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Everything posted by kentan

  1. No one is going after the mods, people are just responding to what daves post said, he made it all about that, prolly cause someone brought it up to him. We all know its not fair for everybody, just the way the world is homie!
  2. I dont see LOOP on the list, does that mean everytime so and so posts a pic of his fat Loop reel that he isnt trying to boost his business. This is how particular people make money isnt it? Dont know him personally just heard and seen him around. Perhaps to save any confusion you should just start blurring everything out that isnt a fish!
  3. thanks for responding to my question, no one can kill a thread faster than me just for showing up anyways thanks man. I know alot of you have had the encounters.......... guess it just takes the right person asking. Im awesome, yea!
  4. Just keep fishing and having fun, I got caught up in the BS and I basically ruined it for myself. Dont worry about the turds out there man and even if u do start guiding who cares. Doesnt matter what u do someone will always be pissed off. San Juam worm could care less about this IMO opnion but he does have some buds that guide and make money off of fishing, clearly u threatened someone enough to have said something.
  5. Good post. Common sense is a thing of the past, just like customer service!
  6. to busy gettin the big browns
  7. How often do you guys see Pike in the river, is it rare to spot/catch one or are they more common than I think? U see and hear lots but Ive never had an encounter on the Bow.
  8. the problem is thats its to late now. doesnt matter who posts pics of what its been posted 1000X already. There was about a two year perioid in which this website just exploded, in that time everyone was trying to out pic out fish or just simply out do the other guy! It snowballed and is now out of control, there is know stopping it. I bet that the people, you know who you are wish you wouldve done things differantly a couple years back. I know I do, I feel partially responsible and some guilt for being a part of it back then. I was caught up as well. Now it doesnt matter. This topic is dead and buried, cant do anything about. Its funny that we're actually talking about it now! you want secrets and solitude youre sleeping with the bears in a tent somewhere. Which isnt an option for some of us that have three kids playing hockey and lacrosse. The Bow used to be a nice option, close to home and know traffic...ever, up until about 2/3 years ago!
  9. Just read it in the Sun, nothing being said yet.
  10. Good stuff man. really good stuff!
  11. all really nice pics man, good job. Im jealous, if you like taking and being in photos like these please dont get married and have children. To anyone out there that loves there life the way it is, please dont have kids! Im begging you, its to late for me!!
  12. thats what I remember as a kid! My kids were given some nice Len T. spoons at the Fly Fishing show this year.
  13. x3
  14. lol, from the burb to the trout this whole story has been very entertaining, just awesome. good stuff guys
  15. lol!
  16. I can see were the drop off has happened in the last year and half, I think it has to do with exactly what Hawg said, this stuff used to be fun and relaxing now its more about fighting for water while your out there and wondering whether your even going to find water before u get there! When I started, fly fishing was the coolest thing to me, really enjoyable and fun. 15 years ago you could just go fishing and have fun! Now its just like everything else a huge commercial mess of people spending money and trying to out do each other! Humm sounds like fun, unfortunatly I dont have any money and Im to old to go out and fight for space!
  17. lol, how things have changed around here in the last few years! 4 years ago it was all about the pics and sharing all the info you can. "lets grow the sport" is how most of you justified blowing up every spot n Alberta just for a little online recognition. I also stated that this problem could not be fixed, which it cant. Funny to me that most of the "grow the sport & picture guys" dont even post anymore, did we realise what we did? I know I did! to bad to late!
  18. nice name change buddy, love it lol! that shows a classic!
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