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Everything posted by trailhead

  1. Oh man you damn yankees never have all the facts, you forgot that it was built by the Suzuki Foundation.
  2. Last spring my wife dragged me to the Art Gallery in Frank. It was very worthwhile as there was an exhibit of wildlife photos taken by remote cameras that were activated by motion detectors and heat sensors. It was very cool with shots of pretty much every type of animal in the foothills/mountains from the Highwood and going south. This was all part of a study going on at the U of C. There is also a survey involved and everyone who uses the area for recreational purposes is welcome to fill it out. Here is the link http://homepages.ucalgary.ca/~rlhaddoc/index.html
  3. In no particular order either; Elk Hair Caddis Humpy Adams Prince Club Sandwich Copper John Coyote Hare's Ear Stimulator Leech
  4. Nice report, nice pics. I especially like the last one, the fish looks like its hovering over the rocks, cool.
  5. A) If you stand and watch a bear run towards you they will turn and run away. Nothing is a sure thing.
  6. Thanks for the realistic response. I also know that they are not allowed to harvest trees from steep slopes. The percentage of trees harvested will be below 50% in all areas. Unfortunately Racehorse will be hit the hardest at 47%. Again this is the allowable limit. The lumber companies are doing their best PR and have stated that in most cases they won't go to the maximum allowed, and if the cutblocks are adjacent to rivers and the slopes are steeper they will increase the size of the buffer. As I said before I don't like to see logging, but we all live in houses made principally of wood. My hope is that the logging is kept to a minimum and that the lumber industry is made accountable for what they do, and that they actually will fulfill their promises. So when we are out fishing keep your eyes open and watch for silting of the rivers and creeks and if you can determine that it is coming from a logging operation and you have a camera, take some pictures. As they say it's worth a thousand words.
  7. This is defintely something that is of concern, but unfortunately is already on-going. I'm sure you have all seen the harvesting along the FTR. I am not in the forestry business and don't agree with logging in sensitive wilderness areas. But to state that the sky is falling is a chicken little approach. If you are opposed to the plan let the provincial government know, write or e-mail your MLA and the minister of the environment Ted Morton. In defence though they will not be clear cutting the entire region and there are buffers around lakes (100 M) and streams/rivers (30 M). Also the timeline for the plan is from 2006 to 2105, a long time and maybe in that time building materials made of recycled goods will be the majority. I have e-mailed the appropriate individuals on this as the CNP Cross-country ski club is also very concerned. Just make sure you have the facts straight, as an informed point of opposition generally gets a more favorable response than an inflamatory accusing one.
  8. I found all kinds of things, for me the most common item was plastic water bottles. The strangest was a chasis from an old computer, also got a real rusty kids mountain bike, a 3 x 3 foot piece of sheet metal and a City of Calgary "pathway closed" sign. Thanks to the organizers, everyone who was out deserves a hand
  9. Maybe they should have called this section "technical help and suggestions"
  10. Oh Man, don't go there.
  11. I will tell you what I learned. Use a 6 wt rod with a floating line. Use a leader/tippet that is at least 9 feet long with at least 6 pound test, some guys use 10 or higher. Whether you use flouro or mono is up to you, I have success with both. Tie a large wire San Juan worm on the end and take a 18 inch piece of tippet and attach to the bend of the worm and tie a size 16 dropper nymph to that, a prince, evil weevil or copper john are good choices. Put a strike indicator 9 feet up from the worm. Find some good holding water, a current seam or a drop off to a deeper pool. Cast slightly upstream but mostly out into the water. Mend your line, a trick shown to me was to make the strike indicator hop up right after it lands on the water. Then follow the indicator as it drifts downstream, keep a tight line. If the indicator stops, moves sideways or dips under, lift your rod tip. The indicator should be bouncing along the bottom, if you keep catching the bottom shorten the length between the indicator and the worm. The real key here is to recognize the holding wate,r and to recognize and be able to react to the fish taking the nymph. Oh make sure you have a good supply of indicators, worms and nymphs. I think I lost about four setups everytime I went out when I first started nymphing. The best thing is to get out with someone and you will really shorten your learning time.
  12. I will concur with the other opinions and also mention it is similiar to the Elbow in that regard, with the major difference being that Browns predominate in the Elbow and Rainbows in the Sheep. Down lower anyway. But both have some decent fish.
  13. Bow Rainbow Another Elbow brown Elbow Rainbow Cute Elbow brown Guess where?
  14. Oldman Cuttbow Bernie on the Oldman Little Elbow Brown Medium Elbow Brown Big Bow Brown Crowsnest Bow Fall shot
  15. Nice fly, but then you always do such a great job.
  16. I had the same thing, went to a physio and she called it a stressed ligament, due to repetitive motion. I got some exercises that helped, but the biggest thing she told me to do was.......rest. It did work and I think having to rest at the end of the year is better than my situation when I got it in April.
  17. Excellent pics. I like the fall shot of the river,
  18. I think that the new acqusitions will really help the team.
  19. I will admit to sometimes getting a bit annoyed by a post. So I always remember a saying that I believe I saw on the old FFA board... Never argue with an idiot...other people watching won't know the difference. :zip it:
  20. Michael Frantie and Spearhead Los Straitjackets Donna the Buffalo Jaune Toujour Ridley Bent The Iguanas Grievous Angel Calexico Martin Sexton Wailin Jennys
  21. So I'm out fishing my favorite stretch on the Bow. Using nymphs and in the first ten minutes I land a 20" brown, runs and jumps a few times then comes to hand. A few minutes later another brown this one a bit more feisty a few more jumps and some head shakes then I get her close and pop the hook loose. The next fish took the fly in the riffle and I think it's a rainbow, but the fight is just weight on the line and a little pulling, I think it's a white, but it turns out to be a 22" rainbow. This is followed by a 15" jumping darting rainbow. I then cast into the seam along the rough water and a savage strike is the result. My reel starts to scream, line pulls out and the fish heads out into the middle of the river. I manage to slow it down, and it then takes off upstream. I'm holding on, and way out in the river he comes flying out of the water, two then three times. Promptly heads downstream and again all I can do is hold on. Took me a good ten minutes at least to land that 23 inch whitefish. I don't care what kind of fish it is, when it gives you that kind of a fight.
  22. Yeah he said he is doing well. Doesn't fault the bear either.
  23. You guys crack me up
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