 15 minutes of last week's debate and listening to Trump's answers it reminded me of drinking games we made up in College while watching TV or movies. Rules for this game, take a drink if Trump mentions a city and at any point before the end of his answer he mentions that he has an investment, owns property, or has built a structure in the city.
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