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Everything posted by bigalcal

  1. Sean will be around...He will be a guest tyer for sure!!
  2. Lynn you are so sweet!!!! More info on FTT to come soon. Thanks for all your interest...I will keep you posted!
  3. My record....I carried 90 draft!!!........................for 10 feet!!
  4. I was an "King Eddy Boy" from 79-87.
  5. Here's a photo of the infamous elbow now...Scary !
  6. Here I am with the biggest celebrity from the '88 Games! Do ya like my "Spuds McKenzie" sweat shirt?
  7. I have a picture with me and the Pope but I'm tired of people asking" Who's that with Big AL?"
  8. After watching the sweater of Larry Robinson hoisted to the rafters last night of the Bell Centre I dug thru my archives and found this photo. I met him when I lived in Banff in the'80's. He was attending the Team Canada training camp for the '84 Canada Cup. I was moonlighting from my bartending jod as a pedicab driver. Has any body else had brushes with greatness?
  9. Great to hear, Mike. Can't wait 'til next summer at RHC!!
  10. Arf!..Arf!...Arf! Kudra
  11. I purchased a pair of Cloudveil boots at Fishtales. The sales clerk tried to push me towards Korkers but I like the full felt sole of the Cloudveils as compared to the middle felt sole of the Korkers. The Cloudveils are extremely light and very comfortable. They also come with an extra insole to be used when wet wading when you need to fill up the boot for a better fit. So for the first season they have been great. I'll have to wait a few more years to report how durable they are. http://www.cloudveil.com/mens/angling/boot...+boot--CF00001/
  12. Cloudveil is also available at WSS. I have a new pair of Redington waders which I received as a replacement for a pair I bought 6 yrs ago.( Thanks Sage/Redington). I rarely wear them as I usually wet wade so I can't give you an honest review. I did buy a pair of Cloudveil wading boots this year and they come with an extra insole to wear when wet wading to fill up your boot when there is no neoprene sock from waders. These boots are great and reasonably priced. Eventually waders wear out. Flyfishing writer, John Gierach, titled one of his books"Death, Taxes and Leaky Waders". That explains it!
  13. "He's a poet and.....he didn't even think he was!"
  14. Mr Flytie Tuesdays has classes on Tuesdays until Jan. He will do it in the New Year when he has no class!
  15. While cycling on the coast South of San Francisco I crossed Frenchmans Creek. It is between the towns of Half Moon Bay and El Granada. Despite all the talk ,it seemed quite dried up and couldn't possibly hold any fish. Quite a disappointment!
  16. There seemed to have been a "Gink" shortage in Aug-Sept.
  17. I also met LynnF this summer......Good Luck!
  18. Don't waste your time going down to the Crow or the Oldman. Chain Lakes is the place to fish !!
  19. Better your fingers than the line guard on your reel.
  20. Neprene? ...Never heard of it!
  21. Just keep that fly "in the back of your head"!
  22. I had my best season ever. After counting on others to drive I finally bought a truck. I rarely used it until June and then I was gone every Sun-Tues camping and fishing. My first fish of the year was a 22" cut/bow on the Oldman. What a great way to start. I nymphed this year more than ever and besides the tangles, I had some success. I fished the Oldman, Racehorse, Daisy area mostly and camped at Racehorse Creek. After the closure I fished Waiporous and then headed to the Upper Elk, BC. The fishing there was amazing and a local showed me some amazing spots. They were difficult to get to but the only footprints there were ours, week after week. My last day fishing was on the Elk, Sept 11. It was also the only day of rain I encountered the whole summer!! My best flies were stonefly and HEar for nymphs and parachute caddis, Adams, Chernobyls, grey wulffs and Power Ants. With a few hoppers thrown in as well. The highlight was fishing with my friends dog all those days, and watching her get more and more comfortable crossing rivers. There were a few tense moments crossing the Elk but she was amazing. With a dog you don't feel so silly talking to yourself!! We even met BBB on the Oldman but I didn't realize it 'til a few days later. Best summer ever...........................!!!!! I will never forget it.
  23. I read the book...When's the movie coming out? I hope not soon as it will probably bring a boom to flyfishing!
  24. I have recently acquired at nominal cost a pair of SPY Nolens and a pair of SPY Espada. They are both with polarized lenses. The Espada's also have a "Blue lens" and a "Yellow lens" which are transferable. It sure is great to have a friend in the "Spy" business!!!
  25. While reading this topic I thought of a shopping tip. Mountain Equipment Co-op has these grey lens cloth sunglass bags in their optic department. Great for their primary use but also for a bag for a small digital camera. They protect it and clean it. Price? FREE!! Now don't go in there and grab a hundred and walk out. Grab a couple and a toothbrush holder and head to the checkout.
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