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Everything posted by trailhead

  1. All I ever found was a PS 2 game system in the Bow.
  2. I voted yes, because I have run into people staying in Fernie and fishing mainly on the Alberta side. They told me they used to exclusively fish the Elk and because of the classified water issue they now fish one or two days of their vacation in BC and the rest in Alberta. They were real nice but as I was fishing up below them not realizing they were upstream of me I caught nothing. They allowed me to pass and I was immediately into fish. So as they say one bad apple spoils the barrel and to protect our waters here in Alberta we have to come to the same level as BC. I think a tiered system of a low price for Alberta residents, because we pay taxes here. A higher price for people from Ontario, Sask etc. The next step up for non-Canadians, and the highest rate for the BC residents, because then we can ensure the quality of our fisheries, reduce the number of anglers on the waters and increase the enforcement level so we catch those without their daily stamp. I've run into BC anglers on the Crow who told me gleefully that they pay less to fish in Alberta than in BC, time for a change.
  3. I like to hike. Und I am a sqvaurehet! But zat naime vas alretty taken. Jawohl!
  4. [ It is a fact that there is more C02 in the atmosphere now than there ever has been during the last several hundred million years and it will be detrimental to several life forms; there are several reliable geological methods to prove facts such as this. Where did you get that? Did anyone measure the CO2 levels 65 million years ago? I just hate faulty science. What about the Maunder Minimum or for that matter the Dalton Minimum? And how much money is tied up in the enviromental activist industry? What is Greenpeace's budget? Who does it really benefit? We really should worry more about water seeing that only 3% of the earths water is fresh and only 0.3% is available. What happens when that gets used up? The average Calgarian uses 7000 L per month. Want to do something that really impacts the environment, conserve water.
  5. A few pics from my July. No fish were harmed during the taking of these pictures, and they I can't remember where I was either.
  6. They made it catch and release for all species because most people don't know the difference between a bull trout and a sucker.
  7. Man the fish in that last pic is a beauty, congratulations and thanks for posting
  8. I'm not sure which is which. Do Hillbillies or Rednecks smoke weed? Also were they fishing with bait on their lines? I believe the Oldman is no bait allowed, of course I could be wrong.
  9. I'm same as lot of you though I do have some barbless hooks now. I always pinch the barbs before I tie, just because sometimes the tip snaps off and I hate when that happens to a fly I have just finished :$*%&: .
  10. This is interesting in that something similiar happened to my wife and I down at Castle Falls. I was fishing downstream and I kept picking up floating empty beer cans and putting them in my net. There was a group standing on the cliffs above the falls pitching the cans in, they saw me and I think thought it was funny that I was picking them up. Anyway the mother of one of these young a$$holes runs up and screams that the cops are coming and to hide their beers. It turned out to be a young woman F&W officer. The kids were absolute pr**ks to her, had no respect whatsoever. I was going to get in the middle and let her know if she needed a witness I would step up, but my wife said "don't go there". Which was probably a good idea as I didn't want them to "bust a cap in my ass". I think that part of the problem is that a lot of todays youth have a gangsta mentality. In my day it was BillyJack. Cool black hat, karate moves, and got the good looking chick.
  11. Hey sorry guys, this wasn't the point of my post. I was actually wondering if there was an angler creel survey, because the portion of the Elbow upstream of Calgary is catch and release now to protect the Bulls. I thought I'd heard or read somewhere that TU or Alberta Environment was taking information regarding Bulls caught and released on the river.
  12. Hey all, I thought I'd heard something about a creel survey involving bulls in the Elbow, anyone know or can post a link. Thanks
  13. It was in todays Calgary Herald.
  14. This is a good reason to carry a thermometer. The highest temp I've recorded this summer was 14 C in a foothills stream. If it's too high go elsewhere.
  15. They closed Dogpound, Little Red, Fallentimber etc. About 8 years ago or so, as I recall. And if I'm not mistaken there were fishkills that precipitated that action.
  16. Jensens also goes by "Legacy Island" and Trout Unlimited has info on their website.
  17. trailhead


  18. trailhead


    My guess is "rainthroat" Nice fish nonetheless.
  19. Guys the big problem here is that the government knows about the random campers and their overstaying the two weeks. The issue is that most of the random campers come from the general area, ie rural Alberta. The conservatives realize that is their powerbase. As I recall in the last election the major urban areas didn't overwhelmingly elect Special Ed and his cohorts, so he isn't going to piss off those that still support him. I once heard that one rural vote is worth 8 city ones. I have written more than a few letters to Morton and his predecessor about this and other issues, I always get a real nice PFO response.
  20. The Wigwam in BC, bring big rabbit streamers and lots of cash.
  21. The expiry isn't for the potency of the contents, rather it is directed at the pressure of the can. The valves & seals will slowly release pressure over time and it would suck to run into a bear and have the can dribble some pepper liquid at your feet. I think most cans would probably be okay for a couple of months past the expiry date, but I wouldn't push it past a year.
  22. I was watching a show on PBS I believe, called Columbia Country, and they were fishing and came across the same situation, their take on it was that you shouldn't be specifically targetting bulls and that if you accidentally caught a bull while angling for other species the idea was don't take a picture don't take the fish out of the water and release as quickly as possible.
  23. There are also cutts in the Ghost Reservoir, and the government stocks cutts in the Kananaskis River so there are two sources. Don't know about how long the slashes would get retained, from my high school biology I would think it has something to do with if it is a recessive or dominant gene trait. And then there are always throwbacks in genetics too.
  24. Forgot one.
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