Insurance is like WCB in my mind, they have a license to rape. Cant live without them, and screwed if you do. I pay big time with a great driving record, and insure my home well with only a couple of claims over many years. I would like to tell them to take a flying f--- at a rolling donut, but you piss them off and they can drop you like a hot potato. I do suggest though to shop around, and when you find a co. that is half assed good stay with them, as after a while you get long term, no claim, and seniors discounts. A broker is a good agent to call as they will shop it around. Dont lie to ins as they can put it to you if they find out, and if you are flagged, you will pay in the long run. I go with Inta--. You can figure that one out. Good Luck I have to say, I know a lot of nice peop;e in the industry, but the rules they work under are not so nice.