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Everything posted by whataniceguy

  1. As bad as Calgary played last night, I think the reffing put them behind the eight ball. The to many men call was whatever but the tripping penalty they gave Glencross was pure BS, it put them down 5 on 3 which in the NHL is a shooting gallery until the team scored. If they dont give Crosser the penalty calgary could potentially kill it. Those two calls in a row turned the game around for the Caps and it was the refs that did it. Reffing is ruining hockey, you get 10 obstruction calls a game but when a guy is laying on the ice unconcious theres no call and it was a clean hit????? You dont become KO'd on a clean hit, these calls need to start being reviewed like sketchy goals are. Hooking and holding calls are ruining hockey to a point were full strenght on the ice is becoming a thing of the past. Its not whos the best anymore its who had more powere plays. Reffing has ruined hockey for me personally, I cant hardly watch anymore but was unfortunatly invited to the game last night. Low and behold the refs stole the show once again. You can say we lost but without that 5 on 3 called the game may have been very differant, we were in full control until that point. Refs should lose there jobs for affecting outcomes like that. Im not complaining because Im a Flames fan, im complaining because I have been a HOCKEY fan my whole life and am getting tired of refs playing such a huge role in the outcomes. Its a F%$^ing joke!!!!!!!
  2. Boatmen on the stillwater has definitely been working well the last month. Hopefully get out for a few this afternoon.
  3. When your a goalie its always important that pucks hit you. Man was that brutal, roll or not we have blown two leads in our last two games.
  4. Karlsson is his last name and he looked confident/great in his first game/win. I agree, when this team is motivated they play great and seem to be on a bit of a role for the time being. Even though they lost to the Wings they still looked good for a portion of the game. As far as trying to figure out whats wrong withthe Flames Im done with that as well, I just want to watch some good hockey and lately its been good and fun to watch. We have a good club, they just need to go out and win.
  5. I dont think the coach is as much of a problem as the GM. Yes players need to be held accountable for what they do on the ice, but the GM hasnt made a good move since before he was the GM. Players want one thing and the GM wants another I think it throws off the whole entire team chemistry. Darryl needs to go, this is his last hurrah, if they dont make the playoff or go out in the first rnd he is gone and he should be, Sutter is not good for this hockey team anymore. He lost his effectivness the second he became GM and left the bench!
  6. I dont now anyone on this forum personally. I get my info from what people post, then I form an opinion of them. The way I think about you is a direct result of your posts, it has nothing to do with anyone else. I dont like or dislike you man, I dont even know you.
  7. It doesnt matter who says what, it usually turns into a fight! I agree with you 100%
  8. I smell a little pot calling the kettle black here!
  9. Those Perch are freaking huge man, never seen big chunky ones like that. Sweet pics, some real beauties there!
  10. There are lots of lake communities as well and the fishing in most of them is wicked to say the least. Im not sure of any of them up north but down south there is Sundance, Chaparral, Mckenzie, Bonavista, the fishing in these lakes is quite good. Ive only fished a couple of them but have heard the stories and seen the pics from the others. If your looking for somewhwere quick and easy ask around maybe someone will take you out. Either way, there is tons of water to fish whether it be still or moving. Make sure you hit the Bow ASAP, its awesome!
  11. It happened to me as well, they didnt even take anything but managed a bunch of body damage to my door and lock. Some people really suck!
  12. Maybe he is trying to get another thread shut down lol!
  13. 32" here. If you fish with enough people you will learn that the fish they are landing are alot smaller than they say. Have we ever fished with someone that says 20+ to every fish he catches only to reel it in and find it is only 16/17. Hell Ive done it, not for a few years but I have done it! The way I see it is, unless you measure the fish and take pics I dont believe you!
  14. Sounds like things couldve been worse. Good thing those guys were there and that things worked out for you all.
  15. My kids can suck the fun out of anything, I wouldnt even entertain the thought of doing something like this with them. What a couple of troopers man, must be nice, I can only wish lol!!!
  16. My kids are 5 and 7 they loved it. I had a smile on my face the whole night, it was hilarious (besides the sound of girls screaming). Im glad I went, in my time on earth I have never experienced anything like that before. As goofy as some of his music is he is only a 15 year old kid and I would trade places with him in a heartbeat! He does have some talent, he plays guitar, piano, drums (he came out on a drum kit and did a solo). My mind has changed about him somewhat since seeing him live, they had a video of him playing constantly throughout the show, he has been playing music and singing his entire life, this kid was not just manufactured by Usher, which I thought he was! Anyhow it was crazy and Im sure I would take the kids again! As per most concerts, the Dome didnt have any of those funny odors lofting through out so that was good. With the kids I was a little worried about that going in lol!
  17. Ive seen 40/50 maybe even 60 live shows in my life and this one just topped the loudest event Ive ever attended PERIOD. That music was a nice break from girls screaming, the crowd was so loud you literally had to plug the ears in between songs. The kid beside me was crying with his ears plugged and had to leave fairly early lol! The good thing is that my son is wearing his Justin Bieber Tour shirt to school today DOH!!!! If the Calgary Board of Education calls to day, Houston we have a problem!
  18. Its shocking to me that there is not one person in the group that has a sense of responsiblity. To actually walk away from a spot that looks like either of these ones is simply disgusting. There is not one good person in the group.......honestly!
  19. Still havnt got a Bull from the Bow, nice fish man!
  20. Ive tried them all and do find that Frog works the best for me.
  21. I dont catch nearly as many fish swinging as I do nymphing, is this a problem? Is there some technical problems here? It just feels so much better on the take, the fish just attack it. Definitely no mistaking a hit when swinging.
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