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Everything posted by whataniceguy

  1. Tip #9 Dont eat yellow snow!
  2. I feel you man, I didnt think the elitest attitude could get worse than it is in the golf industry until I started flyfishing years and years ago! Which is wierd to me because golf pros are actually better than most were as anyone with a rod and some hooks can go out and catch fish, so it just baffles me as to were the attitude even comes from. Guess its just human nature! If you go into a situation expecting good service or for someone to treat you as an equal you will most likely be disappointed. Im with you, I dont expect great or even good service anywere anymore I just expect a great product/golf course!
  3. Do you remember the first fish you caught on one of your own flies? Its an excitable feeling!
  4. Crappy tire really is the worst isnt it!
  5. bullshat dude, when a puck carrier cuts to the net and trips over a sliding defenceman its not tripping.
  6. Dude, that penalty shot was facking joke, he clearly was playing the puck. Dive, swipe and then puck carrier cuts to the net and trips over a sliding defencman, JOKE! the refs took that game from us, regardless of the three quick goals the Flames got their shat together and came back like a team should do instead of packing it at the 6 minute mark of the 1st period. The bad calls from the refs jst make the comeback that much more painful for all involved.
  7. I dont have a problem with anyone dropping Fishtales into the mix, have you ever been there if Dave, Nancey or Terry arent in the store that day? I have and have been ignored profusely. I havent been there in awhile but they used to have these two or three little kids that worked there, just a couple of snot nosed punks! Its like everything else, if they know you great, if they dont you might get dogged. It does matter who is working that day as well, I used to find that if one of three mentioned above is there then awesome, if not well you know!
  8. Doesnt them treating you nicely ease the pressure you feel from behind.............it doesnt me either lol!
  9. I got dogged at Wholesale a long time ago, havnt been back since and wont be ever!
  10. Dont get to worked up about it, customer service is a thing of the past. Being treated like a piece of shoe gum is the best we can hope for in these stores these days.
  11. The stripes stole another from us. You cant shorthand a team for the last 4 minutes of a game on questionable calls it BS. Exactly like the last time, then a penalty shot in overtime on a play were Staios clearly tried playing the puck, meanwhile Gio is bleeding out his eye from highstick that went unseen by anyone, sickening!! Refs should lose there jobs for affecting the outcome of game slike that F%$king BULLS*&T.
  12. Holy S#$T, whats up with the guys down south these days. We got DBT going off on anyone that thinks they no anything about Bull Trout fishing, we got Flyfishfairwx going on about Bow River Bumblers and wading gear. Did you guys breakup? just saying, you guys seem a little bitter thats all.
  13. I find they get dull pretty quick plus the tighter you pack the hair the easier it is to shape as the blade starts to get dull.
  14. Gotta a Brown and very good Bow yesterday as well, Saturday made it out and got six. Felt great, havnt been out in a long while. Man was that river ever stinky, lots "o" melt happening, cant believe how much snow there is.
  15. Is this a safety razor? If so, the blades you want are the very thin double sided gillete, mach 3 or whatever. Wilkinson Sword blades are really good to, just go the razor section and pic a few up, they need top be able to bend. Hope this helps, this little tool as eased a good bit of grief.
  16. Pike and Bully, still the two i havent caught on the Bow yet! Nice chunk! Great pics bob.
  17. Early October is a great time to go as well, Ive done a few Oct. trips and they have all been awesome. A little windy a couple times but never really had bad weather for the float at this time of the year.
  18. Wolfie, Great ties man, lots of knowledgable comments and posts. Do you live in a cave lol! Just kidding, youve left yourself wide open for a few shots though lol
  19. Check out the Alberta Mens Summer League. I liked it cause I could wear shorts to the game and my car was never cold after.
  20. Everyone thats played hockey has probably had the unfortunate experience of getting hit into one of those partitions, its not a dirty play maybe more of a bad rink design. Thats all there is to it, nothing more so stop looking bleeding hearts. Its a fast game, kind of like when the poor camera man on the sidelines of a football game gets freight trained by a reciever that just caught the ball. He just cant get out of the way, this is exactly what happened. If your not going to watch hockey because of it then fine dont, but dont feel free to give us your opinion on a matter you care nothing about. It would be like me arging the fact that I dont think you should wear your wifes underpants. I dont participate in those kinds of activities so i wont give you my opinion on it. Bleeding hearts be gone!!!!
  21. People that think he meant to injure Max or that this is some sort of crime need to climb back into there caves or go back to wearing your wifes panties. Listening to this kind of jibberish is disturbing to me. Max is a dirty player in his own right, so when guys hit him they probably try a little harder than say if it were a guy like Saku Koivu. That said Chara did not mean to hurt him, he isnt that kind of player and just because a player did get hurt doesnt mean it was on purpose. I for one am a guy that hates Collin Campbell and the way he handles headshots, to me he doesnt seem to give a *hit about the players, this is one of the only calls he has made that I actually agree with. Matt Cooke should be thrown out of hockey along with a short list of others. When they gave him 4 games for his last hit it made me puke, he shouldve been gone for the rest of the season. Now everyone puts Chara under the same light as Matt and its a joke. Did anyone happen to catch that other hit were the guy skated past the other guy and delivered a nasty elbow to the back of his head? If so, that is a nasty shot with the intent to injure, the exact opposite of Chara rubbing a guy out into the boards, unfortunately that partition was there, its what caused the injury not Chara. Whoever posted that Chara new it was there and ran him into on purpose needs to go back to not knowing anything about hockey and go back to fishing your triple San Juan Worm rig/ dredging tool! Another point is the fans in montreal, get over yourselves. Not every city thinks a crime has been committed when one of there players gets hurt. Your worse than Leafs fans. Personally I think they are just looking for another bad reason to burn there own city down.......again! Never were the smartest fans were they! This play was nothing more than a player getting rubbed out into the boards, it wasnt even a straight on shot into the boards. If the glass isnt there this conversation isnt even happening so lets take a closer look before we start spewing nonsense.
  22. I see the throat pump as invasive and uncalled for, unless you are a biologist doing surveys or studies on species we dont need them. We all catch lots of fish, we all know what they are eating, we've known thihs for years and years. Throat pumps are just like everything.....how far can we take this! Maybe we should start giving them rectals to see whats in there waste too! As far as uping your catch rate great, so you caught 20 instead of 15 or 40 instead of 30. like I said its just like everythign else, some people just feel the need to take it a step further even if it is totally uncalled for. Throat pump or not if your fishing a lake you know what your going to use before you get there, Leeches, Damsels, Scuds and Chronies! You can see the bug life on and in the water you dont need to stick a pump down there throat to make yourself feel like your doing something differant or special. Everytime I see Brian chan do it it makes me cringe, he knows everyting already, he doesnt need to do that. I would be shocked to learn that someone uses one on the Bow, we all know whats in there already. Go to a website to find out what bugs inhabit the waters your going to fish. As a guy thats been fly fishing for 13, 14 years I know I would never conceed not knowing to a thoat pump. As far as the Bow goes, anyone with a rod and some hooks can catch fish there. Probably the easiest piece of water to catch fish on. Throat pumping fish is totally unnecassary and if you absolutely have to then maybe your not as knowledgable as one would think. This is not aimed at anyone, its just my opinion!
  23. Nice tie dude! I tie one similar and it works great!
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